The Top 10 Free Time Wasting Sites on the Net
Do you enjoy number games? If so, 2048 will quickly become your favorite time waster. I wasted nearly an hour of perfectly good time the first time I played 2048. Using only your keyboard's arrow keys, move the numbered tiles around together. 2048 can also be played via the web browser on your phone from this link. Note: 2048 is very similar to, but not associated with, the 1024 iTunes game and the very popular THREES, available for both Android and iTunes.
Broken City Lab Projects
Below is a selective list of research, projects, workshops, installations, and interventions conducted by Broken City Lab with the most recent initiatives being at the top. This is just an overview, if you need more information, please see the blog archives or email us. CIVIC SPACE (Community Innovation through Vital Interactions & Collaboration) serves as a hub for a range of events, public activities, and research around locality, infrastructure, education, and creative practice as a driver for civic change. CIVIC SPACE would not be possible without the incredibly generous support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Invented Emergency (For Small Cities & Big Towns) (2013) INVENTED EMERGENCY (For Small Cities & Big Towns) is built on the research developed for Surviving North Bay, a residency and exhibition by Broken City Lab, hosted by White Water Gallery in the summer and fall of 2012. Windsor is Forever (2013) Regret & Resolve (2013) Together Forever / Never Apart (2013) Drift (2012)
Разновидность Нарко-кота обыкновенного . Отличается пристрастием к ганжабасным разновидностям. Всегда добр, весел и с хорошим аппетитом. Фанат Боба Марли и прочего Reggae-стафа Нарко-кот Грибной (aka "Семург") ...Гиреев усадил Татарского за стол на веранде и насыпал в заварной чайник крупно смолотого порошка из красной жестяной банки с белой надписью по-эстонски.- Что это? © Виктор Пелевин. Дикая порода. Редкая порода. Очень добрая и усидчивая... в смысле, улёжчивая порода. Как уже говорилось МегаКот крайне покладист и нетороплив. Японская селекционная порода. Исключительно миниатюрная порода котов, размером не более 1 куб. см. Северная разновидность Нарко-кота Южного. Гибрид кота и зайца. Отличается повышенной любовью к противоположному полу. Имеет своеобразное строение скелета, что позволяет ему успешно прятаться не только в простенках, но и в водопроводных кранах, сифонах унитаза и рукомойника. Бывает двух разновидностей - Морфей и Нео. Обычное состояние: прется. Кот Баскервиллей
Chit-Chat » Build your cube-character with cubeecraft links
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The Edge of I-Hacked » 100’s of Interesting Google Maps Locations
Edge.I-Hacked is a security / tech / hardware news blog Posted by hevnsnt under Internet , Tech [88] Comments Using Google Maps we can find some satellite pictures of some pretty amazing things. Here are a few I and some friends have found. Please post in the comment section if you have any others! Interesting Locations Vegas Belagio Fountain Statue of Liberty Ground Zero Memphis Pyramid Buried Warheads Hollywood Sign Nude Beach Michael Jackson’s Neverland ranch. Interesting Company Headquarters Sprint Campus Microsoft Campus Apple Campus Ford Test Track (huge) Chrysler World HQ GE Healthcare Headquarters The Initech building from “Office Space” =) Planes, Trains & Automobiles Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the Boneyard Skunkworks Research Facility (underground home of the B2) Area51 Scott AFB Willow Grove Naval Air Base Where the Space Shuttle Launches Missle Launching Site Cape Canaveral 2 shuttle launch sites & hangar. Government Buildings Whitehouse (photoshopped?)
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