Butterfly Chart – Excel Chart with Dual Converging Scales A Butterfly chart is a chart where two entities are compared side by side using scales meeting at the center. Due to its shape, the chart resembles a butterfly and hence the name. These charts are sometimes also known as Funnel or Tornado Charts though I find “butterfly” to be a better description as it allows for a greater variation in shape than a funnel or a tornado does ! So let’s jump straight into creating a beautiful looking butterfly chart. Getting the Data for the chart Although a simple looking butterfly chart is as easy to create as a bar chart, there is some value in adding labels, converging scales and the other embellishments. The first three columns essentially contain all the data related to the business. Making the basic Chart Let’s create a basic chart with five series. Adding the XY series for the dummy scales Once we’ve inserted the XY-Series the chart looks like this: Aligning the XY points to the X axis If you noticed, the points are not aligned to the X-Axis.
vba_corner: Working with Internet Explorer Using VBA - Nightly Ok, Excel probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind when needing to deal with web pages. But sometimes it's necessary to access them from your Excel Application (or Word or any other MS Office Application). And it's easier than you probably think. To make the following code work, you'll need to include the "Microsoft Internet Controls" library in your VBA references first.Go to your Visual Basic Editor, Menu Tools -> References... and select the entry "Microsoft Internet Controls". If you can't find it in the list of available references, search for a file named shdocvw.dll, usually to be found in your Windows directory, subfolder System32. Alternatively, you can skip the referencing and use late binding, defining the pointer to the Internet Explorer instance as Object instead of SHDocVw.InternetExplorer in your VBA code. Before you can do anything with the Internet Explorer, of course you'll need one, and you'll need something to address it.
The Daily Graph "The Daily Graph" re-creates charts from The Economist's Graphic Detail blog using standard run-of-the-mill Excel techniques without macros. We do try to milk Excel for all it's worth and apply techniques that may not have been intended in the way we use them. In the end, it's the result that counts. "The Daily Graph" is published whenever we spot an interesting chart on The Economists's blog that looks like it cannot be done in Excel. Typically once or twice a week if we can find the time.The Daily Graph blog comes with a dowloadable version of an Excel workbook so that you can follow what we did... or you can "borrow" our work and use it for something entirely different. "The Economist" is a trademark of The Economist Newspaper Limited.
Using the FSO (File System Object) in VB6 | Visual Basic 6 (VB6) - Nightly The File System Object (FSO) object model provides an object-based tool for working with folders and files. Using "object.method" syntax, it exposes a comprehensive set of properties and methods to perform file system operations such as creating, moving, deleting, and providing information about folders and files. The FSO also provides methods for reading and writing sequential text files, however it does NOT have methods for processing binary or random files. The FSO is (or should be) used primarily with VBScript. VBScript is a scripting language used with ASP for web development; VBScript is also used for Windows scripting. There are some trade-offs in using the FSO with Visual Basic. To use the FSO with your VB project, you must add a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" (which is the system file "SCRRUN.DLL"). From the References dialog box, check Microsoft Scripting Runtime, as shown below, and click OK. Once you have done the above, you can use the FSO in your VB project. Cls
How to Create a Panel Chart in Excel To show a concise, clear summary of data for several departments or cities, you can create a panel chart in Excel. It shows all the data in a single chart, with vertical lines separating the groups. My chart shows sales for bars and cookies, in four cities, over the first 7 months of the current year. I learned this technique from Jon Peltier's website, where he also sells a Panel Chart Utility, that creates dot plot and bar panel charts. Panel Chart Steps The instructions for making a panel chart look long and complicated, and I've avoided learning this technique, because it was a daunting process. Last week, I finally took the plunge, and it's not so bad, once you get the big picture in your head. Add a separator field to the source data Summarize the data in a pivot table Copy the pivot table data as values Create a line chart from the copied data Add another series to create vertical dividing lines Add final formatting to clean up the chart Add a separator field Summarize the data
Navigate Internet Explorer using VBA There are certainly a lot of questions out there about the internet and VBA. I use internet explorer quite often with VBA to navigate and perform other various automation tasks. This thread will hopefully give you the basics of navigating the internet with IE through VBA code. Which browser do I use to read webpage source code?They're making it easier to read through stuff, but I would recommend using Firefox to read source code. It is formatted in a very friendly way and you can find data very easily. First thing to know is how to open IE in Access. Code: dim ie as object set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application") ie.visible = true Navigating from webpage to webpage can be done like this:After navigating to a page, it is always a good idea to pause the code until the page completely loads. While ie.busy DoEvents Wend You may also want to manipulate some data while you're browsing the internet. How do I get a value from a page? ie.document.getElementById("ELEMENT ID").value
How to Find the Right Chart Type to Represent your Numeric Data 22 Feb 2016 Charts help you visualize numeric data in a graphical format but the problem is there are just too many types of charts to choose from. This diagram will help you pick the right chart for your data type. couch mode print story Charts help you visualize numeric data in a graphical format but the problem is there are just too many types of charts to choose from. If you are finding it hard to pick the right chart type for your type of data, refer to chart chooser diagram. The poster, designed by Andrew Abela, is also available as a PDF. Related: Create Graphs Online with Google Charts You may also want to check out Chart Chooser – an online tools that lets you shortlist charts visually. Comments are closed but if you want to respond, please send me an email or tweet.
Free Microsoft Excel Leaning Materials Beginners-Specific Tasks Help from George M To listen to narrated slides you need Flash. Download► Introduction to worksheets, cells, formulas Slides► Listen► Excel basic functions, sum, average, count Slides► Listen► How to plot a control chart Slides► Listen► How to use an IF function Listen► You Tube► SWF► If you wish to use Excel to conduct statistical analysis of data, you have to turn this feature on (SWF file) within Excel and then examine the following tutorials: Descriptive statistics (slides part 1 & 2, narrated slides part 1 & part 2) Analysis of mean of a sample (slides or narrated slides) Analysis of means of two samples (slides or narrated slides) Analysis of variance (slides or narrated slides) Correlation (slides or narrated slides) Single variable regression (slides or narrated slides) Multiple regression analysis (slides or narrated slides) Better Solutions has an extensive help that is indexed by subject area Excel Tutors can help with difficult assignments.
Cosmograph in Excel - World migration with bilateral flow chart - E90E50fx Igor: What is this?Freddy: Schwarzwalder KirschtorteMonster (OS): MmmFreddy: Oh, do you like it? I'm not partial to desserts myself, but this is excellentIgor: Who are you talking to?Freddy: To you. You just made a yummy sound, so I thought you liked the dessertIgor: I didn't make a yummy sound. Monster (OS): Mmm. by The FrankensTeam Initially I was inspired byPeoplemovinCarlo Zapponi's chart. It is a very nice job that I wanted to reproduce in Excel ...and I created a file but did not get a satisfactory result (if you want I can send the file) ... sometimes we have to know how to lose ... or maybe we just need to change strategy. I had to fix the formulas in values (where it was possible) to lighten the file ... and probably could do much lighter and without all of that data ... but it came out so and maybe will improve it later :-) Click here to download the Excel file. See also here:Life Expectancy by Nathan Yau's chart with ExcelEdward Tufte's Slopegraphs in Excel