Make Animation Free | Best Tools to Create Animated Video
How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter. A short video for your YouTube channel or website may cost several thousand dollars if you address to professional video studios. No doubt, there are free and low-cost alternatives which can be easily mastered by any web user. A self-made cartoon or an animated video is one of the options. Animated Video Makers: Pros & Cons Animated videos are illustrations existing in a purely fictional world. Animated cartoons are frequent on YouTube, since everyone can make them with online tools and ready design templates. So you don’t need to order a professional cartoon from a design studio or draw it yourself. animation templates look professional;you don’t need to dub videos;templates are usually done in high resolution;pricing plans are scalable;characters look engaging and funny. However, there are several disadvantages: Top 7 Cartoon Makers 1. How to make a cartoon with GoAnimate?
A Guide to Getting Started With Edmodo
Whether you’re new to Edmodo or you’ve been a part of community for some time, we want you to make the most your Edmodo experience. For those looking to learn how to use Edmodo over the summer, here is a guide to help you get started! Sign Up for an Intro Webinar If you just created an account, a great way to get started is to attend one of our bi-weekly webinars. Getting Started If you’re anxious to get started right away, here are three things you should do after your create your free account: 1. Groups make it easy to distribute notes, assignments and quizzes, and provide a way for your students to communicate and collaborate. Ideas for Using Edmodo Once you have your groups set up and you know your way around Edmodo, check out some of the creative ways you can use Edmodo in the classroom: Here are 20 ways to use Edmodo. Asking for Help At Edmodo, we want to make sure you are always able to find the help you need.
The Digital Writing Process
Dr. Carolyn , Unpacking Literacy for Today's Multimodal Society Posted 11/15/2015 7:54AM | Last Commented 11/15/2015 7:54AM One of my earliest and richest professional development activities was with the National Writing Project. Now, with nearly 20 years of middle and high school teaching behind me, I still respect the writing process approach and its benefits. Digital environments mediate the navigation, length, and complexity of texts, requiring composers to adapt to audience, tone, and purpose in ways that previous generations were never required. A new Digital Writing Process SOARS! Survey: Have students surf the web and a large body of texts as a way of frontloading concepts and language. Organize: Students need to sort through the chaos of all the fabulous texts and direct excerpts they’ve gathered from the web. Address: One of the truly marvelous benefits of surfing the web is the capacity to see how other composers design their ideas and formats.
10 sources of free interactive content for your class
Educators are creating lessons and sharing them online. Tap into great teaching resources with these 10 sites. (Flickr / Luis Vidal) Years ago, textbooks served a different purpose. Information was at a premium, and textbooks filled the void. Today, things have changed. Textbooks are bulky, inflexible and pricey. These days, where powerful technology lets us connect with others and share ideas, there has to be a better option than buying the same textbook for every kid. Open educational resources (OERs) may be the best option available right now. These resources include individual reading selections, videos and PowerPoint presentations. Oh, and that word “open.” Here are 10 open educational resources worth checking out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. engageny ( — This site, maintained by the New York State Education Department, helps students and teachers align to the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda. 9. 10. Interested in having Matt present at your event or school?
Getting Started with Prezi | Prezi Support
ToonDoo Comic Strips and Cartoons
Igniting Student Writer Voice With Writing Process Strategies
A teacher taught a lesson on telling a Six-Word Story. There are websites that provide examples of this writing style. On the surface, the task appears simple, but it's quite challenging when you dig into it. The students seemed intrigued by the idea of composing these stories, until the teacher said with enthusiasm, "Let's get writing." One student immediately asked questions that the teacher grappled to answer. Learning how to write can be further challenging when a student lacks confidence in his or her skills as a writer. Pre-Writing Many aspiring writers struggle with developing and refining their ideas. Fastwrite/Freewrite This two-part protocol helps writers break through barriers and write. Journaling When writers journal, there are no constraints, similar to a fastwrite, yet there is a focus. Giving a point of view to write from, in both fiction and non-fiction, encourages students to explore ideas from a perspective other than themselves. Drafting Window Activity Words Have Power