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Expanding Image Menu with jQuery

Expanding Image Menu with jQuery
In today’s tutorial we will create an expanding image menu with jQuery. The idea is to have some columns with black and white image slices that will make a content area slide out when we click on them. We will also slide in the colored version of the image, creating a neat […] View demoDownload source In today’s tutorial we will create an expanding image menu with jQuery. The photography is by talented Robert Bejil, check out his awesome photos on his Flickr photostream. So, let’s get started! The Markup The HTML structure consists of a main container and an unordered list where each item is one of the columns. Let’s take a look at the style. The CSS We are going to stretch the container for the list over the page and hide the overflow. We will give enough width to the ul so that the li elements which will be floating, don’t wrap to the next “line” when they expand: The overflow of the li elements is going to be hidden as well because our content inside is actually much bigger. The JavaScript

Effet de transition de couleur sur les liens avec jQuery L'idée est similaire à celle que j'ai déjà utilisée pour d'autres scripts. J'ai écrit une fonction qui sélectionne les liens (balises <a>), place leur contenu dans un <span> avec le nom de classe ".one" et ajoute un élément <span> avec le nom de classe ".two". <span> ".two" contient le même texte que <a> et est placé juste au-dessus à droite du texte du lien. Au départ, le deuxième <span> est caché. Lorsque le lien est survolé, le <span> ".two" transite en utilisant l'effet fadeTo de jQuery, pendant que <span> ".one" disparaît. Cela crée un effet de fondu en douceur vers une autre couleur. Bien sûr, IE est à l'origine de problèmes et nous avons eu à appliquer une solution de contournement. II-1. Téléchargez le fichier zip contenant mon script et la bibliothèque jQuery et placez-les sur votre site. II-2. Ajoutez ces lignes à votre fichier CSS. II-3. Assurez-vous que les sélecteurs CSS sont correctement écrits de sorte que vous pouvez appliquer ce script sur des éléments précis.

4 Ways to Start a Small Business Edit Article Setting Out the BasicsWriting a Business PlanCovering the Legal SideManaging Your FinancesMarketing Your BusinessLaunching your Business Edited by Ben Bardot, Elizabeth Douglas, Aunt B., Ben Rubenstein and 100 others Are you one of those who dream of owning your own business? Ad Steps Part 1 of 6: Setting Out the Basics 1Have an idea. 5Choose wisely. Part 2 of 6: Writing a Business Plan 1Create a business plan. 8Cover the financials. Part 3 of 6: Covering the Legal Side 1Consider finding an attorney or other legal advisor. 3Form a business entity. Part 4 of 6: Managing Your Finances 1Cover your startup costs. 7Find a way to get paid. Part 5 of 6: Marketing Your Business 1Get a website. 5Implement your marketing and distribution plans. Part 6 of 6: Launching your Business

IxEdit 9 Inspirational Website Effects Deconstructed As you may know, there are lots of great tutorials out there which can definitely help you practice, learn and achieve amazing results. The good thing about having so many tutorials to learn from is precisely that – you have a large variety of sources to choose from. Sometimes though, the tutorials aren’t clear, or difficult to understand or you just can’t apply it in the real world. Have you ever come across a website with such a great design or effects that your inner voice screams wow, making you wonder how it would be possible for you to recreate the effect? So let’s get started! 1. Click the image above to visit the Nike website and scroll-down the page. How to recreate Ian Lunn wrote an amazing tutorial on how to recreate the Nike’s Parallax Effect. 2. Yess BMX uses one of my favourite functionalities on a website which is mouse drag. Dragdealer is a drag-based JavaScript component that embraces endless front-end solutions. The solution is called Dragdealer. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Magnet letters tentative with JQuery and CSS3 | Jérôme Sénaillat Who doesn’t love mag­netic let­ters on a fridge? I saw some­thing like that a while ago, and tried to repli­cate the same effects in my own, messy way. It was a good occa­sion to test the . The demo It’s here: It has been tested with Fire­fox, Safari and Chrome on Mac OSX . The CSS I used some extra rules for the lay­out, but the actu­ally involved CSS part is quite short. @font-face { font-family : League­Gothic ; src : url ( ’.. #white­board { back­ground : url ( .. margin-top : 40px ; padding-top : 120px ; height : 365px ; } .mag­net { font-family : ‘League­Gothic’ , arial , serif ; mar­gin : 0 ; margin-left : 10px ; margin-right : 10px ; text-transform : upper­case ; font-size : 80px ; dis­play : block ; text-align : cen­ter ; min-height : 100px ; posi­tion : rel­a­tive ; mar­gin : 0 auto ; /* let­ters col­ors */ .col0 { –moz– text-shadow : 0 1px 0 #165981 ; –webkit– text-shadow : 0 1px 0 #165981 ; –o– text-shadow : 0 1px 0 #165981 ; .col1 { The Javascript

Oh Happy Day! Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery By Jacob Gube In this in-depth web development tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a usable and web accessible slideshow widget for your site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (jQuery). In the process, you’ll see the concept of Progressive Enhancement in action. Final Result Clicking on the image below will take out to a live demonstration of the slideshow widget in action. Download source files You can download the source files for this tutorial to study. (ZIP, 2.8 MB) Setting the foundations The most important part of any good web component is a solid HTML structure. Our content’s structure involves a div called #slideshow that serves as the container for our slideshow. Block 1: HTML markup In example 1 below, you’ll see how text-based browsers, and browsers incapable of rendering CSS and JavaScript, will see our slideshow. There is also no markup for the left and right arrow controls, which we will insert into the DOM later on using JavaScript. The theory

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