Low Light Photography Tips – Infographic share We’ve just finished our four part series on low light photography. Low light photography is something that we all must deal with as photographers. Conceptual photography inspiration from Brian Oldham “ I’m a nineteen year old conceptual photographer from Southern California. I strive to create unique, realistic images with a surreal twist. I have been taking photos for a little over a year, and my passion for photography continues to grow each day. “ ~ Brian Oldham For more conceptual photography inspiration from Brian Oldham, you can visit his website right here.
My Photography Tutorials - 360 Degree Reverse Photography, Unique Photographic Techniques In order to create a , you do not need to be an expert photographer or own expensive photography equipment. You just need to have a standard SLR camera, tripod and a 360-degree panorama software package and of course a good panorama to shoot. Follow these successfully achieving professional results in . First, pick a spot that is equidistant from every point in your photo. Photographer Captures An Underwater Dance Of Colors The shapes displayed in Luka Klikovac’s work look like colored smoke, or maybe strange deep-sea creatures, but they’re actually mixtures of colored and black liquids immersed in water. The Serbian photographer’s photo series is called Demersal and was based on the unique motions resulting from the combination of fluids. To create this psychedelic effect, the photographer used nothing but his camera and lights capable of showing the dance of fluid shapes captured by his lenses. No digital editing resources were used afterwards, so what you see in the images are actually the precise moments when the two elements were combined. Klikovac said that the goal of his work is to create images that allow people to escape from their daily routine and that his underwater shapes should be interpreted like the Rorschach inkblot test.
How To Create a Retro Badge/Emblem Style Logo The retro style badge/emblem of logos is a hot trend at the moment, and it’s no surprise why – They’re super cool! We’ve already looked at a showcase of retro and vintage style logos based on circular motifs, now let’s build our own. We’ll put the basic structure together in Illustrator, then give it that aged vintage appearance with some finishing touches in Photoshop. The logo we’ll be creating is for the totally fictional Powerhouse Gym (although I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a gym somewhere with this name!). Store — GoPano micro - 360 video lens for the iPhone How it works GoPano micro uses a specially curved mirror which gathers light from all directions and funnels it into the iPhone’s camera. The free GoPano app then transforms this image into a live interactive scene where you can control
Portfolio - Underwater Photography Elena Kalis Underwater Photography Top Snowflakes Up Close: A Small, Fragile World If you’re one of those people who likes to ponder things while looking out a frosty window on a cold winter day, these pictures will clear up one of those long standing wonders: each snowflake really IS unique. Some look like roman columns, others circuit boards or spaceships. Taken under high magnification using a microscope, these images bring a fragile and beautiful world into view. See Also HARMFUL VIRUSES MADE OF BEAUTIFUL GLASS They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on?
30 Aesthetically Beautiful Vintage Textures for your Designs If you are a designer who is working on design projects such as banners or sketch of a website which require vintage touches, the use of design elements that look like they were found in the attic of an old house dating back to the 1920′s, 30′s, or 40′s or vintage looking textures is important to give your design a feeling of authenticity and originality. In today’s post, we gathered some great vintage texures that are extremely useful in decorating your designs to make your viewers feel that they have transported back in time. You will no longer spend much of your time in browsing vintage textures on your local antique shops or on your grandmother’s attic since we have already done this job for you.
Free Vintage & Apothecary-Style Labels I kid you not, my friends. This stunning collection of vintage-y printables is all FREE, courtesy of Amy at Eat.Drink.Chic. Whether it’s for the wedding, the occasional gifting, or simply for everyday home use, Amy has all the tutes and downloads you’d need below. Oh, have I mentioned that that they’re free?
Unrealistic nature photography Photography These pictures look to good to be true, and they are! These amazing images are the product of Nathan Spotts' creativity and computer skills. 88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below.