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Más que dibujitos|Blog de diseño gráfico para encontrar recursos, tipografias, tutoriales photoshop - illustrator, diseño web, novedades de diseño PIXELATIONS PRESENTA MINIPIXEL DELUXE. ROSARIO. 13. 14 y 15 de Nov. Minipixel Rosario”, un ciclo de conferencias y workshops de diseño, artes y cultura audiovisual para quienes deseen capacitarse, inspirarse y vincularse. Minipixel está orientado a estudiantes, profesionales y amantes de las nuevas expresiones del diseño y las artes visuales, convocando relevantes figuras de la escena latinoamericana de la industria cultural y creativa en la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina. El objetivo principal es promover la industria cultural y creativa de la región. Contará con la presencia de importantes figuras del diseño, la cultura audiovisual de reconocimiento internacional, con formato de conferencias y workshops y seminarios.

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Pro Studio Live - Free Live Stream Sessions, Mixing, Recording Techniques Skirt Flirt "Doubie Vision" by Ho Ryon Lee Maybe it's our lingering jetlag in London, but these realistic, blurred motion paintings by Ho Ryon Lee are messing with our heads this morning. A little tease, a nice recreation of a dream state from the Seoul, Korea-based artist. (via) Lets Kalk - K´charlemos - Publicidad, Publicidad Mexicana, Publicidad en México, Arte, Diseño, Publicidad, Marketing, Marketing Digital, Noticias de Publicidad, Tips, Consejos Fine Art Reproductions - Copies Art - Painting Copy at WahooArt Inicio - Tecnoiglesia Store Ape on the Moon: Contemporary Visual Culture Blog de Mercadotecnia, Publicidad & Creatividad | Briefblog Submit Media At WorshipHouse Media we are always looking for new church media resources that will benefit our audience. If you produce creative church media and are interested in seeing your resources in the WorshipHouse store we would love to hear from you. Info When you submit media to us it goes into our submission process of evaluation. If the media is a great fit for our quality minded church media customers we will let you know within 4 weeks from submission date. If approved as a producer you would receive a 50% Non-Exclusive agreement. Process We value the partnership we enter into with our producers, and we hope you do to! Create a folder on your computer named with your producer name. FTP Instructions Server: Username: whm-submit Password: whm To access our FTP server you must use an FTP client. Mail us anything, or send us any links. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Artists of Photoshop Creativos Sin Ideas | Blog de publicidad, creatividad y diseño
