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Relations between Psychological ("personality") Types

Relations between Psychological ("personality") Types
Relations between Psychological ("personality") Types The analysis of intertype relations is an integral part of Socionics . Just by knowing the Psychological Types of two people allows one to forecast the major developments of their relationship. Socionics intertype relations describe relationship between Psychological Types of people and not between the actual people. People with incompatible Types have more problems with their relationship than people with compatible Types. Top 4 Socionics Intertype Relations by degree of comfort:(best compatibility for long-term interactions) Use the relationship calculator below to identify which intertype relations exist between which two Psychological Types. These relations are the most favourable and comfortable of all intertype relations providing complete psychological compatibility. These are relations of complete understanding between partners but with an inability to help each other. These relations are the easiest and quickest to start.

Psychological Type profiles Psychological Type profiles The Type profiles listed on this page contain physical descriptions. Please note that the physical descriptions are neither absolute nor typical, these descriptions are the possible appearances. Other Psychological Type profiles available are and "" profiles. ENTps normally have a long, slim figure. ISFps often have a characteristic stout or chubby, rounded figure. ESFjs usually have a straight, upright posture and the body itself is often firm and slim. INTjs have a characteristic ascetic face. ENFjs often have slim arms, legs and torso. ISTjs often have a very firm, solid figure, especially males. ESTps generally have either slim figures or firm and solid figures. INFps mainly have slim figures, however well-built INFps are not that uncommon. ESFps usually have a smooth oval facial structure, which is mainly free of projections with the exception of the nose, which can be quite large. INTps often have a characteristic round-shouldered posture.

Psychological Types [+] and [-] profiles Psychological Types [+] and [-] profiles The Psychological Type profiles listed on this page show some common positive [+] and negative [-] trends associated with the Type. Other Psychological Type profiles available are "" profiles and profiles containing descriptions. If your type is Intuitive-Logical Extratim - ENTp (The Inventor): You have a very well-developed ability to think inventively. If your type is Sensory-Ethical Intratim - ISFp (The Peacemaker): The strongest element of your character is your ability to find pastimes that fill your life with joy and happiness. If your type is Ethical-Sensory Extratim - ESFj (The Enthusiast): You have a strong sense of justice and you know well how to actively defend your principals. If your type is Logical-Intuitive Intratim - INTj (The Analyst): You have a strong analytical mind and an ability to understand the structural patterns of any phenomena.

Psychological Types uncovered Psychological Types uncovered In order to stress certain important points about the Type and personality, the "uncovered" profiles usually contain the worst scenario of events and hence have a potential to appear offensive to some people. Other Psychological Type profiles available are profiles and profiles containing descriptions. ENTps are far from angels. If there were a Weirdness Olympics between all 16 types then INTj would be an unbeatable gold medallist. If you were to combine the likeableness and playfulness of ISFp with the criticalness and religiousness of INTp, you would probably end up with a perfect INFp. A female ESTp comes home... - Hey, darling, I'm home! " I turned a corner and walked straight into a brick wall!" You can describe ISTp with one word - stingy, mean and miserable or you can do it with many - lazy. "Oh my God!

Methods of Psychological Type identification Methods of Psychological Type identification Needless to say, the right identification of Psychological Type is very important as all further analysis of personality and/or forecasts of relations will be based on this. There are many different methods that can be utilised. Below you can find a quick overview of some of them. In order to obtain highly accurate results, a combination of different methods is advisable. Identification by tests This is a very popular method. are usually based on four scales of preferences: Introversion vs. Advantages of the method: usually no experience is required; can easily be converted to use internationally. Disadvantages of the method: has medium to low reliability; requires willingness and some time from the participant in order to complete the test. Analytical method The concept of this method is very similar to type identification by tests and is based on a good knowledge and understanding of the four scales of preferences mentioned above. Other methods

V.I. V.I. (Visual Identification) is the fastest and most reliable method of Type identification of today. It works on the principle that an inner process will always manifest itself through its outer boundaries - a sack with a brick will have a different shape than a sack with a football (Fig.1). Analogously, mental processes inside the human head will have their manifestation through the face, the eyes and the appearance of an individual. Since the major part of one's mental activity is carried out according to their Type, there is a significant correlation between the type and the look of a person. In the same way people can tell women from men by their looks, it is also possible to distinguish between the Psychological Types of people. The looks have to be memorised and they often include behavioural peculiarities as well as facial features. Type #1 shares a common look with Type #2 in the same way as Type #3 shares it with Type #4. - ISTj .
