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Vertical Garden Patrick Blanc

med mans personal mfts (medical film tables) day 28 bloom - medical master kush - day 38 - uniformity is the key to the highest yeiled and quality day 28 bloom - medical master kush - day 38 - this should be a bumper crop with the equivalent of 9.5 1000 watt bulbs day 28 bloom - bc bubba kush - day 38 - both strains leafs and buda are already coated in trichomes day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - all the buds are exposed to the same light, co2 and air flow, meaning they will all grow a perfect canopy of monster colas day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - by next week they should completley fill up all the empty spaces day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - they smell so different compared to the bc bubba, but equally mouth watering day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - these buds are going to be huge, and as equaly high quality day 21 bloom - medical master kush - day 31 - the mks have grown over 12 inches in 7 days day 7 bloom - medical master kush - (day 17)

Grass-Walled and Green-Roofed Parking Garage for Toyko The two-story parking garage would take the place of a ground level parking lot, thus doubling the amount of available parking. Cheungvogl estimates that infrastructural investment to build the garage would more than pay for themselves through increased revenue from the additional spots. Not only green and gorgeous on the outside, but the inside parking garage walls and pillars would be painted by young artists as a sort of living museum, and the harsh fluorescent lighting characteristic of these lots would be replaced with more cheerful neon lights. In feudal times in Japan, the creation public parks and garden spaces was banned by the leaders, as such, public parks in Tokyo come at a premium. This new typology for the parking garage could infuse extra green space into the city by elevating a public park to the rooftop while also giving way to a more efficient green roofed structure. + Cheungvogl Via WAN

Workshop for Architecture & Associates Grondal Paso a paso jardín - Cómo hacer un jardín vertical ¿Te gusta esta espectacular jardinera adosada a la pared? Te contamos cómo realizarla para que puedas disfrutar de las plantas y las flores en cualquier lugar. 20/07/2012 Fotos: Hearst plató Un jardín vertical Jaulas de metal, de venta en Los Peñotes. Revestimientos, de Leroy Merlin. Silla plegable, de Carrefour. Comentarios

Kitchen: Modular Island by Wiedemann Werkstatten in Germany Remodelista Older Kitchen: Modular Island by Wiedemann Werkstatten in Germany by Julie Carlson Issue 44 · In the Kitchen · November 3, 2010 Newer Issue 44 · In the Kitchen · November 3, 2010 Share on email Discovered via Designline Kuche, a concrete and oak kitchen in Germany by Wiedemann Werkstatten, with a few striking details we haven't seen before (cooktop knobs inset into the concrete countertop, modular benches that tuck under a cantilevered dining counter, and double sinks sharing a single faucet). Above: Double sinks, with a single swivel faucet. Above: Custom storage drawers. Above: The benches can be tucked under the cantilevered counter when not in use. EXPLORE MORE: Issue 44: In the Kitchen, Kitchens, Kitchens, Countertops, Furniture, Hardware, Storage Furniture: Bear and Lion in Brooklyn By Lizzie Hand Required Reading: Living Well in Small Homes By Janet Hall

10-14 Flowering Shedule Hi everyone! Ok, I've told you about the 12-1 Veg schedule,(see the link above) and a lot of members here are courageously making the switch and saving themselves a LOT in power bills during the vegetative cycles, and growing bigger, happier, and healthier plants with less troubles, using less power and less nutrients... The results have definitely exceeded all expectations in everyone's trials. The 12-1 thread has had more hits than all but two threads have in the entire time the site has been here, and its rocketed to the #1 thread on the entire forums in only the last 10 months. Many growers who are growing on a rotation or choose to rotate plants through their flower room will find a diminishing light schedule difficult to use. Since then, Ive changed to flowering on a 10-14 schedule, noting it provides a special hurry up and increased pistil and flower production. Hope this helps everyone out. Yoda

(via zhenzhudadj) Ziegert | Roswag | Seiler  Architekten Ingenieure Tu huerto a punto en 8 pasos Huertos de buen tamaño y tradicionales Si el espacio no es un problema, puedes utilizar mesas de plantación en el suelo. Tienen más fondo y capacidad para aumentar el número y las especies de tu huerto. Además, te permiten cultivar hortalizas que crecen a lo alto como tomateras, guisantes y judías. Las camas de cultivo, cercos de madera sin fondo que se colocan directamente sobre el terreno, son otra opción para disfrutar de un huerto tradicional con una imagen ordenada. Para favorecer el drenaje y la profundización de las raíces es conveniente retirar la capa de hierba y apoyar la cama sobre la tierra desnuda. Prepara el terreno Preparar el terreno es muy importante para conseguir una tierra fértil, mullida, profunda, con buen drenaje y que al mismo tiempo sea capaz de retener el agua. Sustrato Rellena las mesas de cultivo, macetas y jardineras, etc. con sustrato en sacos. Paso 3. Es recomendable instalar un programador de riego que controle la frecuencia y cantidad de agua. Paso 4.
