9 Trivias de Google Earth para motivar tus clases de Historia y de Ciencias – Pedagogía Tic Retar el conocimiento de tus estudiantes al inicio de una sesión puede desencadenar interés y ganas de aprender un contenido nuevo si utilizas la herramienta adecuada y una presentación que capture su atención. Te presento para tal efecto esta relación de Trivias de Google Earth que estoy seguro despertará el interés de tus estudiantes y creará las condiciones propicias para nuevos aprendizajes. Para tu clase de ciencias: Animales del mundo: reta el conocimiento de tus estudiantes sobre animales de todos los tamaños y de todo el mundo.Exploración espacial: motiva tu clase para aprender sobre el universo con los principales hitos de la historia de los viajes espaciales.Maravillas naturales: descubre maravillas naturales alrededor del mundo.Safari por el océano: desafía los conocimientos de tus estudiantes sobre los animales más grandes de todos los océanos. Para tu clase de historia:
5 NLP Techniques That Will Transform Your Life - Simona Rich In this post I’ve listed some of the most impactful techniques that will help you change behavior, get better results and attract more positive experiences. 1. Dissociation It’s easy to react to something negatively and then become stressed or upset about it. For example, if your partner drives you crazy and you get angry in response. The following NLP technique can help neutralize negative emotions in such situations. Here are the steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. This NLP technique works great when you are in a situation which makes you feel powerless, angry or when something negative happens to you. Let’s say that you have just got fired from your job. In this example I simply re-framed the content of what has happened. What people usually tend to do in such unexpected situations is panic and think fear-based thoughts. 3. Self-anchoring is mainly used in NLP to elicit some kind of emotional response to something that you do or say. Here’s a basic way to do it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. “I hear you” sound
Le père de l'IA Marvin Minsky nous parle de la machine la plus inutile au monde Dimanche dernier, le mathématicien, informaticien et pape de l’intelligence artificielle Marvin Minsky est décédé d’une hémorragie cérébrale à l’âge de 88 ans. La postérité retiendra sans nul doute de nombreux aspects du personnage de Minsky : par son travail de philosophe et de scientifique fasciné par la nature de l’esprit humain lors de ses années à Harvard, mais aussi son talent de pianiste virtuose capable d’improviser une fugue sur demande. Cependant, rien ne représente mieux la personnalité de Minsky que son attrait pour les machines inutiles. Dans cette vidéo, Minsky explique comment lui est venue l’idée de la « machine ultime » lorsqu’il travaillait au Bell Labs en 1952. Un GIF de la machine inutile. Minsky a consacré beaucoup de temps à « inventer des trucs inutiles » au Bell Labs, dont une cloche à gravité qui se mettait à sonner en cas de variation gravitationnelle.
Disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento (DSA) | Leonardo Con il termine "sindrome dislessica" si comprendono, oltre alla dislessia (difficoltà di lettura), anche i disturbi definiti come disgrafia (cattiva grafia), disortografia (frequenti errori ortografici), discalculia (difficoltà nel calcolo e nella manipolazione dei numeri). Dislessia, disgrafia, disortografia e discalculia sono disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento (DSA) Sempre più si tende, comunque, ad utilizzare la definizione comune di dislessia per comprendere anche le altre difficoltà. Per chi presenta un disturbo specifico dell’apprendimento esistono varie soluzioni hardware e software che consentono, almeno parzialmente, di aggirare gli ostacoli alla letto-scrittura. Nell'affrontare il quadro non bisogna dimenticare anche alcune tutele fornite da un panorama legislativo che comincia a prestare seria attenzione al problema Leonardo Ausilionline, inoltre, organizza periodicamente corsi di formazione per chi si occupa di DSA.
7 Tips for Breakout Room Success in Middle and High School Whether you use Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams, having students in shared small groups can foster a deeper level of connection and communication, but depending on your class, the age of the students, and the content, it can be a scary moment to release control and trust the space. After all, one teacher cannot be everywhere, and if we are, are we really able to focus and offer support? Breakout rooms allow me to connect with students and for them to connect with one another in a way that I believe is only possible in a smaller setting. 7 Tips for Creating and Maintaining Successful Breakout Spaces 1. 2. 3. To allay any privacy concerns, we only post and record within our learning management system, and videos are not viewable outside our domain. 4. 5. One concern I hear over and over from teachers of younger students is what to provide them as a tool to use when working collaboratively. 6. 7. Breakout rooms take time.
Your daily action plan This is an NLP-tweaked version of the well-known ‘to-do’ list. Although not a pure NLP method it is very valuable and is a technique that I have been including in courses for over 25 years as a means of managing thinking and emotions – and preventing too much self-talk or emotional over-whelm. Get things on paper The Daily Plan is a practical technique for reducing mental stress and pressure. It provides you with a means of getting your thoughts in order, especially at the end of the working day so that work-related ‘to-do’ thoughts don’t interfere with sleep or produce insomnia. Self Talk Thinking With the Daily Plan you put things-to-be-attended-to on paper, rather than trying to mentally keep track of them. This is especially valuable if you do a lot of your thinking through self talk or, as we turn it in NLP Auditory Digital Thinking. Less reactive thinking and acting Yes, it is true that things will occur that have not been anticipated in your Plan. Benefits of using the Daily Plan
Watson Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de Watson et de ses performances dans le jeu Jeopardy! relayés dans tous les médias. L’intérêt de Watson ne réside pas dans sa capacité à gagner au jeu télévisé mais dans son très vaste champ d'applications dans la vie de tous les jours, par exemple dans le monde de la santé pour améliorer la rapidité et la précision des diagnostics médicaux et aider à la prise de décision sur une urgence médicale ou rechercher les interactions potentielles de médicaments. Comment fonctionne Watson ? Voir la video (en anglais) Watson va encore plus loin que Deep Blue (qui analysait un monde fini de possibilités) : en effet, Watson représente une véritable innovation dans la compréhension par la machine du langage naturel (le " langage réel ") utilisé par chacun d'entre nous pour communiquer et échanger. - Watson peut également aider les distributeurs à mieux tirer parti de leurs stocks.
LE MIGLIORI APP ANDROID 2016 GRATIS Dopo il nostro articolo su i Migliori giochi Android, in cui vi abbiamo elencato una lista con tutti i migliori giochi disponibili per smartphone e tablet con sistema operativo Android, lista cresciuta molto anche grazie ai vostri consigli che abbiamo ricevuto nei commenti, abbiamo testato e elencato per voi, quelle che riteniamo le Migliori app Android. Ci auguriamo di accrescere questa lista anche grazie al vostro aiuto, perciò se volete, potete lasciare un commento suggerendoci le vostre App Android preferite. In questa lista abbiamo inserito anche alcune App Android che nelle ultime versioni del sistema operativo sono preinstallate, in modo tale che, anche chi abbia una vecchia versione di Android possa installarle. Le migliori App Android in ordine alfabetico Non ci siamo dimenticati nemmeno degli utenti iPhone :D Leggete Migliori App iPhone 2016 Gratis e ovviamente anche Migliori Giochi iPhone 2016 Gratis.
8 Quick Formative Assessment Strategies to Check for Understanding Using formative assessments designed to check for understanding and provide students with feedback and support is one of the most effective ways to improve and enhance student learning. Yet because of the need to cover large amounts of information and develop many skills, teachers may not take time checking to make sure students understand a concept or can effectively apply a skill, and, if they don’t, figuring out ways to improve their learning. Thankfully, there are practical, proven formative assessment techniques that teachers can use as a quick “pulse check” to gauge students’ understanding. The eight techniques here can be applied across grades and subject areas in virtual, hybrid, and in-person learning environments. The results of these checks should not be graded since the purpose of formative assessment techniques is to obtain feedback to use in improving teaching and learning, not to evaluate learning. 1. Thumbs up: I understand _____ and can explain it in my own words. video
Tecnicas PNL | Aprender PNL Tecnicas de PNL Las tecnicas pnl son muy utiles para alcanzar alguna meta u objetivo,necesitamos técnicas, habilidades y estados mentales adecuados para lograrlo. Podemos necesitar cambiar nuestras posturas corporales,alimentación,energía,puede estar involucrada nuestra perseverancia y resistencia.Las técnicas de la pnl,son poderosos recursos para vencer barreras y resistencia al cambio,que se producen cuando queremos salir de nuestra zona cómoda o de seguridad… Querer pasar de un estado A (Estado Presente) al B (Estado Deseado) significa pasar por un proceso de cambio:salir de este estado presente,y “viajar” hacia el punto donde se quiere llegar. Para ese viaje, necesitas recursos,que la pnl puede proporcionarte de manera efectiva a través de tecnicas ;además debes querer realizarlo, y creer que la meta u objetivo es alcanzable y útil para ti, y que no te genere conflictos sobre lo que “pudiera pasar”, si lo logras. **Tecnica PNL Para Eliminar Sensaciones y Pensamientos Nocivos**
Una timeline a più mani per una “Breve storia di Internet” Avevo fatto già alcuni esperimenti in passato utilizzando a scopo didattico il webtool TimeLine JS ma mai per un lavoro collaborativo. Si tratta di un applicativo online open source che permette la realizzazione di linee del tempo multimediali. Avevo già potuto apprezzarne l’utilità in dei laboratori di Storia come strumento didattico da far usare ai ragazzi per piccole realizzazioni individuali. TimeLine JS è un ottimo strumento per la presentazione di eventi e fatti storici. E allora, quale miglior occasione dell’imminente Internet Day e della celebrazione dei trent’anni dal primo collegamento italiano (30 Aprile 1986) per provare ad usarlo per un lavoro collettivo e collaborativo? Eh, già. na linea del tempo multimediale sulla storia di Internet, lavorare in 25 (24 ragazzi e un insegnante) sullo stesso file, celebrare la Rete delle reti con dei “nativi digitali”. TimelineJS è un tool open source che consente la realizzazione di linee del tempo belle, ricche e interattive. Mi piace:
Global EdTech 50 | GSV Ventures Among the 50 companies listed above, Chinese-based growth education companies continue to showcase their dominance from the past years with 16 companies from the region. The majority of these platforms are epitomes of Weapons of Mass Instruction, with platforms like Yuanfudao, Zuoyebang, and Ximalaya reaching hundreds of millions of learners each, and the 16 companies above reaching an aggregate of 1.3 billion learners. Yuanfudao and Zuoyebang also had two mega-rounds this year, raising $1.75B in total. The US is also heavily represented on this list with 17 companies headquartered in the United States. India, home to the largest private EdTech company in the world by valuation in BYJU’s, has emerged as a new leader in EdTech. Sector-wise, K-12 platforms make up 56% of the list, Workforce and Consumer Learning platforms represent 32%, and Higher Ed platforms account for 12%.
Motivación personal Desarrollo personal. Autoconocimiento La motivación es el motor que te impulsa para alcanzar tus metas. Con motivación todo se logra más rápido y fácilmente. ¿Necesitas motivación? Vivir el presente para construir el futuro Si todas las personas fuéramos capaces de vivir en el momento presente, realmente estaríamos a salvo de cualquier tipo de preocupación o sufrimiento. Claves para terminar de mentirse a sí mismo Si falsear la realidad a las demás personas no es aconsejable, mucho menos lo es hacerlo con uno mismo. | Monserrat Sosa | Pon tus deseos en acción Con seguridad hayas tenido y tengas un montón de sueños, metas o propósitos a conquistar en corto, mediano y largo plazo. 4 Pensamientos para la superación personal En la sociedad actual vemos habitualmente como las personas compiten entre sí para ser las mejores. | Ana Zabaleta | El arte de aprender Diviértete mientras te superas Te pasas un mínimo de ocho horas al día y cinco días a la semana trabajando (y si eres ama de casa bastante más). | Aida Baida Gil |