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Connecting the World for the Common Good

Connecting the World for the Common Good

%C3%8Ele Mackinac Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L’île Mackinac, en anglais Mackinac Island, est une île située sur le lac Huron dans l'État du Michigan, au nord-est des États-Unis. L'île, dont la superficie fait environ 9,8 km2, est située à l'extrémité orientale du détroit de Mackinac, entre les péninsules supérieure et inférieure du lac Michigan. L'accès à l'île est interdit à la plupart des véhicules motorisés, ce qui fait d'elle le seul endroit du pays à disposer d'une route d'État interdite aux véhicules à moteur. Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code] Géographie[modifier | modifier le code] Localisation[modifier | modifier le code] Topographie[modifier | modifier le code] La majorité des constructions sont situées dans la moitié sud de l'île près des côtes tandis qu'un quartier s'étale à l'intérieur des terres. Climat[modifier | modifier le code] L'île Mackinac est située dans la zone continentale humide selon la classification de Köppen. Géologie[modifier | modifier le code]

Nonprofit Organizations - How Not to Lose Your Tax-Exempt Status Congratulations if you have jumped through all of the hoops to become a 501(c)(3) organization. But now you must be careful that your actions don't draw attention from the IRS or cause you to lose your exempt designation. Following are some of the activities that could cause your organization to lose its tax-exempt position: Private benefit/inurement A nonprofit differs from a for-profit organization in that it does not benefit the private interests of any individual or organization. A nonprofit organization must serve the public good. Inurement goes a bit further in that it prohibits the nonprofit from allowing any of its income to be paid to, or property improperly sold (below fair market price), to insiders such as officers, directors, or employees. Lobbying An organization lobbies when it attempts to influence legislation. Political campaign activity 501(c)(3) organizations cannot endorse or oppose any candidate for public office.

12 conseils pour éviter de s’écrouler sous les flux d’informatio Depuis quelques temps, la problématique de l’infobésité ou la surinformation devient de plus en plus récurrente, et on se retrouve avec certaines figures crier ‘Heeeeeeelp’ Comment faire alors qu’on on devient esclave de son lecteur de flux, quand on reçoit chaque jour plus de 500 articles et news, quand on n’arrive plus à gérer ses mails, ses blogs, ses flux et ses twits ??!! On fait appel à une solution technologique, une application logicielle ? Je ne crois pas que ça soit la bonne solution ! Voici donc quelques conseils pratiques pour mieux gérer ses flux informationnels : 1-Nommez vos dossiers et fils RSS en commençant par 01, 02, 03…pour pouvoir identifier plus facilement les dossiers qui vous intéressent le plus ! 01-Veille et IE 02-Recherche d’informations ou encore 001-Urgent 002-Important 2-Utiliser la techique « rivière de flux », c’est à dire l’affichage de vos flux par ordre antéchronologique, du plus récent au plus vieux ! Articles similaires:

Nonprofit Due Diligence - Light-Touch Research Guide - Should you invest in a particular nonprofit organization? Helping you answer that question is the goal of this guide. We’ll help guide you through the process some call due diligence: learning enough about the results, leadership, financials, and operations of an organization to make the right investment decision, while respecting the limited time of its busy leaders. And as you learn about your potential grantees, we’ll help you collect information to answer the three most-important questions to making your decision: Does the organization’s mission align with your personal philanthropic goals? The best philanthropists take this learning process seriously—but also feel inspired and have fun along the way. Areas to research: The big four You have indicated that you are comfortable basing your funding decision on a lighter-touch approach to research. Strategy and results What is the organization’s mission and strategy? How effective are the organization’s programs? Leadership Financials

How to Cook for Just Yourself: 12 steps (with pictures) - wikiHo Edit Article Edited by Dvortygirl, Teresa, D rae, Krystle and 9 others Feeding just yourself is tougher than it sounds. Ad Steps 1Find your motivation. 13Keep up with the dishes. Tips Use appliances and gadgets to your advantage. Nonprofit Groups Funneled Money For Abramoff Newly released documents in the Jack Abramoff investigation shed light on how the lobbyist secretly routed his clients' funds through tax-exempt organizations with the acquiescence of those in charge, including prominent conservative activist Grover Norquist. The federal probe has brought a string of bribery-related charges and plea deals. The possible misuse of tax-exempt groups is also receiving investigators' attention, sources familiar with the matter said. Among the organizations used by Abramoff was Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform. A second group Norquist was involved with, the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, received about $500,000 in Abramoff client funds; the council's president has told Senate investigators that Abramoff often asked her to lobby a senior Interior Department official on his behalf. Norquist has long been an architect of tax-cutting policies and political strategies that have boosted the Republican Party.

Newsmap Blog How to Read the IRS Form 990 & Find Out What it Means How to Read the IRS Form 990 & Find Out What it Means 2005 Form 990 Version Written by Peter Swords, former Executive Director of the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York, with the assistance of Victoria Bjorklund of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett and Jon Small, Executive Director of NPCC; supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation. May, 2011: A new version of this paper is available at There is information in the Form 990 that you may find interesting and helpful for learning about the nonprofit organization that filed the Form 990. Of course, your particular interest in the organization whose Form 990 you are reviewing will influence what information you may consider significant. Immediately below we list the ten most important items we address along with where they can be found on the Form 990. #1 Identity and Tax Status – Heading, page 1 #2 How Much Income Did the Filer Receive and From What Sources? #4 What Can You Tell From Net Assets?
