Welcome to Awareness Magazine, Southern California's Guide to Conscious Living The Language of the Birds Coming Into Resonance with Mother Earth as We Speak (and Write) By Laurel Airica Speak a new language so the world will be a new world.” — Rumi A concept that has gone in and out of fashion among linguists for decades is that words affect perceptions. So, what would you do if you knew that the words in your mind-mouth-ears — and throughout the at-most-fear — were literally ‘bugged?’ As one who has spent a lifetime playing in the magical undercurrent of word symbols and sounds, I have come to the conclusion that English is largely a fear-based language of limitation and persuasion toward conformity and mediocrity. Betrayed By Our Own Tongue “The Women say the language you speak poisons your glottis tongue palate lips. Consider the sad ring of ‘mourning’ that greets us each new day as we come ‘a wake’ from our nightly immersion in our personal Life’s Dream. What a somber vision of a fallen life such words conjure together when shown in trance-lation. “…. 1 See Dr.
Tibetan Medicine - Nangten Menlang International Tibetan Medicine is a holistic system that honors the deep interconnectedness between the body, mind and external environment. Each of these areas must be addressed to live a harmonious, healthy life. Tibetan Medicine was first taught by the historical Buddha—Buddha Shakyamuni—around 2500 years ago in the third turning of the Dharma Wheel. It is one of the world’s oldest medical systems, and yet its principles remain as true and relevant today as ever. In fact, Tibetan Medicine has a great deal to offer us in the modern world with its understanding of emotions and how they affect our body systems in very real ways. Outer, Inner and Secret Elements We will explain briefly here how it is that the body, mind and environment are so deeply interwoven. The outer elements are our external environment. The inner elements are the composition of our bodies. The secret elements are the characteristics of our mind. The Three Humors The humors, like all things, are composed of the elements.
Samtosha YOGA - Cours de yoga en association et à domicile. Dunkerque, Gravelines, Marck, Oye-Plage, Saint Folquin, Grand Fort Philippe, Loon-Plage, Bourbourg, Calais,... What Is Fasting? A Guide to the Different Types of Fasts | Wake Up World June 18th 2017 By Dr. Edward Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World A fast is a voluntary practice in which people go for extended or structured periods without eating and drinking for spiritual, medical, or weight loss reasons. Fasting is not starvation. Many of the world’s major religions and cultures have a rich history of fasting. Although much of the clinical research related to fasting is limited to animal studies, the abundance of first-hand accounts from people who fast is remarkable, exciting, and encouraging. Tempers Blood Pressure and Fluid Balance Blood pressure tends to fall during the fasting state, primarily during the first week of fasting. Encourages Normal Blood Sugar Levels Since you don’t need as much insulin while you’re not ingesting sugar, your body’s production of insulin drops during fasting.[2, 3] Protects the Brain Fasting and calorie restriction inhibits the production of free radicals and irritating proteins like inflammatory cytokines. Moderates Appetite Dry Fast
The Wim Hof Method *Revealed* - How to Consciously Control Your Immune System We previously published an article about Wim Hof, holder of 20 Guinness World Records for withstanding extreme temperatures. He has climbed Everest and Kilimanjaro in only shorts and shoes, stayed comfortably in ice baths for hours, and run a full marathon in the highest desert (50 degrees celsius, 122 Fahrenheit) with no water & food. Wim is able to accomplish these feats with ease through the use of ‘The Wim Hof Method‘ — a breathing technique that allows you to control the autonomous systems of the body. However the most earthshaking effect of the Wim Hof Method is the ability to consciously control the immune system to fight off diseases. Our immune system plays a significant role in almost all devastating diseases plaguing the modern world, and finding a way to improve it can help us discover new avenues for medicine. Wim is currently working with a group of university researchers to prove that anyone can do the extraordinary things he does. Update: Study is now out. The Method
Merging Timelines - Energetic Synthesis The particle matrix of earth which is the magnetic female universe, is a part of the merge coming into the zero point field outside of the current forces of the polarity structure. The magnetic female universe is merging with its counterpart universe, which is the anti particle electrical timeline. The anti particle portion of the universal matrix of earth that is now merging into critical mass, is the timeline of where origins of Lemuria and Atlantis actually are happening right now. That particular experience is now starting to merge in a more tangible way with our current system timeline. As these energetic blue prints and the timelines of particle earth and its anti-particle timelines start to merge, more Multidimensional timelines are becoming available but also simultaneously impacting our world through the process of its fission and fusion. Category: Multi-D Blueprint
This Japanese method will help you to feel better and heal in a few minutes | Life Health and Beauty Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient form of Japanese art of healing that helps to balance the emotions with stimulating specific points on the hands (in this case fingers). Each finger is connected with two body organs. For those who have not heard for Jin Shin Jyutsu, ancient Japanese art and philosophy, it is time to update them. The basis of this study is based on the following principle: each finger on the hand is associated with a specific organ that fits a certain emotion. If you need to act on some organ, hold your finger with the other hand and press it with the whole hand and hold it for three to five minutes. Here are the organs that are associated with your fingers: Thumb Organs: stomach and spleen.Emotions: anxiety, depression and worries.Physical symptoms: abdominal pain, skin problems, headaches, nervousness. Index (pointer) finger Middle finger Ring finger Small finger 39 1Share0 0Share0 124Share0
On a compris l'origine de l'effet relaxant de la méditation sur le cerveau - Science-et-vie.com Si la méditation relaxe, c'est parce qu'elle synchronise l'activité électrique d'une partie du cerveau. Des chercheurs américains ont validé cette hypothèse sur des souris, en stimulant leur neurones avec de la lumière. On sait que chez l'homme, après un mois de méditation, une zone du cerveau appelée cortex cingulaire antérieur (ACC) est anormalement activée. Les neurones y sont excités de façon beaucoup plus synchronisée que chez des personnes qui n'ont pas pratiqué de méditation, y compris lorsqu'elles sont au repos. Pour tester leur hypothèse, ils ont décidé de modifier génétiquement des souris afin de pouvoir spécifiquement contrôler l'activité de leurs neurones situés dans l'ACC, grâce à une source lumineuse. Le premier modèle animal de méditation Ils ont alors constaté une baisse importante du stress chez ces animaux. A lire aussi : • AVC, infarctus : le stress tue bel et bien • Pour entretenir ses muscles, il suffit de... penser • Peut-on être éveillé et ne pas penser ?
Blue light has a dark side Exposure to blue light at night, emitted by electronics and energy-efficient lightbulbs, harmful to your health. Until the advent of artificial lighting, the sun was the major source of lighting, and people spent their evenings in (relative) darkness. Now, in much of the world, evenings are illuminated, and we take our easy access to all those lumens pretty much for granted. But we may be paying a price for basking in all that light. At night, light throws the body's biological clock—the circadian rhythm—out of whack. Sleep suffers. But not all colors of light have the same effect. Daily rhythms influenced by light Everyone has slightly different circadian rhythms, but the average length is 24 and one-quarter hours. The health risks of nighttime light Study after study has linked working the night shift and exposure to light at night to several types of cancer (breast, prostate), diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. The power of the blues Less-blue light What you can do
Wim Hof Method Review Click Here To Check Out Wim's Program At The Best Price Before I get into this Wim Hof Method review, let me ask you a question… How would you like to be able to consciously hack into the unconscious processes of the body and positively influence them to speed up your own evolution and become a more powerful, effective, and self-actualized individual? Now what I mean by “unconscious processes” I mean taking conscious control over your immune system, autonomic nervous system and your nervous system to enjoy a whole range of benefits such as an enhanced immune system, boosted energy levels, higher quality sleep, increased focus and concentration and other almost “super human” benefits. This is all possible with the new program by Dutchman and 20 Guinness World Record holder, Wim Hof, in his program called the Wim Hof Method. Click Here To Check Out The Wim Hof Method Today Who Is Wim Hof? Wim doesn’t just perform all these weird, wacky and wonderful things to entertain people. Fast Results But…
Rite Action: Contra-Violence and Warior Ethics Contra-Violence and Warrior Ethics This section of the site will present some radical and politically incorrect ideas about the options available when kindness and non-violent action do not work. It will evaluate the ethical question of ahimsa, harmlessness, and the tactic of non-violent resistance proposed by Gandhi, Thoreau, the Dalai Lama and others. With considerable reticence, I am opening a new section of metahistory.org dedicated to a radical form of activism consistent with the aim and credo of this site. The Factor of Rage So what is to be done? I, for one, wonder if individual transformation and commitment to love, whatever its ultimate social and global effect, can really have any kind of preventive or deterrent effect on those who perpetrate deceit and domination. What if it takes special measures to solve the problem of social evil? Rite Action proposes a direct way to counteract and defeat the 3-D game of perpetration: division, deceit, domination. The Six Realms
Quanta and coherence effects in water and living systems.