Reliable Herbal Medicine Information - American Botanical Council - American Botanical Council ABC and SHP Present Free Webinars Covering SHP Toolkit, Ethnobotany, and More The American Botanical Council and Sustainable Herbs Program are hosting a series of free webinars with leaders in the botanical community. Topics include the SHP Toolkit, a special Ethnobotany Series, and more. Read more here. ABC Updates ABC hopes you and your family are well and safe. Thank you for your support of ABC's nonprofit mission! We wish you robust health! Update: Login to ABC Website For a limited time, you can access all of ABC's content without a password, so no login is required. BAPP Best Practices SOP to Prevent Resale of ‘Irreparably Defective Articles’ Available for Second Round of Industry and Public Comment The ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (BAPP) has issued its second draft “Best Practices Contract Language and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Templates for the Disposal/Destruction of Irreparably Defective Articles.”
Les bases de données sur les plantes médicinales - Phytothérapie-Aromathérapie-Plantes médicinales - Tutoriels Aides Guides at Aix Marseille Université Wikiphyto Encyclopédie participative en phytothérapie, aromathérapie et gemmothérapie. WikiPhyto se veut une base de données fiable destinée à la connaissance et à la pratique des plantes médicinales (prescription, conseil, usages). WikiPhyto est principalement dédié aux professionnels de la santé. WikiPhyto est conçu comme un outil pour la pratique médicale et pharmaceutique de la phyto-aromathérapie, sans aucune publicité ni relation commerciale, contrairement à la majorité des « blogs » et surtout des pages internet des sites marchands. La base de données peut être consultée par tout visiteur sans restriction. Consulter la liste des plantes médicinales classées par famille Consulter la liste des principes actifs Effectuer une recherche Plus spécialement dans le domaine de la Pharmacognosie : Plantes et santé: le point sur la réglementation Université Paris-Sud 11 Faculté de Pharmacie de Châtenay-Malabry, UNSPF / 2011 / Christophe Fourneau Plantes de phytothérapie Pharmacognosie générale
Purple Sage Medicinal Herbs Welcome to Purple Sage Medicinal Herbs. This website is maintained by a Medical Herbalist as an information resource for those interested in medicinal herbs and their applications, including students of complementary and alternative medicine, botanists, gardeners, cooks, and anyone wanting to learn more about traditional herbal medicine. If you are intending to use herbal medicines yourself you should first read the safety statement. Site Contents Herb Profiles: An expanding database of monographs on individual herbs and their medicinal uses. These can be located by either the Common or Botanical name and are accompanied by a glossary of medical terminology used in the text. Treatments: This section deals with a selection of common ailments and possible herbal treatments. Shop: Buy dried herbs, herbal capsules, lotions & potions, books, gifts and much more. Books and Equipment shop: In association with Amazon, all the herbal books and equipment you'll need, all in one place. Back to top
Shaman's Garden Exotic Botanicals and Psychoactive Herbs What Is Shatavari? Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), also called Satavar, is one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. The plant is found native in India and is in the same family as the common asparagus. Shatavari has small, uniform pine needles and produces white flowers and blackish-purple berries. Sometimes translated as “she who possesses 100 husbands,” Shatavari has a reputation as a fertility-enhancing plant that improves the health of both male and female reproductive issues, in addition to other conditions. The Potential Health Benefits of Shatavari Shatavari has a wide range of benefits. The same study showed that Shatavari can help with female reproductive issues, including: Mood swingsIrritation associated with premenstrual syndrome Menopausal hot flashesFertilityBreast milk production The research also shown that Shatavari can help with the following conditions: HeartburnIndigestionDiarrheaInflammation of the urinary tractIrritable bowel syndromeImmune system response
Se soigner par les plantes médicinales Faut-il utiliser des plantes médicinales fraîches ou séchées ? La plupart des spécialistes des plantes médicinales recommandent d’utiliser si possible des plantes fraîches, notamment à cause de principes actifs théoriquement intacts, c’est-à-dire non détruits par la chaleur ou l’humidité et d’un meilleur goût.Quand utiliser des plantes séchées ? Mais il y a parfois des exceptions à cette règle, comme dans la préparation de baumes ou d’huiles (y compris solutions huileuses). Dans ce cas, l’eau contenue dans les plantes fraîches n’est pas idéale pour une préparation entièrement graisseuse et des plantes séchées s’avèrent préférables. A certaines périodes de l’année (ex. hiver), il n’est bien sûr pas possible d’utiliser certaines plantes fraîches. Quelles quantités ? Comment récolter et sécher les plantes médicinales ? 1. 2. 3. Lire aussi : Mieux comprendre la phytothérapie
Horizon Herbs-Organic growers of medicinal herb seeds, medicinal herb plants, organic vegetable seeds and organic garden seeds. Empowering Gardeners to Grow Roots of Sustainability Thank you for your interest in open pollinated vegetables, culinary herbs and medicinal herbs. We are here to serve you and to nurture nature. Our greatest joy is to provide you with GOOD LIVE SEEDS. We believe that the best way to support good health of friends and family is to get everybody out into the garden to do some work in the sunshine, then feed them up on fresh salads and vegetables that are the results of their own good labors. Naturopathic doctors tell us that the best way to avoid cancer is to eat organic, freshly grown green leafy vegetables. We believe that by planting diversity we can really help the earth to heal. Here at Horizon Herbs, we continuously clean and test myriads of seed batches, and these bright and viable seeds are then packaged by hand and made available by way of our paper catalog and on this website. We put detailed growing instructions specific to the plant on each and every packet of seeds.
Welcome To NMPB Root-based Iron Tonic Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) grows profusely in my yard. It is a prairie plant and is also called curly dock due to its curled leaves. You can see rust spots on the leaves, indicating the plant pulls iron from the soil and thus is a good iron remedy. Last week I made up some very good Iron Tonic. Here's the recipe: 1/2 ounce each dried dandelion root and dried yellow dock root 1/2 cup blackstrap molasses 1/8 cup brandy (optional; to preserve) First harvest the roots and chop them into small pieces (about 1/4" thick rounds). Put the roots in a quart jar and cover with boiling water. The dose is 1-2 tablespoons daily.
Guide phytosanté, la phytothérapie de A à Z, lexique des plantes médicinales Medicinal Plant Genomics Resource In States With Medical Marijuana, Painkiller Deaths Drop by 25 Percent America has a major problem with prescription pain medications like Vicodin and OxyContin. Overdose deaths from these pharmaceutical opioids have approximately tripled since 1991, and every day 46 people die of such overdoses in the United States. However, in the 13 states that passed laws allowing for the use of medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, 25 percent fewer people die from opioid overdoses annually. “The difference is quite striking,” said study co-author Colleen Barry, a health policy researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. The shift showed up quite quickly and become visible the year after medical marijuana was accepted in each state, she told Newsweek. As with most findings involving marijuana and public policy, however, not everyone agrees on a single interpretation of the results. Not so fast, said Dr. “You don’t have primary care doctors in these states [prescribing] marijuana instead of Vicodin,” he said.
Liste des plantes médicinales par indication thérapeutique Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Plantes médicinales d'usage traditionnel en Europe voir aussi : Se méfier des effets secondaires. Anesthésiant[modifier | modifier le code] menthe poivrée (Mentha x piperita), feuilles fraîches en application directeclou de girofle, Douleurs buccales : clou séché à mâcher. Antiseptique[modifier | modifier le code] Anti-inflammatoire en rhumatologie[modifier | modifier le code] Utilisables en tisane sans risque: autres : colchique d'automne (Colchicum autumnale) (extrait) - toxique! Astringent[modifier | modifier le code] Cœur et vaisseaux[modifier | modifier le code] Coupe-faim[modifier | modifier le code] gesse à feuilles de lin (Lathyrus linifolius) Dermatologie[modifier | modifier le code] bourrache officinale (Borago officinalis)chélidoine (Chelidonium majus) (herbe à verrues) - toxique! Digestion[modifier | modifier le code] Diarrhée : coing en gelée ou en pâte, purée de carotte (Daucus Carota) et riz (Oryza sativa) ou eau de riz Surcharge pondérale
Judy's Organic Herbs