L'éléphant, pas du genre à se tromper de direction | Espèces Des chercheurs écossais ont mis en évidence la capacité des pachydermes à comprendre des signaux typiquement humains. Un fait exceptionnel dans la faune sauvage. Quand le sage montre la lune, l'imbécile regarde le doigt, dit-on. Jamais la rubrique «Vendredi, vie sauvage» ne se permettrait de traiter un animal d’imbécile, mais force est de constater que la capacité à interpréter un geste de la main comme l'indication d'une direction n'est guère répandue dans la faune sauvage. C'est là que l'éléphant se distingue. Une faculté a priori étonnante chez l’éléphant car si celui-ci est utilisé depuis longtemps par l’homme pour divers travaux, il n’a jamais été réellement domestiqué. Réussite du premier coup Les chercheurs ont observé pour leur étude, menée en Afrique du Sud, un groupe d'éléphants utilisés pour promener les touristes dans les environs de Victoria Falls. Gregory SCHWARTZ
Working with Dreams: Techniques of CG Jung & James Hillman Working with Dreams: Depth Psychology Techniques of Carl Gustav Jung and James Hillman Dream work is ancient, it’s long tradition evidenced in the temples of Asclepius in Greece where individuals went to be healed through their dreams. Dreams have been an important aspect of many spiritual traditions, and even Freud considered the study of dreams to be his most important work. In The Dream and the Underworld, archetypal psychologist and post-Jungian James Hillman prefers to allow the dream and dream symbols to remain what they are, and not to analyze and interpret them but to simply interact with them and see what comes about. I find Hillman’s technique enjoyable and rewarding as an activity, like reading a good book or watching a movie with a plot and characters that take place in front of your eyes. Jung asserts, “A dream…is a product of the total psyche. Regardless of which dream method you adopt, there is usually not one “right” translation. Some References Hillman, J. (1979).
What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades Does handwriting matter? Not very much, according to many educators. The Common Core standards, which have been adopted in most states, call for teaching legible writing, but only in kindergarten and first grade. After that, the emphasis quickly shifts to proficiency on the keyboard. But psychologists and neuroscientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting a relic of the past. Children not only learn to read more quickly when they first learn to write by hand, but they also remain better able to generate ideas and retain information. “When we write, a unique neural circuit is automatically activated,” said Stanislas Dehaene, a psychologist at the Collège de France in Paris. “And it seems that this circuit is contributing in unique ways we didn’t realize,” he continued. A 2012 study led by Karin James, a psychologist at Indiana University, lent support to that view. The researchers found that the initial duplication process mattered a great deal. Dr. In another study, Dr. Dr.
Documentary: The Grounded | Walking Barefoot By Dr. Mercola The surface of the Earth holds subtle health-boosting energy. All we have to do is touch it and become truly alive. Your Body Needs Its Connection to the Earth In the film, you’ll see an orphaned baby moose that instinctively lies on an Earthing pad to connect him to the Earth while he’s being temporarily housed in a trailer. Rubber and Plastic Shoes Disconnect You from the Earth’s Energy Flow Chances are it’s been awhile since you’ve experienced the benefits of grounding, as most Americans spend most of their waking hours wearing shoes with rubber or plastic soles. Grounding Is an Anti-Inflammatory and Helps Thin Your Blood One of the primary health benefits of grounding is its antioxidant effect. This Isn’t Just ‘New-Age Nonsense’ For over 5 years, I have personally prioritized grounding myself as much as possible. Grounding Calms Your Nervous System Grounding also calms your sympathetic nervous system, which supports your heart rate variability.
Why broken sleep is a golden time for creativity — A... It is 4.18am. In the fireplace, where logs burned, there are now orange lumps that will soon be ash. Orion the Hunter is above the hill. Taurus, a sparkling V, is directly overhead, pointing to the Seven Sisters. Sirius, one of Orion’s heel dogs, is pumping red-blue-violet, like a galactic disco ball. As the night moves on, the old dog will set into the hill. It is 4.18am and I am awake. If I write in these small hours, black thoughts become clear and colourful. All humans, animals, insects and birds have clocks inside, biological devices controlled by genes, proteins and molecular cascades. The Romans, Greeks and Incas woke up without iPhone alarms or digital radio clocks. Societies built around industrialisation and clock-time brought with them urgency and the concept of being ‘on time’ or having ‘wasted time’. Then, in the late 19th century, everything changed. The lights got turned on. Modern, electrical illumination revolutionised the night and, in turn, sleep. It is 7.04am.
The Lowdown on Longhand: How Writing by Hand Benefits the Brain My Catholic school third grade teacher was extremely tough on me. Her biggest gripe was my handwriting, which looks more like an EKG scan than penmanship. For years, I harbored not-so-fond memories of her, but now I know that her strictness about penmanship was actually helping my brain develop. Recently, scientists have shown that longhand writing benefits the brain. Today, cursive writing is becoming a lost art as note taking with laptops becomes more and more prominent in classrooms. But what we are losing is much bigger than a few scratches on a page -- we are losing a robust way of learning. There has been much debate on the use of laptops for note taking in classrooms. So in this age of technology, I'm suggesting that students take notes with paper and pen. A Plea for Penmanship When students take notes with their laptops, they tend to mindlessly transcribe the data word for word, like speech-to-text software. Now, I'll be the first to say that longhand writing is so 19th century.
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Moteur de recherche Ebooks Official Home for Character First training, education resources, and leadership seminars - Character First Good Oils Gone Bad: Recognizing Rancidity and Other Defects By Dr. Mercola Olive oil, a dietary staple in Mediterranean regions, is now a healthy favorite oil in the US, valued not only for its flavor but also its health benefits. Rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil may help lower your risk of heart disease and may even benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, helping to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. As with most foods, however, not all olive oil is created equal. 4 Signs of Defective Olive Oil When you spend the money on a quality bottle of olive oil, you want to know that you’re getting what you pay for. As The Olive Oil Times reported, paying attention to these four potential defects can help you weed out the good oils from the bad: Rancidity Olive oil is highly perishable, but is generally said to be ‘good’ for two years from the date it was bottled (this will usually be the ‘Best By’ date). So the first step is finding an oil that was harvested as recently as possible. Unfortunately, as The Olive Oil Times reported: Fusty Oil
Video on astral projection, out-of-body experience and lucid dreaming | Out-of-Body Experience and Lucid Dreaming THE PHASE (2013, full) A documentary film by Michael Raduga (All versions: Español | Deutsch | Português | Français | 中文 | 日本語 | 한국어 | Русский | Українська | Türkçe | العربية) Brain Update: Download and Installation. Size 3 minutes (2014) The Phasieland Fairy Tales (2014) (Get all ten tales!) How to leave your body Video lessons with Maria Forza: Video lessons on Phase (Out-of-Body Experience (OOBE), Astral Projection, Astral Travel, Lucid dreaming). Download FREE e-book “School of Out-of-Body Travel” Lesson 2 – Indirect Techniques (Download this video) Download FREE e-book “School of Out-of-Body Travel” Lesson 3 – Direct Techniques Lesson 4 – Becoming Conscious While Dreaming Lesson 5 – Non-autonomous Methods Lesson 6 – Deepening (Download this video) Lesson 7 – Maintaining (Download this video) Lesson 8 – Primary Skills Lesson 9 – Translocation and Finding Objects Lesson 10 – Application
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