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The First step towards a new Innovation System

The First step towards a new Innovation System

Welcome to ZyXEL Communications Corporation Guess where this pic was taken for a chance to win our NSA320! Protected from HeartBleed Manage, deploy, maintain Wi-Fi easily by NXC Series Controller When Simplicity Meets Smart Networking Switch. Kaspersky Labs Alliance Program Building/Electric Vehicle/Electricity Grid Interface Written by Administrator We are developing smart charging solutions for electric vehicles that utilize contactless charging (i.e., inductive charging) that enable the vehicles to act as surplus energy storage for the electric grid. The battery capacity of a fleet of electric vehicles will provide a valuable reservoir for harnessing renewable yet intermittent energy sources like solar and wind, which can be feed back into the grid for peak shaving and frequency regulation. Smart Cities is developing algorithms for creating a dynamic pricing system which will incentivize use of electricity during non-peak hours in order to reduce overall carbon emissions for cities. William Mitchell, Ryan Chin, Dimitris Papanikolaou

BRE Group: About the BRE Watford Innovation Park BRE Innovation Park Watford is home to some of the world’s most sustainable buildings, landscape designs and hundreds of innovative low carbon materials and technologies. Since opening in 2005, BRE Innovation Park Watford has continued to attract thousands of visitors – 60,000 at the last count – including royalty, prime ministers and TV crews. “The Innovation Park is much more than a collection of clever and sustainable buildings. HOAS Laboratorio HoasLab is a design project carried out by think tank Demos Helsinki and Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region between 2010–2012. HoasLab has explored and developed new models for smart and shared living. The project has been supported by Tekes and is part of the official programme of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 year. The results of the project can summed up in four main points:

PowerMeter - Save Energy. Save Money. Make a Difference. We launched Google PowerMeter as a free energy monitoring tool to raise awareness about the importance of giving people access to their energy information. PowerMeter included key features like visualizations of your energy usage, the ability share information with others, and personalized recommendations to save energy. We partnered with device manufacturers and utilities around the world. Many of our partners now have new options available for accessing energy information. Peter Behrens Peter Behrens (14 April 1868 – 27 February 1940) was a German architect and designer. He was important for the modernist movement, and several of the movement's leading names (including Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius) in earlier stages of their careers. Biography[edit] Industrial clock designed by Behrens for AEG in 1909 Peter Behrens around 1913 in his office in Berlin A Behrens drawing for a proposed skyscraper overlooking the canal locks at the Atlantropa project

KNOW-HUB KNOW-HUB bridges the gap of shortage of knowledge, skills and experience of European regions in designing and implementing smart and effective strategies for innovation. The practitioners from 10 EU regions will collaborate in reviewing their policies and practices to identify issues for improvement and good practices to share with others. They will learn together how to apply the knowledge and experience identified in the peer review process, and sharing this knowledge with the aid of modern knowledge management tools. Now, more than ever before, Europe needs to remove the obstacles to the knowledge based economy in Europe, such as little demand for innovation, poor social capital, red tape, institutional barriers, shortage of skills and competencies of human capital or poor connectivity between innovation actors.

How Social Media Could Revolutionize Third-World Cities Networking technologies are about to make governments more accountable and transparent. A man bikes past a fountain in Mexico City. (Henry Romero/Reuters) When a housewife in a working-class district of Mexico City gets fed up with the lack of working lights in her local park, she logs on to Twitter and complains directly to the city's mayor. PowerMeter - Save Energy. Save Money. Make a Difference. We launched Google PowerMeter as a free energy monitoring tool to raise awareness about the importance of giving people access to their energy information. PowerMeter included key features like visualizations of your energy usage, the ability share information with others, and personalized recommendations to save energy. We partnered with device manufacturers and utilities around the world. Many of our partners now have new options available for accessing energy information. We are pleased that PowerMeter helped demonstrate the importance of access to energy information, and created a model for others. We retired the service on September 16, 2011.

Related:  SI: non-profit, NGO, design labLabInnovación social