Peut-on souffrir des tragédies vécues par nos ancêtres ? Comment le cerveau influence-t-il le comportement ? Les spermatozoïdes peuvent ils être modifiés par l'environnement et transmettre certains caractères acquis à travers les générations ? Traumatismes en héritage : quels sont les effets de l’environnement et de la culture sur les mécanismes biologiques, en particulier au niveau du cerveau ? Une conférence enregistrée en 2016. Isabelle Mansuy, neurogénéticienne à l'université de Zürich et à l'école polytechnique fédérale de Zürich.
Ledová archa / Snowpiercer (2013) | Č Zemí, kterou zachvátila druhá doba ledová, už sedmnáct let projíždí vlak, v němž se tísní několik tisíc přeživších. Na chvostu nikdy nestavícího „sněhoborce" pomalu dochází trpělivost utlačované lůze, které ve svobodném pohybu kupředu a konfrontaci s tajemným stvořitelem expresu Wilfordem brání po zuby ozbrojená malá armáda. Dystopický spektákl natočil jako svůj první anglicky mluvený film korejský mistr artových žánrovek Bong Joon-ho podle francouzského komiksu z roku 1982. Na zrození kasovního trháku s filozofickým podtextem, který byl natočen v barrandovských studiích, se coby autor výpravy velkou měrou podílel český výtvarník a scénograf s mezinárodním renomé Ondřej Nekvasil. Rozličné, leč stoprocentně přesvědčivé a podmanivé herecké obsazení z různých částí vlaku tvoří Chris Evans (Captain America), John Hurt (Sloní muž), Octavia Spencerová (Fruitvale), Song Kang-ho (Mutant), Tilda Swintonová (Orlando) či Ed Harris (Pollock).
Netflix UK best movies list What Is a Vectorscope? A Premiere Pro Tutorial - PremiumBeat Like most video editing apps, Adobe Premiere Pro offers several video scopes to aid in post production. Video scopes provide quantitative data about the properties of a video image – much more detailed information than we can garner with our own eyes. Plus, everyone sees differently, so using a video scope is the only way to get an accurate assessment of the color and exposure of an image. In this post, we’ll focus specifically on the vectorscope in Premiere Pro – where to locate it in the app and how to use it to improve your video image. Accessing the Premiere Pro Vectorscope Probably the best way to look at the ‘Vectorscope’ (apart from launching the ‘Reference Monitor’ as a floating window) is to use the Premiere Pro Color Correction workspace. At first, the reference monitor displays composite video. Spanner Icon – ‘Settings’ From this – about a third of the way down – click on the word ‘Vectorscope’ to get the following circular graph: Vectorscope Reading a Vectorscope Ramp End Colors
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Synecdoche, New York (2008) YIFY - Download Movie TORRENT Synopsis Theater director Caden Cotard is mounting a new play. Fresh off of a successful production of Death of a Salesman, he has traded in the suburban blue-hairs and regional theater of Schenectady for the cultured audiences and bright footlights of Broadway. Armed with a MacArthur grant and determined to create a piece of brutal realism and honesty, something into which he can put his whole self, he gathers an ensemble cast into a warehouse in Manhattan's theater district. Parental Guide
The 18 Best Philosophical Movies of All Time Whether realizing the art form of filmmaking or not, directors and writers often use their preferred visual medium to tell a story. Ideologies, theories or whatever form of message is always decoded in this visual medium in hopes that the audience gets the message. The secret of making a successful film, especially when telling a story, is to avoid preaching. From Mel Gibson to Seth Macfarlene, Federico Fellini to Ridley Scott and of course Hitchcock, their movies have messages, from symbolist storytelling to clever subtext dialogues. 1. Hitchcock, the master of suspense, toys with his audience, repels and lures them to a world of shock. Starring in this underrated classic are James Stewart, Farley Granger and John Dall. This is an anti-existentialist movie, and James Stewart discovers to his horror that, following existentialism principles, two of his students have killed their classmate. 2. 3. 4. 5. They both agree to meet up the next day to continue the discussion at Maud’s house.
Color temperature The color temperature of a light source is the temperature of an ideal black body radiator that radiates light of comparable hue to that of the light source. Color temperature is a characteristic of visible light that has important applications in lighting, photography, videography, publishing, manufacturing, astrophysics, horticulture, and other fields. In practice, color temperature is only meaningful for light sources that do in fact correspond somewhat closely to the radiation of some black body, i.e. those on a line from reddish/orange via yellow and more or less white to blueish white; it does not make sense to speak of the color temperature of e.g. a green or a purple light. Color temperature is conventionally stated in the unit of absolute temperature, the kelvin, having the unit symbol K. Categorizing different lighting[edit] The black-body radiance (Bλ) vs. wavelength (λ) curves for the visible spectrum. The Sun[edit] The Sun closely approximates a black body radiator.
Et si Air France disparaissait prochainement ? Un scénario pas si virtuel Par Michel Albouy. Quand on est un pilote d’Air France, une compagnie prestigieuse qui porte les couleurs de la République française et qui a fait voler le Concorde, on peut se croire insubmersible et penser que tout continuera comme avant et qu’in fine l’État sera toujours là pour faire face aux petits problèmes comptables d’équilibre d’un compte d’exploitation. Fondée en 1933, née de la fusion de quatre compagnies aériennes : Air Orient, Air Union, CIDNA, et des lignes Farman) et du rachat de la célèbre Aéropostale (en dépôt de bilan à l’époque), Air France devient propriété de l’État français. En 1954 Air Inter est fondée avec comme principaux actionnaires Air France, la SNCF, et la Caisse des dépôts et consignations. Dans les années 1990, du fait de la conjoncture et de la guerre du Golfe, les résultats d’Air France se dégradent et en octobre 1993 un conflit social extrêmement dur paralyse la compagnie. Ce ne sera pas le dernier. Le cimetière des compagnies aériennes
Event Horizon (1997) I watch therefore I am: seven movies that teach us key philosophy lessons | Film How can we do the right thing?Force Majeure If you had lived in Germany in 1939, would you have helped protect Jews or gone along with their systematic extermination? If you had been an MP 10 years ago, would you have milked your expenses for what they were worth? And if you and your family faced a threat, would you protect them or save yourself? We all like to think that in such situations our basic decency would shine through, but we can never know. In the aftermath, several characters try to excuse him. Aristotle’s insight was that we rarely have the time or opportunity to sit down and think about what the best thing to do is before acting. We can pretend that Tomas just had a moment of madness where his primal survival instinct took over, but his wife, Ebba, knows better, and so do we. Force Majeure tells us what Aristotle knew: unpredictable events happen, random “acts of God” for which no one is responsible. Julian Baggini’s Freedom Regained, is published by Granta, £14.99.
Que l'on aime ou pas Macron, ce qui se passe est drôle et jouissif Un gamin a surgi, qui a cassé nos jeux et, avec assurance, invente de nouvelles règles. Ou plutôt, l’air de rien, retrouve la vérité de la Ve République, d’un président au-dessus des partis, créant le sien, à sa mesure, pour faire voler en éclats ce qui lui a précédé. Depuis longtemps, nous n’avions pas été à ce point bousculés. N’est-ce pas profondément drôle? Peu importe au fond les jugements, généralement tranchés (à droite ou à gauche? Une République insaisissable A droite comme à gauche, dans les rouages des partis, vieux briscards et jeunes ambitieux ne savent comment réagir, voyant tout leur échapper: les discours convenus, les oppositions irréductibles, les postes, le pouvoir. Homme politique français essayant désespérément de s'accrocher à sa gloire passée (Goscinny, Morris © Dupuis). Pour se protéger, sauver ce qui peut l’être, ils recourent à la panoplie habituelle: langue de bois, exclusions, appels au rassemblement, créations de mouvements au nom procrastinatoire.
The Aftermath (2019) YIFY - Download Movie TORRENT - YTS This is a great example of how a film can try to juggle and blend two different genres, and despite never really getting either perfect, can still offer up interesting and engaging drama. As a result, The Aftermath is far from a perfect film, and its frustrating misfocus given the potential of its historical setting makes for an often underwhelming watch. However, it still has the elegance, dramatic intrigue and often even emotion to keep you engaged throughout, ultimately making for a thoroughly watchable, but not exceptional, film. So, the two ideas and genres that the film attempts to balance and bring together are romantic drama and pure history, and it's the historical side that I'd like to start off with, because while the film features some fascinating historical themes, it also fails to capitalise on the genuinely enthralling potential of its setting. However, the biggest disappointment about this film is that it doesn't follow through.