Theta Wave Brain Synchronization & Get High Now (without drugs) This is a replication of a Theta wave entrainment rhythm first created by scientists in the 1960s to lull patients into a deep, colorful, creative dream state. Listen to it for 10 minutes, longer if you can. The longer it plays, the deeper you’ll go. How It Works The human brain produces different levels of electrical activity depending on the amount of information it is processing. Throughout the day, the brain lingers between four different types of brainwave patterns: Beta (12 -30 Hz): the normal, awake consciousness associated with busy tasksAlpha (8 – 12 Hz): the relaxed and reflective state, like those induced by closing the eyes during waking hoursTheta (4 – 7 Hz): a very relaxed state associated with meditation and some sleep statesDelta (3 and under Hz): deep, dreamless sleep Theta waves (at around 4 to 7 Hz) are the sweet spot for many brain functions.
Interesting Tricks of the Body - Jeans Blog - StumbleUpon 1. If your throat tickles, scratch your ear. When you were 9, playing your armpit was a cool trick. 2. If you're stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear. 3. Need to pee? 4. German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen the pain of the needle stick. 5. Forget Sudafed. 6. Worried those wings will repeat on you tonight? 7. Just rub ice on the back of your hand, on the V-shaped webbed area between your thumb and index finger. 8. When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply light pressure with the finger pads of your unmarred hand. 9. One too many drinks left you dizzy? 10. If you're like most people, when you run, you exhale as your right foot hits the ground. 11. Pinching your nose and leaning back is a great way to stop a nosebleed—if you don't mind choking on your own O positive. 12. Trying to quell first-date jitters? 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Your own!
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01.html from emcarroll.com - StumbleUpon h 15 Amazing Animated Short films - StumbleUpon We all love short animated films, but creating short film is very hard task. Putting whole story in 5 to 10 minutes is not easy. Can you imagine? Few films produced after working hard more than 6 years! Here we collected 15 dazzling animated short films for your inspiration. You can find different genres in these movies like heart-touching film One life, frightening film The Passenger. I bet you will love these short animated movies, do let us know your favorite one, also feel free to share your favorite short film if it’s not present in the list. Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty Oscar-nominated film of ‘Granny O’Grimm’, directed by Nicky Phelan, produced by Brown Bag Films, and written/voiced by Kathleen O’Rourke. Oktapodi (2007) In Oktapodi, these two cuties help each other escape the clutches of a tyrannical restaurant cook. This Side Up – A Short Animation by Liron Topaz Oxygen Oxygen tries to make friends on the playground. “Heavenly Appeals” a short film by David Lisbe Bunny Animation
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Allegory of the Cave Plato realizes that the general run of humankind can think, and speak, etc., without (so far as they acknowledge) any awareness of his realm of Forms. The allegory of the cave is supposed to explain this. In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. From Great Dialogues of Plato (Warmington and Rouse, eds.) Here are some students’ illustrations of Plato’s Cave Go back to lecture on the Phaedo Go back to lecture on the “One Over Many” Argument Go to next lecture on Criticism of Forms Need a quick review of the Theory of Forms? Return to the PHIL 320 Home Page Copyright © 2006, S.
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