The Ultimate Food Guide You’re Not Going To Use But You Feel Healthier Just By Reading It TL ; DR – Bookmark and forget it 1 : This is how one serving of fruit really looks like 2 : 7 five-minute dinners nutritionists eat Vegan Diet Infographic Want to know how to be healthy and cruelty-free? No worries—eating vegan is easy! Get all your answers and more with PETA’s “Wondering About a Vegan Diet?” infographic, and don’t forget to share this infographic on Facebook. Are you ready to eat healthy? Dining Out…Vegan Style! One of the first questions you may ask yourself when you are adopting a plant-based diet is: “What can I order from the menu at my favorite restaurant?” Good question. Here are a few helpful tips. If there are no vegan choices listed on the menu, most eateries are now happy to accommodate a plant-based diet by preparing a simple vegan dish from items they regularly stock in their kitchen. Start by asking for a pasta dish topped with a variety of steamed veggies, spaghetti served with a basic marinara sauce, or capellini simply tossed with garlic, olive oil, and parsley. If you are dining out at your local deli or coffee shop, there are some basic tips to follow.
10 Things You Should Know About Cucumbers Well, we know who has replaced Panacea, Greek goddess of universal remedy: the cucumber. They’re delicious, yes, but cucumbers are so much more than just taste. Here are ten things that the supernatural cucumber does. Nursing Schools : LPN RN BSN MSN : Online Nursing Degree Vegans are frequently misunderstood as fringe eaters with an unnatural passion for animal rights. While many vegans do feel passionately about animals, its time for others to see that a vegan diet and lifestyle go way beyond animal rights. Following a healthy, balanced vegan diet ensures a host of health benefits as well as prevention of some of the major diseases striking people in North America. Read these blogs to find out about the health benefits or going vegan or just provide better information to your patients.
Being Vegan in the Workplace Food plays a huge role in society, and office culture is no exception. Being vegan, however, can throw up some unexpected consequences. Think it can’t be that hard? Well, you’re right: it’s not hard. But if you are vegan and work in an office, you have to constantly be aware of what you are eating. Fresh Food Central - Mushrooms Popular Varieties: White, Chestnut, Shittake Store At: Chilled but keep them dry; mushrooms not refrigerated will go mouldy quickly. Keep them dry too. Comes From: Worldwide Seasonality: All year round Fungi are not really plants; they have neither chlorophyll (which gives plants their green colouration), or root systems. They do not receive nutrition in the same way as plants, and they have different growing requirements. Fungi are more similar to moulds and yeasts than they are to plants.
Let Food Be Your Medicine ‘Tis the season once again, cold and flu season that is. Drastic changes in the weather, being closed up indoors, and generally feeling rundown can all lead to a serious case of the sniffles. If you run the other way when you see someone sneeze, or hide out when you hear a cough- it’s time to arm your body against cold and flu bugs from the inside out. Don’t give the flu a fighting chance by powering up with immune boosting foods. Even though it seems most people get sick during the fall and winter months, Mother Nature is (like always) one step ahead of us. 6 Tips For Eating Raw While Traveling Just because you’re not in your own kitchen doesn’t mean that you need to abandon your healthy raw lifestyle. With a little easy planning, you can continue to live an eco-friendly lifestyle that saves animals, the planet, and keeps your health in tip-top shape. Here are some tips and tricks.
The nine rules of best-before dates: when to freeze, when to chuck out food Most of us have swigged milk teetering on the edge of its use-by date, and shorn the green shoots off a potato. Now it seems our spirit of rationing, or rather our gross refusal to clear out the fridge, has been vindicated. A report by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap) found shoppers could save £600m a year if best-before dates were extended by even one day. Wrap investigated short-life products, lasting between 3-12 days, that typically have high levels of waste, including sliced ham, potatoes, apples, minced beef, chilled pizza, bread, bagged salad and milk.