Ecosystem services in strategic spatial plans for Melbourne and Stockholm A recent study published in Ecology and Society, has taken a historic look at the role ecosystem services have played in strategic spatial plans from Stockholm and Melbourne. "We looked at the plans, going back to 1929 and scanned them for mentioning of different ecosystem services. In total we went through eight plans for each city," says Cathy Wilkinson, a researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and lead author of the study. Similarities and differencesThe team, consisting of researchers from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Beijer Institute and Luleå University of Technology, used a content analysis approach and developed an ecosystem services coding protocol that identified and categorised 39 different ecosystem services (ES). In addition to investigating what ecosystem services were mentioned they also looked at how human-nature relations and discussions about the valuation and trade-off regarding these services were framed. Read the study here Why bother?
Nucléaire et climat: que disent les modèles intégrés des scientifiques ? | Décroissance et Technologies Introduction Alors qu’approche la conférence du COP21 destiné à un nouvel accord international sur le climat ayant pour objectif de maintenir le réchauffement climatique (RC) mondial en deçà de 2 °C, il existe une controverse, ancienne, concernant le rôle possible de l’énergie nucléaire, ou d’autres énergies dangereuses comme la capture et la séquestration du carbone[1] (CCS en anglais), pour satisfaire cet objectif. Il est difficile pour les citoyens et les élus de se faire une idée sur ce sujet, car il faut pour cela maitriser les subtilités des coefficients de conversion entre énergie thermique et électrique, les quantité de gaz à effet de serre produite par source, les mécanismes physiques du réchauffement climatique, etc. Souvent, les calculs trop simples conduisent à des résultats contradictoires. Les Modèles d’Évaluation Intégrée Un exemple de publication scientifique Le tableau 1 présente une synthèse de l’étude: Le tableau 2 de l’étude donne des détails et ordres de grandeur.
Babul Films: Because It Matters How did we observe Earth Hour 2013? On March 23, I met Gangadhar Pandey, the person behind Babul Films, an organization dedicated to promoting sustainable lifestyles. We met on the occasion of a painting competition organized for children to observe Earth Hour. Earth Hour is the 2007 campaign created by Leo Burnett for World Wildlife Fund that asks you to turn off the lights for one hour on a March Saturday evening. The next morning, however, you are free to return to your life of consumption and wastage. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening participating in the event, which was so straightforward that the mainstream media would have refused to cover it anyway (it did find mention in a couple of newspapers). How did he get to where he now is? He shared about his experiences organizing festivals, and the challenges of finding sponsors and partners who will honor their commitments all the way through. Why am I writing this post? What does he need? 1.
Strategic Spatial Planning and the Ecosystem Services Concept an Historical Exploration Copyright © 2013 by the author(s). Published here under license by The Resilience Alliance. Go to the pdf version of this article The following is the established format for referencing this article: Wilkinson, C., T. Saarne, G. Research 1Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2Stockholm University, 3Luleå University of Technology, 4The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, 5The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences This study examines how ecosystem services (ES) have been taken into account historically in strategic spatial plans in Melbourne and Stockholm through a comparative case study analysis of eight strategic spatial plans from 1929-2010. Key words: ecosystem services; Melbourne; Stockholm; strategic spatial planning; urban ecology, urban governance Urban populations rely on ecosystems within cities for services such as recreation, microclimate regulation, erosion control, and air filtration (Bolund and Hunhammar 1999, Martinez-Arroyo and Jáuregui 2000, Niemelä et al. 2010). Bayon, R. 2004.
depletion Spider Bursts Out of Banana, "Alien" Style KFC may be making headlines for possibly serving someone a breaded deep-fried rat, but if you think you'll be safe eating healthy food, think again. This person was about to enjoy a wholesome potassium-filled banana when they noticed something strange going on beneath the skin of the fruAAAAAAAGH OH GOD. Yes, apparently spiders lay their eggs in bananas all the damn time, because produce suppliers and sellers would rather use "natural predators" instead of pesticides to control insects. Other places you can find spiders: Grapes (freaking Black Widow spiders, in this case)
Peak Oil: Myth Or Coming Reality? In 1956, a geoscientist named M. King Hubbert formulated a theory which suggested that U.S. oil production would eventually reach a point at which the rate of oil production would stop growing. After production hit that peak, it would enter terminal decline. The original peak oil curveImage Source: Cornell University Hubbert first predicted that U.S. oil production would peak in 1970 and then start declining rapidly. Annual crude oil production (in thousands of barrels per year) for entire United States, with contributions from individual regions as indicated. “The end of the oil age is in sight, if present trends continue production will peak in 1995 -- the deadline for alternative forms of energy that must replace petroleum in the sharp drop-off that follows." World oil and other liquids supply, broken out into crude and condensate, natural gas plant liquids, other liquids (mostly ethanol), and processing gain (increase in volume from refining heavy oil), based on EIA data. Renewables
An Updated Version of the “Peak Oil” Story | Our Finite World The Peak Oil story got some things right. Back in 1998, Colin Campbell and Jean LaHerrère wrote an article published in Scientific American called, “The End of Cheap Oil.” In it they said: Our analysis of the discovery and production of oil fields around the world suggests that within the next decade, the supply of conventional oil will be unable to keep up with demand. There is no single definition for conventional oil. According to one view, conventional oil is oil that can be extracted by conventional methods. Figure 1 shows the growth in unconventional oil supply for three parts of the world: Oil from shale formations in the US.Oil from the Oil Sands in Canada.Oil characterized as unconventional in China, in a recent academic paper of which I was a co-author. Figure 1. Oil prices in 1998, which is when the above quote was written, were very low, averaging $12.72 per barrel in money of the day–equivalent to $18.49 per barrel in 2015 dollars. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5.
Send a voice message to BabulFilms 4 Eco-awarenes (babulfilms) 1. Adjust your microphone volume 2. Click Allow to enable your microphone We would love to hear from you!Please record your message. Is your microphone ready? You can leave your contact info before sending your message. Speak into your microphone! Recording: 00:00 Max recording duration: 90 seconds Are you sure you want to start a new recording? Playing 00:00 Cannot hear anything? Start sending... Please do not close this page. Your message has been sent. You can close this window. Your message has been sent. If you want to receive a voice-answer, you need to confirm your email. Thank you! Open this page from your iPhone or iPad, then open the widget and follow the instructions. Or send instructions via email to your device.Your email: We'll never share your email address or add you to a list. Instructions has been sent to your email. Note: after you have installed the app, tap on "Launch SpeakPipe" Click Allow on the panel above Here is an example: How to record your message: Ready?
Latin Project · Environmental Land Use Planning and Management: Second Edition Author(s): John Randolph PhD .PDF . EPUB Download Environmental Land Use Planning and Management: Second Edition Author(s): John Randolph PhD .PDF . EPUB Download archived file.Take file here: name: document_id_2457319.zipFile type: Self extracted archive Biodiversity and land use systems in the fragmented Mata ... ... sustainable land use planning, ... land use management for economic and natural system ... unsustainably consume environmental resources. Second, ... eBook Product Palgrave Connect Implementing Soil Quality Knowledge in Land-Use Planning ... Il dolore che senti è il capitalismo che muore - Permacultura & Transizione Può essere spiazzante sapere che nei prossimi anni non troverai un lavoro decente, non salderai i tuoi prestiti studenteschi, e non darai nessun acconto per una casa – anche se ti sei laureato in una università di alto livello o hai referenze fantastiche dopo tutti gli stage non retribuiti che ti hanno portato fin qui, dove ti trovi in questo momento. Anche sei hai la fortuna di essere in una situazione come questa, sei comunque soltanto uno delle centinaia di candidati che fanno domanda sempre per gli stessi impieghi. E in futuro vedrai il mondo diventare ancora più diseguale, e ridursi ulteriormente le opportunità di essere pagato per fare ciò che ti senti chiamato a compiere nel lavoro e nella vita. Oltretutto i tuoi amici non ti aiuteranno granché, perché la maggior parte di loro (e non tutti) stanno vivendo le stesse difficoltà. Alcuni ti diranno che è colpa tua. Per renderti conto di quanto tutto sia sottosopra, devi pensare in modo sistemico. Ragione 2: il danno recato alla natura
Sos past wisdom present folly Reykjavik goes dark for Northern Lights show The lights went out in Reykjavik on Wednesday night to give people a chance to enjoy one of the night sky's most impressive spectacles - the Aurora Borealis. Reykjavik council announced that street lighting would be switched off for an hour in the city centre and several other districts from 22:00 local time, in order to cut out the light pollution that can hamper sky-watching. It also encouraged the capital's residents to join in by turning off their lighting at home. In the event, the Northern Lights' timing was predictably unpredictable, and they didn't materialise until the end of the black-out period, so the council extended it to midnight, Morgunbladid newspaper reports. The city has witnessed some spectacular displays in recent days, as this video by astronomy educator Saever Helgi Bragason shows. It's thanks to the Earth being in the path of the solar wind - a stream of charged particles escaping from the Sun. Next story: Russia city backtracks on approval for gay rights march