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Julien Spianti . Work on paper, paintings, videos

Julien Spianti . Work on paper, paintings, videos

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Portfolio These are pictures of some past work Website Designed by Susan McMahon © 2013 at Homestead™ Get a Website and List Your Business Interview: Jeff Nishinaka - Relief Paper Sculpture Artist Los Angeles native Jeff Nishinaka is a relief paper sculpture artist who has a stunning array of work that needless to say can blow anyone away. His portfolio spans a wide range including Bloomingdale’s, Sprint, Visa, Penn State University, Paramount Pictures and Coca Cola. Over the years he has found various techniques in how to manipulate and bend paper to make these magnificent masterpieces. I’m really happy to have him featured on our site since he is one of my favorite paper artists! Also be sure to check out the videos of the artist in action! Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program African Institute for Mathematical Sciences The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is a pan-African network of centres of excellence for postgraduate education, research and outreach in mathematical sciences. African Leadership Academy African Leadership Academy is a pan-African institution that seeks to identify, develop, and connect promising young leaders who will shape Africa’s future. American University of Beirut - Faculty of Health Sciences The vision of the Faculty of Health Sciences is to promote the health and well-being of populations through quality higher education.

Learn How to Draw Grass, Pencil Drawing Lesson Use of Negative Drawing in Art The title of this article is really too specific as the techniques described here apply as much to the drawing of hair as to grass. This is also an introduction to the use of "negative" drawing - drawing around white space, which only exists in your mind until you surround it with positive marks. I will cover "negative drawing" in more detail in a later article. So, what is "negative" drawing? A Contemporary Label Inspired By Moroccan Berber Tradition Laurence Leenaert is a Belgian fashion designer, who founded the label LRNCE in 2013. Now based in Marrakech, Leenaert creates work in response to traditional ritual and handcraft, channeled through contemporary fashion and object design. Inspired by motifs used historically by the Berber people of Morocco, LRNCE creates embroidered clothing and accessories and illustrative ceramic pieces. The interest developed when Leenaert was still living in as a fashion student in Belgium and visited Marrakech, where she discovered materials and textile pieces unobtainable at home. After a year and a half of back and forth travel, Leenaert decided to move to Morocco, combining the artistic training learnt in Belgium with the teachings of local Moroccan craft.

Girl in Bath eating Food Taking a Bath in Hitler’s Tub for Vogue Just hours after Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30th, 1945, former fashion model and Vogue correspondent, Elizabeth (Lee) Miller was photographed taking a bath in his tub. Miller had been... Ruth Asawa The Gorgeous Daily Browse: Home / Art / Ruth Asawa Enlaces Ruth Asawa By admin on 08/08/2012 Related posts

Quote of the Day: The true artist is one who lives completely, harmoniously, who does not divide his art from living, whose very life is that expression, whether it be a picture, music, or his behaviour; Question: The artist is sometimes mentioned as one who has this understanding of which you speak, at least while working creatively. But if someone disturbs or crosses him, he may react violently, excusing his reaction as a manifestation of temperament. Obviously he is not living completely at the moment. Does he really understand if he so easily slips back into self-consciousness?

Stunning Portraits Of The World’s Remotest Tribes Before They Pass Away (46 pics) Living in a concrete box with hot water pouring from the tap, a refrigerator cooling our food and wi-fi connecting us to the rest of the world, we can barely imagine a day in a life of, say, Tsaatan people. They move 5 to 10 times per year, building huts when the temperature is -40 and herding reindeer for transportation, clothing and food. “Before They Pass Away,” a long-term project by photographer Jimmy Nelson, gives us the unique opportunity to discover more than 30 secluded and slowly vanishing tribes from all over the world. [Read more...] Spending 2 weeks in each tribe, Jimmy became acquainted with their time-honoured traditions, joined their rituals and captured it all in a very appealing way. Traditional Pinup Photos with Splashes of Milk as Clothes Captured with High-Speed Photography Inspired by the classic pin-ups of the 1940’s and 1950’s, photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz came up with a current version of those iconic posters. The twist introduced by the London based lensman was to use a highly unusual substance to cloth his models. Wieczorkiewicz used milk, (yes the kind you get from cows) along with high speed photography to capture the drink while being poured over his scantily clad (or near naked) models. He snapped hundreds of photos of every pose while pouring actual milk over the ladies, producing some unbelievable shots. All of the images of milk splashing on these women are real, with each of the milk ‘dresses” worn by the pretty models produced thru a layering process using dozens of different photographs. The photos were created in the absence of any illustrations, CGI, and Photoshop.

Place A Cylindrical Mirror On These Drawings And They Instantly Come To Life István Orosz is a Hungarian artist who is known for his use of the technique anamorphosis. Orosz will create a drawing, that at first glance could seem abstract. It is not until he places a cylindrical mirror on the artwork that the illustration comes to life. Watercolor Paintings by Steve Hanks Steve Hanks is recognized as one of the best watercolor artists working today. The detail, color and realism of Steve Hanks’ paintings are unheard of in this difficult medium. A softly worn patterned quilt, the play of light on the thin veil of surf on sand, or the delicate expression of a child. Steve Hanks captures these patterns of life better than anyone.
