Wizbots Creative Robotics How Design Can Get Kids On the Path to Tech Careers "Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it? And education, too, is where we decide whether we love our children enough not to expel them from our world? nor to strike from their hands their chance of undertaking something unforeseen by us, but to prepare them in advance for the task of renewing a common world." --Hannah Arendt Her name comes up in almost any discussion about transforming education: Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall. Dr. How can the entanglement of design and education move the unmovable object -- i.e. the established, staid institution of education? I love this question, because it seeks to get at the core of design and its role in helping to co-create an educational system worthy of our children. "Design enables us to redefine who and how we now want to be." Design enables us to encode our stories and create our maps. Sometimes there are moments in human history that seem to beckon awakenings. [Dr. 1.
Design Thinking Barcelona, Teaching Kids Design Thinking Teaching Kids Design Thinking The next generation will need to be more and more comfortable with problems of dizzying complexity. And design thinking can teach them that. To find a new set of solutions for our education system, let’s begin by asking the generation that is most affected by the current state of education. Prototype Design Camp was created by Christian Long, a visionary educator, to introduce and infuse design thinking skills into the K-12 landscape. Read the full post at Fast Company
Teaching Moments: A New Era for Design Education Taking the time to teach is one of the most rewarding ways of contributing to the growth of our profession. Through the years, I've been fortunate enough to teach and speak about design and design thinking at schools that include Harvard, SCAD, and Art Center College of Design. This past spring, I was honored to be invited to Savannah to speak at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). It was no surprise that I was impressed with the students in the program run by Victor Ermoli and Tom Gattis under the leadership of Paula Wallace [one of Fast Company's guest bloggers]. Like at SCAD, I see the quality of graduates from all design schools getting more impressive every year. But what's different today is that the instructors of these programs are helping to redesign the direction our industry is taking. [Image via Hoefler & Frere-Jones] Read more of Ravi Sawhney's Design Reach blogBrowse blogs by other Expert Designers
EDWARD DE BONO AUTHORISED WEBSITE - CoRT THINKING LESSONS WEBSITE The CoRT Thinking Lessons were first published in 1974 - there must be many millions of people who have benefited. As we engage the new world of social learning and social media, this website has partnered with the Dendrite social learning platform where you can access all of CoRT in video learning form to support both teachers and students. engage in collaborative learning with others from around the world with a similar interest. The intention behind Dendrite is to consolidate all matters relating to 'de Bono Thinking' - that mix of the CoRT Thinking Programme and Six Thinking Hats and to provide a forum for discussion on the use and implementation of 'de Bono Thinking' on a worldwide basis. Dendrite will deal with issues particular to the teaching and use of 'de Bono Thinking' - the enhancement of our thinking ability. framework are fully complementary - hence 'de Bono Thinking'. Thanks to Dendrite there are now three De Bono communities inside which you will find the following.
How Does Europe's Design Education Differ From Ours? On February 17th, New York's Museum of Art and Design is presenting The Home Front, a panel discussion about the triumphs and tribulations of being an independent designer. Moderator Jen Renzi pre-interviewed some of the panelists, and this is the first conversation, with Alissia Melka-Teichroew. Tickets, offered in partnership with Co.Design, are available here for just $9, with the offer code HOME. Alissia Melka-Teichroew is something of a hybrid: Her mom is French, her dad is American, she was raised in Utrecht, the Netherlands; educated in both the U.S. (RISD) and Holland (the famed Design Academy Eindhoven); and speaks three languages. How do you think design? In general, I find the design scene to be friendlier here than in the Netherlands. Interestingly, these days, many of designers doing well in Holland aren't even Dutch; a lot of foreigners are based there, which the current economic climate encourages. [An "Inside Out" martini glass. Yes! [The American Beauty Desk Lamp]
Reggio Emilia: An innovative approach to early childhood education Reggio Emilia is a prosperous town in the hills of northern Italy, rich in culture and famous for its vintage basil vinegars, Parmigiano cheese, and Lambrusco wine. But it is also home to a programme of early childhood education that has gained international repute in the last quarter century. The first schools were started by parents in 1945 as an alternative to the strait-laced, church-monopolized institutions that dominated Italian early education at the time. What were the goals of these parents of Reggio Emilia? “Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible.” News of the experiment soon got around. The new preschools grew at great personal sacrifice, and demand grew as well. From the start, the Reggio early childhood programmes reflected spontaneity and responsiveness to new ideas – an ‘emergent curriculum’ that was a far cry from the rigidity of the public schools.
Start An Education Revolution In Seven Steps First, a little background: We’re three undergrad industrial design students at the University of Cincinnati who teamed up for an experiment in education. We set out to partner with our university, a high school, and several footwear companies to create a curriculum that would engage and empower inner-city youth through footwear design. We titled the experiment the Tread Project. The pitch was simple: Tread wanted to create an engaging curriculum that would channel these urban students’ passion for (and sometimes obsession with) footwear into their high school education. The result was a program aimed at giving these kids an intro to design thinking, creative problem solving, and the footwear-design process in seven weeks. Once the Tread Project idea was born, we pitched it to several global footwear brands. [The students took part in a build-your-own-shoe exercise with masking tape. What’s the Point? How to Start Your Own Revolution1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Where Do We Go from Here?