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MIT : Brain and Cognitive Sciences

MIT : Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Related:  EEG para Anestesiólogos. Artículos de interés

El Dr. Emery N Brown en Madrid | AnestesiaR El Dr. Emery Brown estuvo en Madrid y Barcelona (España) y todos los que pudimos asistir a su conferencia pudimos constatar el tremendo campo de investigación que queda por recorrer en el terreno de la anestesiología. ¿Qué pasa con nuestros pacientes cuando les administramos fármacos que inciden en el estado de consciencia? Emery Brown es profesor en Harvard, dirige un departamento en el MIT y es anestesiólogo en el Hospital General de Massachusetts. AnestesiaR no podía dejar de conversar con él y exponerle algunas preguntas que amablemente respondió en un correctísimo español. El Dr Emery Brown destaca la importancia de que los anestesiólogos deben tomar consciencia que son la especialidad médica que más incide en el comportamiento fisiólogico de un cerebro. Para seguir con el tema nada como repasar las entradas que AnestesiaR publicó sobre la monitorización cerebral El electroencefalograma en cuidados críticos * General Anesthesia: Activating a Sleep Switch?

Scientists use brain imaging to reveal the movies in our mind BERKELEY — Imagine tapping into the mind of a coma patient, or watching one’s own dream on YouTube. With a cutting-edge blend of brain imaging and computer simulation, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, are bringing these futuristic scenarios within reach. Using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and computational models, UC Berkeley researchers have succeeded in decoding and reconstructing people’s dynamic visual experiences – in this case, watching Hollywood movie trailers. As yet, the technology can only reconstruct movie clips people have already viewed. The approximate reconstruction (right) of a movie clip (left) is achieved through brain imaging and computer simulation “This is a major leap toward reconstructing internal imagery,” said Professor Jack Gallant, a UC Berkeley neuroscientist and coauthor of the study published online today (Sept. 22) in the journal Current Biology. “We need to know how the brain works in naturalistic conditions,” he said.

Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation & Translational Neurosciences - Stanford University School of Medicine Leti - Plateformes technologiques CEA-Leti, Leti Pour aider la recherche appliquée en micro et nanotechnologies, le Leti déploie d’importants moyens industriels regroupés sur plusieurs plateformes technologiques. Plateformes MOS et MEMS Ces 2 plates-formes sont au cœur du développement de nouvelles applications de micro et nanotechnologies. Support technologique à l’état de l’art, ses équipes assurent la réalisation de projets de recherche jusqu’au prototypage. Relever les nouveaux défis de la caractérisation pour la micro et nanoélectronique et les matériaux pour l'énergie. Il y a cinq ans, le Leti, l’INAC (Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie) et le Liten (Laboratoire d’Innovation pour les Technologies des Énergies Nouvelles et les nanomatériaux) ont uni leurs forces sur le campus MINATEC pour créer une plateforme dédiée à la caractérisation à l’échelle nanométrique. Au cœur de la vision de demain !

Methylphenidate Actively Induces Emergence from General Anesthesia Neuro-Programmer 3 - Innovative Brainwave Entrainment Software How does NP3 work? It’s surprising science, but thanks to modern equipment it’s easy to prove that this works because we can watch it happening on an EEG. And over 80 years of scientific investigation have revealed many useful applications for this method, which are being widely used today.5 Neuro-Programmer 3 takes advantage of the latest research in this field to deliver the most effective neural stimulation experience. Benefits Inspired and informed by the best practices and research in the fields of psychology, neurology, and audio-visual stimulation studies, Neuro-Programmer 3 is a software application with unlimited potential and broad capabilities. 1. Back to the top

Research In particular, we are interested in the mechanisms that underlie signal and information propagation in biological cellular neural networks, and the computational potential of such networks in the brain. There are some key things a network of cells must be able to do: Store different pieces of information, morph or modify stored information, and manipulate stored information. These must occur in some logical and physically constrained way that results in a meaningful outcome for the organism. Another specific interest in our lab are glial neurobiology and neuron-astrocyte interactions. In certain parts of the brain astrocytes outnumber neurons 10 to 1, resulting in a network engaged in information processing ten times the size of the neuronal network in terms of the number of nodes and several orders of magnitude greater in the number of links or functional connections between nodes.

Leti - Clinatec / Les plateformes d'innovation / Travaillons ensemble / Accueil Ouvert fin 2012, Clinatec est un centre de recherche biomédicale unique au monde. Il regroupe sur un même lieu des médecins, des biologistes et des spécialistes en micro-nanotechnologies et électronique du CHU Grenoble, du CEA, de l’UJF et de l’INSERM. Cette proximité permet d’imaginer des traitements et méthodes de diagnostics et d’investigations physiopathologiques innovants, et d’accélérer leur preuve de concept. La plate-forme travaille en priorité sur le cancer, les maladies neuro-dégénératives et le handicap. Sleep and Anesthesia Interactions: A Pharmacological Appraisal Introduction The anesthetic state is characterized by alteration in level of consciousness, decreased responsiveness to external stimuli, amnesia, decreased muscle tone, and altered autonomic responsiveness. The degree to which each of these effects is achieved depends both on the anesthetic agent and its dose. Individual anesthetics have variable efficacy in eliciting each of the components of the anesthetic state suggesting that subtle, yet important differences exist in their molecular mechanisms of action. The precise way anesthetics work remains mysterious. Neuroimaging studies have proven to be a powerful tool in studying the minimal neuronal substrates required for conscious perception and the effects of anesthetic agents in disrupting consciousness [3, 4•, 5]. Sleep is a relatively quiescent state characterized by decreased behavioral activity and responsiveness to stimuli. Brainstem During REM sleep, GABA levels in the PRF decreased and acetylcholine levels increased [28].

Watch this: Kinect turns a dancer into a 22,000-point musical sculpture Digital artists Daniel Franke and Cedric Kiefer have released their latest creation, an "unnamed soundsculpture" which turns the movements of dancer Laura Keil into a moving sculpture reminiscent of sand pouring through your hand to the floor. The designers used three of Microsoft's Kinect cameras arranged in a triangle, which creates a three-dimensional model and tracks every aspect of Keil's movements in minute detail: her body is transformed into 22,000 points. The designers then mapped a camera move around the motion-tracked model, and added gravity so that each point steadily falls to the floor creating the illusion of flowing sand.

Yale University The scientific interests of the Neuroscience Track faculty at Yale represent the full range of the broad and rapidly growing field of neuroscience. Leaders in areas ranging from the genetic and structural analysis of single-membrane channels to the functional characterization of the neocortex are represented in a diverse group of outstanding scientists. In many research areas groups of faculty with different backgrounds apply complementary technologies to similar problems. The long and productive history of multidisciplinary collaboration between basic and applied sciences has also made Yale a leader in clinically relevant neuroscience. The neuroscience faculty members command more than half the university’s biomedical research budget and occupy more than 60,000 square feet of well-equipped laboratory space. The Faculty The interdisciplinary research programs of Yale neuroscience faculty are central to the Neuroscience Track in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences program. The Ph.D.

Center for Brain Science
