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A *Lab to create new things

A *Lab to create new things

[HOW TO] Automate hid driver + CCV in background Hi guys. For few days I tried messing with the sources of both ccv and hid driver but had no luck. My goal was to get hid driver automated and ccv as well working in the background. Au "fab lab", fabriquez vous-même votre machine à laver Vous n’en avez jamais entendu parler, c’est normal. Le concept de « fab lab » arrive tout juste en France, grâce à une bouillonnante communauté d’enseignants, de hackers et d’artistes. Le principe ? Créer un lieu où les machines industrielles sont mises à la disposition du public. Une sorte d’« atelier de production 2.0 » comme le définit Stéphanie Bacquère, fondatrice avec Marie-Noéline Viguié de l’agence Nod-A.

The Business Of Impact Is The Business Of The Future Today, more than ever, for-profit ventures have the capability to change culture quickly and with huge impact. In less than a decade, YouTube has significantly changed how we experience education, war, and art; Twitter and Facebook have had dramatic effects on the political revolutions of 2011 and 2012. Though these new businesses didn’t necessarily start with a social mission, their effects have had major impact. It’s clear that mobile devices and the Internet--coupled with shifting societal values toward brands--have major potential to help solve health problems, redefine transportation, revolutionize finance, and solve a host of other problems.

FTIR Multitouch and Display Device - Experiments with Processing, OSC - Thomas M. Brand materials: - arylic plate, size that is ok for you. make it comaptible to the screensize you will use, so 4:3, 16:9 or so. i took a 640 * 480 * 10 mm plate. be careful when reading the specs on the box of cameras standing on the shelf. for instance 30 fps does not mean automatically that this framerate is available in max resolution. some cameras even seem to duplicate frames to have bigger framerates (??). -optional alternative lens to the one that is normally deliverd along with the camera. take one with a suited focal lenght and F-number for target setup. [Focal Length and Aperture Explained for the Photography Novice] normally optional lenses are sold at the same place as the camera but there are a lot of e-bayers selling different styles of them.

24" LLP LCD Project, based on Ikea’s Expedit coffee table. WIP After mounting the lasers, it looks something like this: I’m really happy with the small footprint the “calibration mechanism” have. I mounted the main circuit board to the inner side of the side board. Laser mount - yet another one ;o) Thanks for the encouragement! Don’t plan on adding sides but there’s no laser guard yet - I don’t fancy fried eyes. Has anyone done any real tests on how intense the diffused light from the 25mw lasers actually is? It’s not the best welding job in the world but it’s easy to grind off bad welds :o) It’s made from 20mm box steel and actually really light weight and very portable - cost £20.

How to build a simple screw-adjustable laser mount I need to be able to disassemble my LLP table to transport it, so the worry of laser aligment was bugging me. I thought that using clay would not allow me fine adjustments to get my laser angles 100% correct. I came up with a simple mount that allows you to adjust the up/down pitch of the laser very finely using two screws. Triangle Calculator Instructions Enter values three of the six sides and angles of the triangle and the other three values will be computed. The number of significant values entered will determine the number of significant figures in the results. Frequently Asked Questions Q: I like your triangles, especially the ones that have interior angles not summing to 180 degrees.

850nm OSRAM SFH4550 Infrared LEDs (50 pack) - $40.00 : Peau Productions - Store These LEDs were made popular by the recent 10x3 meter LED-LP wall installation by Gabriel Giacomini which you can see in the videos below. They used these LEDs around all the sides of the screens. LED-LP is similar to LLP where it creates a plane of light just over the touch surface and the blobs are created when an object breaks the beam. This is a much safer way to make large installations than using lasers. As you can see bolded in the specifications below, the beam angle is very very narrow at 6 degrees, making these the most ideal LEDs for LED-LP.

Prototyping Laser Mount for the LLP Screen « ㅁ An early prototyping laser mount designed to fit to our frame design, with controls to accurately level the laser on the LLP multitouch surface. Like this: Like Loading... About Suk Kyoung Choi Laser Light Plane Illumination (LLP) From NUI Group Community Wiki Overview Infrared light from a laser(s) is shined just above the surface. The laser plane of light is about 1mm thick and is positioned right above the surface, when the finger just touches it, it will hit the tip of the finger which will register as a IR blob. LLP Parts List

Labs » Rear-Projection TV Turned into a Multi-touch Display Continuing our multi-touch research, we’ve been working on turning an off-the-shelf rear projection TV into a multi-touch display. This screen has the best width-to-depth ratio of any multitouch system (67″ diagonal viewing area and only 16″ deep). This is also the first example of hacking a multi-touch system into an off-the-shelf television. The system we settled on uses very few additional components and could potentially be applied to any rear-projection TV. The display is only 16″ deep Setup and Theory

NIR Optical Filter, 780DF60, 11.5mm painted edge - eBay (item 160426160571 end time Jan-16-11 05:00:55 PST) Place bid Review and confirm your bid Bid confirmation d h PeauProductions Case Mod Due to how much a replacement lens may stick out from the camera, the back-door of the GoPro case may need to have its foam scrapped off to allow the door to properly shut. By scrapping the foam off it gives about 1/8″ more room for the lens to stick out.

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