Netvantage | Search Engine Marketing, SEO | Lansing, Michigan The Web Analyst's Code of Ethics - Web Analytics Association The Digital Analytics Association exists to help organizations illuminate and overcome the challenges of data acquisition, exploration, deduction and application. The DAA is a not-for-profit, volunteer-powered association, and strives to help individuals become more valuable through education, community, research and advocacy. The science of analysis using data to understand historical patterns with an eye to improving performance and predicting the future. The analysis of digital data refers to information collected in interactive channels (online, mobile, social, etc.). Digital Analytics has become an integral part of core business strategies and maintaining a competitive edge.
Ad Rotation Update: A/B Testing In Jeopardy | PPC & AdWords Blog PPC professionals and advertisers all over the world have been up in arms since Google announced the latest AdWords update. The change, meant to improve the performance of campaigns and prevent advertisers from serving less relevant ads, is putting a limited timeframe on how long one can evenly rotate their ads. Instead of being able to evenly rotate your ads, regardless of performance, for as long as you’d like, Google is capping that period at 30 days. You might be thinking, “Why is that so bad, isn’t it a good thing to only serve ads that are getting lots of clicks?” Well, most advertisers are more focused on conversions, and just getting more clicks doesn’t necessarily mean more conversions. The idea behind the update likely has to do with the fact that if an ad drives more clicks, the CTR should be higher, which then plays a major role in raising your Quality Score. Is this the end of the world? Do you like the update, or is it going to make your job harder? Trace Ronning
Evolution of Analytics Benchmarking Report This week, we are beginning a new way of providing benchmarking data to Google Analytics users. For almost three years, Google Analytics has provided a Benchmarking report for users who opt in for anonymous data sharing. In a few days, however, we will be removing the Benchmarking report from the Google Analytics interface, and replacing it with an expanded report that will be emailed directly to you. In the coming few weeks, we’ll be delivering the new benchmarking report to all account administrators for accounts that are opted-in to anonymous data sharing. Sign into your Google Analytics accountSelect the account you want to opt-in from the account listSelect Edit account settingsCheck the box next to Anonymously with Google and others If you want one last look at the current reports make sure you visit them in the next few days.
17 Great Wireframing Tools for Web Designers “Time is of the essence” is a bold statement that definitely applies to any design career. We all get paid by the hour, so the faster we can work, the more money we can make. This means that being able to get up and running on our design work has become a necessity. This is where wireframing comes in. You can get a general idea of what will work and what doesn’t, saving you time when developing websites. Balsamiq Balsamiq offers low-tech wireframes in the form of sketches so that you focus on content and functionality rather than design and looks. ProtoShare ProtoSahre focuses on collaborative wireframing between a team. Adobe Fireworks Especially with CS6, wireframing and mockups have never become easier. Pencil Pencil is an open source GUI prototyping tool. Axure Axure boasts rapid wireframe and prototype generation, as well as the ability to develop your wireframes and mockups to working prototypes. JumpChart JustInMind Prototyper JustProto iPlotz Pidoco Hot Gloo Gliffy WireFrameSketcher MockFlow
Internet Marketing Company - SEO & Pay Per Click Management Services | Pure Visibility Designing for the Mobile Web: Special Considerations By Shanshan Ma Published: January 17, 2011 “In comparing the design of mobile Web sites with the design of Web sites for computers, I realized that complex context is another important factor that differentiates the two platforms.” There are several differences between designing a Web site for a computer and designing one for a smartphone. In addition to the four problems Nielsen wrote about, I’ll cover design for complex contexts of use in my discussion of constraints on mobile Web sites. Small Screens Some ways of coping with small screens include prioritizing features and content reducing levels of hierarchy for content communicating workflows Prioritizing Features and Content “It’s usually necessary to sacrifice some of a Web site’s features and content when designing a mobile version of the site, so users can easily find the ones they really need.” Current Web design best practices and guidelines assume a 1024x768 screen resolution. Figure 1—United mobile home page Communicating Workflows
Easy statistics for AdWords A/B testing, and hamsters by So you’ve got your AdWords test all set up: Will people go for the headline “Code Review Tools” or “Tools for Code Review?” Gee they’re both so exciting! Who could choose! I know, I know, settle down. Anyway, the next day you have 32 clicks on variant A (“Code Review Tools”) and 19 clicks on B (“Tools for Code Review”). The answer matters. Normally a formal statistical treatment would be too difficult, but I’m here to rescue you with a statistically sound yet incredibly simple formula that will tell you whether or not your A/B test results really are indicating a difference. I’ll get to it in a minute, but I can’t help but include a more entertaining example than AdWords. In the movie, Hammy chooses the organic produce 8 times and the conventional 4 times. If you’re like me, you probably think “organic” is the clear-cut winner — after all Hammy chose it twice as often as conventional veggies. That’s because human beings are notoriously bad at guessing these things from gut feel. P.S.
Google Will Soon Offer A Way For Users To Opt-Out Of Google Analytics Tracking Some people don’t like the idea of Google having any data about them. Unfortunately, if you visit a site tracked by Google Analytics (and chances are you hit several each day), you have no choice. But soon, you might. Google is testing a browser-based opt-out solution for Google Analytics, they briefly note today on the Google Analytics blog. How exactly this will work globally across all browsers remains to be seen. Of course, the other question is what this means for site owners. [image: Paramount Pictures] [thanks Michael]
Search Engine Marketing & Interactive Design Agency in Seattle (US), India & Singapore - Resultrix GazeHawk - Eye Tracking For Everyone - Usability Services & Software A/B Split Testing with AdWords There has been a lot of talk over the months about split testing ads & landing pages. Google allows this to happen pretty easily as they allow multiple ads to show in one group. This is the setup for a very simple test to start people thinking about how to split test and measure such test results. There are, of course, much more complicated techniques to use. Most webmasters/marketers don’t have incredibly sophisticated tools, so this example is based on a low tech variation that can be run with just an excel spreadsheet. If you think about an ad, you have 4 lines to work with. Note: This test is for using 3 lines. 1 title, description line 1 & 2. This is assuming we’re only testing ads, and not landing pages. Turn off ‘ad optimization’ in the campaign settings, we want all the ads to receive equal exposure. I would suggest ignoring dynamic insertion on the first trial run. After you’ve hit your time frame for testing, put all your data into an excel spreadsheet. First, remember: 1.
Google Analytics for WordPress - Yoast - Tweaking Websites Do you want to track how many visitors you have? Do want to know where they come from and what they do on your site? Google Analytics is the de-facto standard for measuring this, and much more. Adding Google Analytics to your website is as easy as pie with the Google Analytics by Yoast WordPress plugin. Google Analytics by Yoast Premium Buy GA Premium now from $89 » Start tracking with just a few clicksEasily switch to Google’s Universal trackingTrack your 404 error pages and search results like a pro! Possibly even more important, buying Google Analytics by Yoast Premium gives you access to our support team. All about the Premium plugin So What does this Google Analytics plugin do? Stats for GA by Yoast First of all, this plugin makes sure you’re using the latest tracking code. You’ll be able to select your website in a drop down of the sites you have in your Analytics, hit save, and you’re done. More information Available in your language! Convinced? 1 year upgrades & support: Support
ROI Labs - Maximizing Your Web Analytics Investment - Web Analytics Consulting, Implementation & Insight