Hidden Patterns of the Civil War "Hidden Patterns of the Civil War" collects a number of interrelated projects on the sectional crisis, slavery, and emancipation during the Civil War era, with a particular emphasis on the histories of the city of Richmond and the state of Virginia. Grouped as "texts" and "maps," these projects use digital tools and digital media to uncover and represent patterns that are not easy to find when we look at particular pieces of evidence in isolation and only become evident when we visualize a wealth of evidence in graphs, maps, and models. Revealing patterns in text and across time and space, many of these visualizations are intriguing and surprising, offering us new insights into this dramatic era of intense social, political, and military conflict. Text Mining the Dispatch This project explores and analyzes the topics that dominated the local news in Richmond during the Civil War. Proceedings of the Virginia Secession Convention Daily Dispatch TextMapping Maps Visualizing Emancipation
Mais um Blog Sabe aquelas ideias que, por falta de tempo, coragem ou dinheiro, você nunca levou para frente? Se você se identificou com essa situação, chegou a hora de dar o segundo passo: inscreva-se na segunda edição do evento “Projetos de Garagem”, idealizado e organizado pelas empresas Inesplorato (curadoria de conhecimento) e IdeaFixa (canal de inspiração e expressão visual). A intenção do evento é possibilitar que boas ideias saiam da gaveta e se transformem em ações de sucesso. Para participar, você deve se inscrever no site www.projetosdegaragem.com e enviar um documento contando qual é o seu projeto, até o dia 22 de agosto. Mais detalhes no site: www.projetosdegaragem.com. A marca Stella Artois Black apresentou, em Londres, de 3 a 21 de julho, a chamada The Black Diamond, uma experiência/imersão teatral criada pela Mother de Londres. Dois amantes, um diamante, um ladrão e uma sina. Trata-se, segundo a agência, da evolução de um projeto realizado ano passado, chamado The Night Chauffeur. via
Gogol (nombre) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Gogol. En mathématiques, le gogol (parfois écrit, googol) est le nombre dont la représentation décimale s'écrit avec le chiffre 1, suivi de 100 zéros ( La version originale anglaise de ce nom (« googol ») a été introduite en 1938 par le mathématicien américain Edward Kasner dans son livre "Mathematics and the Imagination" et aurait été inventée par son neveu de 9 ans Milton Sirotta à qui Kasner aurait demandé d'inventer un mot pour désigner ce nombre : le neveu lui aurait répondu le mot enfantin « googol ». Le googol est approximativement égal à la factorielle de 70 et ses facteurs premiers sont seulement 2 et 5. Le googol n'est pas utilisé scientifiquement, il sert surtout à l'enseignement et à la vulgarisation des mathématiques. 10100 = 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 1 googol
Anatol Knotek Wizualizacja (grafika komputerowa) - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia See also Information graphics Visualization or visualisation is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message. Visualization through visual imagery has been an effective way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas since the dawn of man. Examples from history include cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek geometry, and Leonardo da Vinci's revolutionary methods of technical drawing for engineering and scientific purposes. Visualization today has ever-expanding applications in science, education, engineering (e.g., product visualization), interactive multimedia, medicine, etc. Charles Minard's information graphic of Napoleon's march Computer graphics has from its beginning been used to study scientific problems. Apart from the distinction between interactive visualizations and animation, the most useful categorization is probably between abstract and model-based scientific visualizations.
Video Projection Mapping by battleROYAL.berlin battleROYAL created a major production in celebration of the 125th anniversary of MADSACK Mediengruppe. MADSACK invited the city of Hannover to join them in celebrating their anniversary with an open-air festival and spectacular show event. 50,000 visitors gathered in the heart of the city for an evening of live performance, music, and entertainment. Hosted by Barbara Schöneberger, the stage program featured musical performances by Mousse T & Band, Lukas Rieger, Spax, Michael Schulte, Sarah Lombardi, Lions Head, and Sasha. For the grand finale of the night, battleROYAL developed an innovative show experience combining live performance with advanced mapping and video design. Stunning imagery and powerful music combined with historical facts from MADSACK Mediengruppe wow’d the audience.
Apprenez les bases du HTML C'est dans la balise <body> que nous allons mettre tout le texte et toutes les images qui apparaîtront lorsqu'un visiteur viendra sur notre page. Il existe différents niveaux de titres, ils vont de 1 à 6 et ont chacun leur importance. La balise représentant ces niveaux de titre est <hX> où X représente le niveau. Exemple : Exemple de titre Sélectionnez <h1>Titre de ma page</h1> Il est important de respecter la hiérarchie des différents niveaux de titres, sachant que l'élément le plus haut est le <h1>. Vous ne devez pas choisir un titre pour le rendu qu'il a dans le navigateur (différent selon les navigateurs et pouvant être modifié à l'aide de CSS), mais bien pour le niveau hiérarchique qu'il représente. Commentez l'article : 27 commentaires Les différentes techniques citées ci-dessous pour mettre en forme du texte sont obsolètes. Voir : - Les cours sur le CSS - Un exemple d'une feuille de style de base II-C-1. Pour mettre le texte en gras on l'encadre de la balise <b> : Texte en gras II-C-2.
Font Color Codes: Most Popular HTML Color Charts Font Color Codes: Understanding Hex and RGB codes By Kathy Scott, Online Editor What is (#FF0000), (#00FF00), (#0000FF)? If you answered Red, Green and Blue HTML font color codes, then you would be correct. As you design your web page, how important do you think color is in communicating your brand or message? Save 10% Off Select Font & Color Products! Final discounts will be displayed within the cart for qualifying items. On the web, font color codes, also referred to as HTML font color codes, are created using Hexadecimal triplets or Hexadecimal notations for RGB values denoting red, green and blue colors - (#RRGGBB). Recommended Font Color Code Products Quiz #1: What color is (#000000)? Answer: These numbers represent the absence of any color so that font color code would correspond to black. Quiz #2: What is the HTML code for font color for the following: Cyan (blue/green), Magenta (red/blue) and Yellow (red/green)? Buy Me! a) (#FFFF00) b) (#00FFFF) c) (#FF00FF) Font Color Charts with Names
Korzystanie infografiki wychowywać świat o Praw Człowieka As individuals, we may disagree on many issues, from philosophy to politics, to what constitutes proper nutrition. But if there is one topic everyone recognizes as tremendously important, it’s that everyone is entitled to basic human rights. One of the biggest challenges to getting people the rights they deserve as human beings, however, is awareness. And many human rights activist organizations have turned to visualization to help inform the public about issues going on in the world. At Visual.ly, we recognize this struggle to inform, so we’ve decided to open up a Human Rights topic on our newly redesigned site. This topic will provide a place for people to educate themselves about many of the humanitarian movements around the planet. 1. 2. 3. 4. Another reason is sexual abuse. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. As human beings, we all have basic rights that we deserve. To complete the subscription process and receive your ebook, please click the link in the email we just sent you.
Will Apple's Tacky Software-Design Philosophy Cause A Revolt? By now it’s almost inevitable given the company’s track record: No matter what Apple unveils tomorrow at the Yerba Buena Center (an iPad Mini? iPhone 5?), pundits will herald the company for its innovative thinking and bold hardware design. But the elephant in the room will be Apple’s software, which many inside the company believe has evolved for the worse in the last few years. Despite consistently glowing reviews from critics and consumers alike, iOS and OS X, Apple’s operating systems which tie Macs and iPads and iPhones together, have rubbed some the wrong way in recent years with their design directions. "Visual Masturbation" What’s skeuomorphism? In software, skeuomorphism can be traced back to the visual metaphors designers created to translate on-screen applications before users were accustomed to interacting with computer software: virtual folders to store your documents, virtual Rolodexes to store contacts. Inside Apple, tension has brewed for years over the issue.
En lançant son navigateur Chrome, Google trahit-il Firefox ? Illustration : Yann Guégan. Ça ressemble bien à un coup de poignard dans le dos. Une semaine après avoir renouvelé son partenariat avec Firefox, Google lance ce soir la version beta de son propre navigateur, « Chrome ». Principale source d’inquiétude pour Mozilla : sa santé financière dépend largement de son nouveau concurrent. En 2006, selon les derniers comptes disponibles en ligne, Mozilla Corporation a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires total de 66,8 millions de dollars. Le 26 août, Mitchell Baker, la présidente de la fondation, s’était donc félicitée sur son blog du renouvellement de ce partenariat jusqu’à novembre 2011. L’avenir de Firefox n’est pas pour autant menacé, assure Tristan Nitot, président de Mozilla Europe. « Firefox est important pour Google », analyse-t-il. « C’est un navigateur performant et neutre, car il ne lui fait pas de concurrence sur la recherche et la publicité en ligne. » En clair : « Chrome est un navigateur directement dirigé contre Internet Explorer. »
Understanding Letters Today’s post was authored by Dan Mall, the founder and design director of Superfriendly design studio. In order to choose appropriate typefaces to set beautiful passages of text, it helps if we have a baseline for what constitutes ‘appropriateness’. The art and science of choosing a great typeface is in the details, and demands that we attempt to understand the fundamental building block of typography: a letter. In his book The Elements of Typographic Style—a book I consider to be a must-read for any student of typography—Robert Bringhurst begins with this powerful phrase: Typography exists to honor content. If ever there was one sentiment to summarize everything ever written about typography, this is it. The right configuration of letters within the right combination of words set in the right typeface or typefaces sends the clearest messages. Perhaps the most pervasive example of a logo that demonstrates such a command of letters is the FedEx logo, designed by Lindon Leader. Like this: