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GoodBarber Visibilité Augmentez la visibilité de votre business grâce al la présence de votre application sur les moteurs de recherche. Optimisez votre SEO et profitez d'une découvrabilité incomparable à celle proposée par les stores. Sans téléchargement Les Progressive Web Apps ne nécessitent pas d'installation pour être consultée, vous permettant ainsi de rendre votre contenu facilement accessible et effaçant ainsi la contrainte de l'installation de l'app. App First Pensées initialement pour le mobile, les Progressive Web Apps offrent une expérience utilisateur parfaite, en ramenant les codes du développement mobile sur tous les autres types d'écran. Multi-plateforme Les Progressive Web Apps sont multi plateforme.

Mobile app development As part of the development process, mobile user interface (UI) design is also essential in the creation of mobile apps. Mobile UI considers constraints, contexts, screen, input, and mobility as outlines for design. The user is often the focus of interaction with their device, and the interface entails components of both hardware and software. User input allows for the users to manipulate a system, and device's output allows the system to indicate the effects of the users' manipulation. Mobile UI design constraints include limited attention and form factors, such as a mobile device's screen size for a user's hand(s). Mobile UIs, or front-ends, rely on mobile back-ends to support access to enterprise systems. Platform The platform organizations needed to develop, deploy and manage mobile apps are made from many components and tools which allow a developer to write, test and deploy applications into the target platform environment. Front-end development tools Back-end servers System software

Andromo | Make Android Apps for Free. No coding required. Folders in iOS 4 bring harmony to my app organization Not long ago I talked about Starting from zero on the iPhone home screen, where I took everything off the first page of my iPhone screen (except for the camera). With the release of iOS 4, I've been able to do something I like even better: one page for everything... well, almost everything. Let me first explain what isn't on the home screen, and why. There are some apps that I can't delete but never use; I put them into a folder called "Never" on the second page. There is also a folder called "Seldom" for apps that I want to have on the iPhone but almost never use. Examples: apps that are there only to deliver push notifications such as myPhoneDesktop, or some type of functionality like TextExpander touch (I don't use TE directly, but I use some apps which have integrated TextExpander's SDK). Read on for more... Everything else went into folders named using two approaches: according to what I want to do when I pick up my iPhone, or what the app is designed to do.

Voici comment créer une application mobile sans savoir coder MODE D’EMPLOI - Deux millions d’applis disponibles sur l’App Store, pas loin d’en avoir autant sur le Google Play Store : le marché des applications est devenu un eldorado que beaucoup convoitent. Si vous n’êtes pas un développeur ou un informaticien dans l’âme, vous ne savez peut-être pas tout de ce parcours possiblement du combattant mais réalisable même pour les néophytes. Melinda DAVAN-SOULAS Avec des millions d’applications disponibles sur les différents stores, développeur est devenu un métier d’avenir. 1- Trouver une idée porteuse Pour créer une application, il faut trouver une idée pertinente qui réponde à un besoin ou résolve un problème. 2- Donner du fond et de la forme à votre appli Il est important de savoir ce que vous allez mettre dans votre appli, d'élaborer ses grandes fonctionnalités - les principales et celles à ajouter dans un second temps - mais ne vous noyez pas dans trop d’options. 3- Savoir vendre votre projet 4- Réfléchir au financement Les logiciels sur internet

Software Development For The Mobile Market Which platform are you looking to develop your mobile app on? Native (Android/iOS) or Hybrid (Cordova/Phonegap)? When considering a mobile strategy, one of the big decisions for many clients is whether to focus resources on a Web application or on native apps targeted at specific mobile platforms. There is no "one size fits all" solution to this issue, because of the number of platforms operating, and the best approach for one business may be entirely different to that for another. An additional complicating factor is the intense competition in mobile software, which is fuelling accelerated change within each of the platforms. Some of the platforms – Android in particular – are being deployed on devices produced by a long list of manufacturers, each of whom like to modify the operating system to their particular requirements. In the early days of the smartphone, the technology was essentially only available to consumers shopping within the top price brackets.

AppShed - Build HTML5, iPhone and Android apps online for schools, education and business Hacker News | $80,000 a Month in App Sales by Outsourcing Everything Let's break it down. 1) Release a bunch of free apps. 2) Take the holiday season - the single month with the highest sales and traffic. 3) Round it up a little bit to get to $80K a month. 4) Find as many people as you can who're willing to believe the story. 5) Don't lie - just let people extrapolate - Say $80K in a month and let people assume that means $80K per month. Their website is the classic long form sales letter. Make it long so people get invested. Offer $2600 worth of value for just $300. Then knock another $200 off. Appeal to the total idiots who think a 'free' ready to go app that is included will start making them $5,000 a day. Quote examples like iShoot + kitchen table without telling the whole story i.e. the guy's programming experience and the actual number of months spent and the strategy he used. A fool and his money are soon parted. If we set aside ethics it's just a strategy - One guy builds a super valuable product and sell it at high price to smart people who value it.

Les 10 meilleurs outils pour créer une application mobile ! Le marché des applications mobiles est en plein boom. En effet, il est essentiel pour les marques de rendre mobile leur site web ou encore leur blog quand on sait que les mobinautes passent en moyenne 58 minutes par jour à utiliser des applications connectées. Vous souhaitez donner corps à votre projet d’application mobile mais vous ne savez pas quel outil choisir ? Creads a déniché pour vous 10 outils et logiciels pour créer une application mobile, facilement et sans se ruiner ! Découvrez notre Top 10 des meilleurs outils pour créer une application mobile 10) AppMachine Avec AppMachine, vous pouvez utiliser le contenu de votre site Web comme un tremplin pour créer des applications pour iOS et Android. 9) Keosu Keosu est un logiciel open source qui permet de créer et gérer des applications natives. 8) Appyet Appyet est un outil gratuit et idéal pour créer une application native pour Android en 5 minutes top chrono. 7) AppliGo 6) Make Me Droid 5) Shoutem 4) Mobincube 3) Appsbar 2) Swiftic

Adobe PhoneGap Build simple.fx - order-independent-transparency - DirectX11 example application featuring State-of-the-Art Order-Independent Transparency rendering techniques My favorites ▼ | Sign in Project Home Source READ-ONLY: This project has been archived. For more information see this post. Show details Hide details Change log 402c04b238ac by hannes.wuerfel <hannes.w... * initial commit * implemented qt directx11 interop template * implemented minimal dx11 example Older revisions All revisions of this file File info Size: 2383 bytes, 69 lines View raw file Terms - Privacy - Project Hosting Help Powered by Google Project Hosting

The iPhone app is the Flash homepage of 2010 In the late 1990s, it was common for companies to spend $50,000 to $150,000 for a Flash homepage that looked like a beautiful brochure. However, they soon learned that Flash was cumbersome, slow to load, expensive to build, and hard to update, and moved on to HTML. Now only specialized, high-end sites are Flash only. The exact same thing has replayed itself on the iPhone. Companies have paid $50,000, $100,000, and more for an iPhone app. Businesses are moving on to HTML5 Banks and airlines, commonly known as technology laggards, are well ahead of the rest of the industry when it comes to mobile access to their systems. Compare the banks and airline mobile experience to that of the top digital agencies, many of which are still obsessed with Flash home pages and have sites that render incorrectly if at all on mobile handsets. The native vs. The digerati in Silicon Valley have been arguing ad infinitum about the merits of native vs. Overall native apps have run their course.

Les 16 meilleurs outils pour créer votre application mobile Tooltester fonctionne grâce au soutien de nos lecteurs. Nous pouvons recevoir une commission d’affiliation lorsque vous effectuez un achat en cliquant sur nos liens. Cela n’a bien entendu aucun impact sur le coût de votre abonnement. Voilà plus de cinq ans que nous suivons le marché des éditeurs de site Internet en ligne. Mais peut-on dire la même chose des applications mobiles ? Lorsque mon épouse a envisagé d’en créer une pour son site sur les musées, nous avons profité de l’occasion pour essayer quelques-uns des meilleurs outils de création d’apps mobiles en ligne sur le marché. Mise à jour: nous avons maintenant créé et lancé l’application mobile grâce à GoodBarber. Les meilleurs sites pour créer une application mobile ToolTester a testé et analysé plusieurs apps builders. Mentions spéciales pour ces logiciels : Wix App BuilderIBuildAppBuildFireMobAppCreatorAppery.ioGamesalad Les outils de création d’applications mobiles en 100 secondes Comment créer une application mobile en 5 étapes:

MIT App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach Find out about curriculum and resources for teachers. Forums Join community forums to get answers to your questions.
