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How to Clean Up the Pineal Gland

How to Clean Up the Pineal Gland
Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perceptio... Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perception. The Pineal gland will naturally make its own DMT when fully operational and we will be able to remain in a visionary state most of the time. An awakened pineal gland brings the ability to consciously astral travel, explore other dimensions, foresee the future and receive communications from loving dimensional beings.DMT is a component of Ayahuasca - a plant medicine from the Amazon that brings profound physical and heart healing through its purgative effects and the perception of other dimensions. Thus it would appear human beings were intended to be visionary beings and be able to tap into the information in other dimensions. This dimensional perception transcends the ego and rapidly heals our sufferings, conflicts and thus karmas.Here are some basics for pineal detox:1.

Illuminating the Pineal Gland - Moving Into the Sun Illuminating The Pineal Gland & Moving Into The Sun (from: 'The Heart of Soul Healing', Chapter 19) *** My main teachers in this life were family members, friends, and co-workers. One of my friends, Duncan Cameron, is a kindred spirit who has very unique ideas. Duncan said he was a main psychic for the Montauk Project and had vivid memories of being part of the Philadelphia Experiment. I have worked with him twice; helping to heal his emotional body. One of Duncan’s functions was to use his sexual, life-force energy to create and open time tunnels. The Taoists call life-force energy Chi (Qi) and charted its movement through the body. Moving into the Sun is a way for you to move the life-force energy up the spine from the base chakra and into the pineal gland. It is necessary to be physically moving to get into the flow of life-force energy. Imagine in your mind a perfect sexual fantasy that will begin to activate the creativity in your first chakra, which lies at the base of the spine.

“A Glimpse of the True Nature and High Potential of Chi power” “I am trying to keep an open mind. Can someone show a video clip of a Taichi Master throwing animals like a big dog or a bear? That will certainly convince me”.- therainbowsurf, top rated You Tube commentator From the YouTube video’s description: Ven Lama Dondrup Dorje, a renowned master, teacher of international champions who collected 370 gold medals from 1992 to 1998; here demonstates at the Fifth International Chinese Internal Arts Festival, England in 1996. From The Pathgate website: Qi is the Intrinsic Energy which sustains the configuration and integrity of all forms and substances in the Universe. I’ve always been amazed at the unbelievable claims made regarding “chi” energy. At the end of this video there are some suggestions from the world famous martial arts master George Dillman regarding advanced combat techniques which may help you defend yourself against a “chi” attack, should an assailant decide to use their incredible powers upon you! In summary these include: Footnotes:

Born in Borneo - by Linda B. Jenkins © 2010 Midwifery Today, Inc. All rights reserved. [Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Midwifery Today Issue 95, Autumn 2010.] My husband and I met a couple a few years ago in New Zealand. Being sailors ourselves, we had agreed to help them and house them when they sailed into the San Francisco Bay Area. I spent time online with women involved in childbirth education for months before I left the US and wasted no time, starting my inquiries about “being born in Borneo” the night I arrived in Kota Kinabalu by talking with the woman in charge at our hotel. The responses were a bit different in the small villages, especially in the jungle area away from the “big city,” but the absence of husbands at the birth seemed the norm there as well. Diana, a delightful, bright, 34-year-old mother of three, talked to me about the country’s pregnancy taboos and introduced me to her friend, Salina, who had two babies who had been born with the help of the local bidan. Linda B.

Chakras Chakras Chakra means Wheel in Sanskrit. Consciousness and energy move from one frequency to another in spiraling fashion. The body has energy centers that look like spinning wheels and are called Chakras. They allow energy to flow from one part of the body to another. As with all things in our reality, they are linked to sound, light and color. To heal, is to bring the chakras into alignment and balance then understand the nature of creation and your purpose in it. It's all in motion in the alchemy of time. Kundalini The Flow of Energy The Chakra Wheels Crown Chakra Brow Chakra Throat Chakra Heart Chakra Solar Plexus Spleen Chakra Root Chakra Chakras above the head bring one into higher frequency. They range from 4 fingers to one foot above the crown chakra. Chakras as Spiral Cones Third Eye Pineal Gland 12 Around 1 Spiraling Cones of Creation Chakra and Color Frequencies RED 1st Chakra: Base or Root Chakra: Kundalini: Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine. Crystals are used with chakras 12 Around 1

Living with Pain - Don't Give Up on Goals Life is richer when you can pursue the things that matter, such as love, work, feelings of competence, being part of a caring social network of family and friends, growing as a person. Chronic pain makes goal pursuit more difficult. Pain can interfere with effective motivational strategies and can lead to intense frustration . Your roles and your sense of who you are may change. Sometimes pain may make you forget what you used to want – you may find that all you care about is getting rid of the pain. Life with Chronic Pain Can Still be Full and Rich One of the most important steps in learning to live with pain is finding ways to pursue goals even though you have pain. Select a Goal The first step is to select a goal. Create a Plan: Paths and Steps To reach a goal, you need a specific plan . Identify Resources You may find that your plan requires resources. Remember that no goal is too small or insignificant if it helps you to take control and move forward. About the Author.

Wild Mood Swings - Surf the web on a whim. (C) Sean McManus <p style="font-size:x-large;">Oh no! You don't have Javascript enabled. Please <a href=" Javascript now</a> or the only moods you'll experience will be boredom and frustration.</p><hr noshade> Pick your mood, click the button and Wild Mood Swings will open an appropriate website in a new window. What is Wild Mood Swings? It's a simple game and online web experience: you select a mood from the pull-down list, click on 'take me away' and it'll whisk you away to an appropriate site. Each time you reload the page or click the shuffle moods link, the moods are sorted into a different order, adding an additional element of serendipity. What do I need to work it? Some of the links will take you to sites that require the Flash plug-in or Chrome browser. If it's not working, it's possible you have a pop-up blocker installed that is stopping Wild Mood Swings from opening your destination site in a new window. Why was it developed? When was it launched?

10 Easy Ways to Add Turmeric to Your Diet We’ve all heard that turmeric is a superfood, but how often do we incorporate it into our diets? This antioxidant wonder-spice is hailed as an anti-inflammatory and praised for its ability to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and heart disease. Plus, it’s delicious! Though best known as the spice responsible for curry’s golden color, curry doesn’t necessarily have to be your sole source of turmeric. Look to these 10 easy, no-fuss ways to add this beneficial spice to your daily diet: DISCLAIMER: Turmeric can stain! How to Make Caramel Apple Shots Photo: Michelle Oddis Once in a while, a party trick comes along that grabs our attention. Food blogger Michelle Oddis of That's So Michelle loves making caramel apple shots we can't imagine anyone would turn down. Using, wait for it, real fruit and time-tested formulas for tasty, jiggly shots that stay put in their edible "shotglasses," Michelle's gotten Food Republic on the gimmicky Halloween bandwagon we've been resisting so fiercely. Here's what you'll need: 10 small granny smith apples 1 envelope knox gelatin 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup coconut milk 2 drops yellow food coloring 1 envelope Land 'o Lakes caramel hot chocolate (regular would do just fine if you can't find caramel) 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup butterscotch schnapps lemon juice Halve and hollow out apples, cutting them from the stem down using a melon baller or spoon. Whisk water with envelope of hot chocolate in a medium saucepan, then add coconut milk. Cut halves in quarters and those quarters in half again.

5 Steps To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance BREAKING NEWS! Some newly discovered compounds have just been found to turn off all of the genes that cause diabetes. Are these compounds found in a pill bottle? No! Instead, you’ll find them on your dinner plate — in rye bread and pasta. As I wrote in another blog about diabetes, rye contains special phytonutrients that turn off all the genes responsible for diabetes — in just a few weeks. Today, I want to share with you more information about what you can do NOW to prevent and reverse diabetes and pre-diabetes. And rye bread isn’t the only answer – I’ve got a lot more good advice, too. But first I want to emphasize new research that should be headlines news but never saw the light of day. Surely lowering blood sugar in diabetics is an effective strategy for reducing the risk of death and heart disease. However elevated sugar is only a symptom, not the cause of the problem. Most medications and insulin therapy are aimed at lowering blood sugar through increasing insulin. Meal Timing

The Illuminati and The Protocols. "First of all, bear in mind that the so-called U.N. police-action in Korea, fought by the United States in which 150,000 of our sons were murdered and maimed, was part of the plot; just as the undeclared by Congress war in Vietnam in which our sons are dying is part of the plot; just as the plot against Rhodesia and South Africa in which our sons will be dying is part of the U.N. plot. However, the vitally important thing for all Americans, all you mothers of the boys who died in Korea and are now dying in Vietnam, to know is that our so-called leaders in Washington, who we elected to safeguard our nation and our Constitution, are the betrayers and that behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose sole-objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in their satanic-plot of one-world government. - Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places* in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor.
