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Put on Your Thinking Caps

Put on Your Thinking Caps

Math Literature, Math Resource Book, Math, Mathematics, Elementary Math Children's Math Literature Recent trends in education have focused on an integrated curriculum. Children learn best when subject matter is meaningful and useful, and literature brings meaning to math. David Whitin says, "Using math related children's literature can help children realize the variety of situations in which people use mathematics for real purposes" (1994). Thus, children can recognize how math will be helpful to them in the "real world." At The Reading Nook, the teachers realize the frustration felt by other teachers when they become responsible for teaching "one more thing." On this page, teachers and parents will find numerous math related children's books. Simply locate the desired math skill below, and click on the link below the image to view additional books related to that skill. The Reading Nook 4322 Stonehaven Dr.

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