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Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine
About the video What was the greatest invention of the industrial revolution? Hans Rosling makes the case for the washing machine. With newly designed graphics from Gapminder, Rosling shows us the magic that pops up when economic growth and electricity turn a boring wash day into an intellectual day of reading. More videos Hans Rosling asks: Has the UN gone mad? Hans Rosling explains a very common misunderstanding about the world: That saving the poor children leads to overpopulation. The world might not be as bad as you might believe! Hans Rosling is debunking the River of Myths about the developing world. Related:  Klimatet

Teaching Robots To Interact Better With Humans The 6th annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction just ended in Switzerland this week, and Georgia Tech is excited to share three of their presentations showcasing the latest research in how humans and robots relate to each other. Let's start from the top: How Can Robots Get Our Attention? Humans rely on lots of fairly abstract social conventions when we communicate, and most of them are things that we don't even think about, like gaze direction and body orientation. Georgia Tech is using their robot, Simon, to not just try to interact with humans in the same ways that humans interact with each other, but also to figure out how to tell when a human is directing one of these abstract social conventions at the robot. More info here. How Do People Respond to Being Touched by a Robot? This expands on previous Georgia Tech research that we've written about; the robot in the vid is Cody, our favorite sponge-bath robot. More info here. Teaching Robots to Move Like Humans More info here.

Det här är klimatmötet i Paris Vad är målet med mötet i Paris? Världens nära 200 FN-länder ska tillsammans komma överens om ett nytt globalt klimatavtal. Det ska vara det viktigaste steget för att stoppa mänskliga klimatförändringar. Det ska också tackla frågorna om anpassning till ett nytt klimat och vara en hjälp till de länder som behöver. Senast man försökte i Köpenhamn 2009 misslyckades det eftersom den höga målsättningen inte matchades av de dåliga förberedelserna. Vilka är de tuffa frågorna? Det är samma knäckfrågor som återkommer i FN:s klimatförhandlingar. Om temperaturökningen ska hållas under två grader som alla länder kommit överens om kan de totala utsläppen bara vara 3.000 miljarder ton. Den stora frågan är hur de utsläppen ska delas upp? Tekniska frågor och hur avalet ska formuleras är alltid en bromskloss. Vad blir skillnaden på Parisavtalet och Kyotoprotokollet? Kyotoprotokollet var ett avtal som tillkom i japanska Kyoto 1997 och tvingade länder att minska utsläppen. Kommer det att bli legalt bindande?

Uma em cada a sete pessoas do mundo é turista: o que isso significa para o planeta? | TreeHugger Em 2012, um bilhão de turistas viajaram pelo mundo, segundo dados da Organização Mundial de Turismo (OMT), a agência das Nações Unidas especializada em turismo sustentável. É o equivalente a um em sete habitantes do planeta, o que supera todos os recordes do turismo internacional. Alguns provavelmente creem que essa não é uma boa notícia e relacionam o turismo à mudança climática, ao desperdício, à exploração, à extinção da vida selvagem ou à falta de respeito por determinadas culturas. No entanto, seu impacto não é necessariamente negativo. Com o objetivo de ampliar a conscientização sobre o poder positivo do turismo em massa com mudanças simples de comportamento, a OMT lançou uma campanha internacional: Um Bilhão de Turistas, Um Bilhão de Oportunidades. Respeitar a cultura, preservar os patrimônios históricos e comprar produtos locais são condutas que podem fazer grande diferença. Por Petz Scholtus | Imagem: ThinkStock Notas relacionadasA Rio+20 chega ao fim: reflexões e conclusões

A Robot's Body of Knowledge Photo: Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab/Karlsruhe Institute for Technology Click on the image for a larger view. 15 November 2010—Early risers may think it’s tough to fix breakfast first thing in the morning, but robots have it even harder. Even grabbing a cereal box is a challenge for your run-of-the-mill artificial intelligence (AI). Frosted Flakes come in a rectangular prism with colorful decorations, but so does your childhood copy of Chicken Little. Maybe not. The robot’s thinking is not separated from its body, because it must use its body to learn how to think. Embodied cognition also requires sophisticated two-way communication between a robot’s lower-level sensors—such as its hands and camera eyes—and its higher-level planning processor. The PACO-PLUS system’s masters tested it in a laboratory kitchen. The key was the system’s ability to form representations of objects that worked at the sensory level and combine that with planning and verbal communications.

Global Emissions | Climate Change Global Emissions by Gas At the global scale, the key greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are: Carbon dioxide (CO2) - Fossil fuel use is the primary source of CO2. The way in which people use land is also an important source of CO2, especially when it involves deforestation. Black carbon is a solid particle or aerosol, not a gas, but it also contributes to warming of the atmosphere. Top of page Global Emissions by Economic Sector Global greenhouse gas emissions can also be broken down by the economic activities that lead to their production.[1] Electricity and Heat Production (25% of 2010 global greenhouse gas emissions) - The burning of coal, natural gas, and oil for electricity and heat is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions. Note on emissions sector categories. Trends in Global Emissions Global Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil-fuels 1900-2011 Source: Boden, T.A., Marland, G., and Andres R.J. (2015). Emissions by Country References 1. 2. 3.

Grupo diedral Este copo de nieve tiene la simetría diedral de un hexágono regular. Notación[editar] Existen dos notaciones para el grupo diedral asociado a un polígono con n lados. En geometría el grupo se denota Dn, mientras que en álgebra el mismo grupo se denota D2n para indicar el número de elementos. En este artículo, Dn (y a veces Dihn) se refiere a las simetrías de un polígono regular con n lados. Definición[editar] Elementos[editar] La primera fila muestra el efecto de las ocho rotaciones, y la segunda fila muestra el efecto de las ocho reflexiones. Estructura del grupo[editar] Como con cualquier objeto geométrico, la composición de dos simetrías de un polígono regular es nuevamente una simetría. La composición de estas dos refexiones es una rotación. La siguiente tabla de Cayley muestra el efecto de composición en el grupo D3 (las simetrías de un triángulo equilátero). Por ejemplo, S2S1 = R1 debido a que la reflexión S1 seguida por la reflexión S2 resulta en una rotación de 120 grados. Haciendo que o

Nanotech breakthrough: get ready for graphene The exciting one-atom thick super material can now be produced in ample quantities and high quality. Rapid improvements in nanotechnology are now expected. Technology improvements are about to get dramatically ultra-fast. Exciting sustaining and disruptive innovations are on the way for just about every digital appliance, from touchscreen tablet computing to solar cells, according to a Science Daily report. Graphene is a new form of carbon, one atom in thickness, extremely strong and highly conducive. Read more... The result?

Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List June 7th, 2009 by Derek Markham One of the biggest issues facing us right now is global warming. Its effects on animals and on agriculture are indeed frightening, and the effects on the human population are even scarier. The facts about global warming are often debated in politics and the media, but, unfortunately, even if we disagree about the causes, global warming effects are real, global, and measurable. The causes are mainly from us, the human race, and the effects on us will be severe. –> Highly recommended: What is Causing Global Warming? –> You may also like: Global Warming Videos (Best, Funniest, & Most Inspiring) Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List 1. Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 40% of U.S. 2. Our modern car culture and appetite for globally sourced goods is responsible for about 33% of emissions in the U.S. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. About the Author

10 Reasons Why 2013 Will Be The Year You Quit Your Job Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and several-times entrepreneur. His latest books are I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. Please follow him on Twitter @jaltucher. People read TechCrunch because they want to create something, they don’t want to follow orders all of their lives, and they want financial freedom. I’m being blunt. Getting the things you want is hard but for reasons I explain below, you now have no other choice. But don’t wait for shortcuts. You can’t make money without selling something real. And now it’s too late. Jabba’s newest employee 1) The middle class is dead. He said, “look out the windows.” “Not all the news is bad,” he said. And that’s the new paradigm. And it was. 2) You’ve been replaced. I’m on the board of directors of a temp staffing company with $600 million in revenues. Flush. Robots are the new middle class 3) Corporations don’t like you. “What’s the problem?” He said, “no, we want to be about the news.

Liquid universe Public release date: 13-Oct-2004 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] UK CONTACT - Claire Bowles 44-207-611-1210New Scientist Press Office, London US CONTACT – Toni Marshalltoni.marshall@newscientist.com617-558-4939New Scientist Boston office The cosmos was born in a churning fluid 300 million times hotter than the sun. In QCD, it is the vacuum that imprisons the quarks. A pair of virtual particles from the vacuum are given enough energy that they become real, and fly apart in opposite directions. "There's no doubt. This makes the plasma more similar to a liquid than a gas. This is part of a Feature article that appears in New Scientist issue: 16 October 2004. [ Print | E-mail AAAS and EurekAlert!

Klimatet är största fattigdomshotet Publicerad 2011-11-02 19:55 Klimatet är det största hotet mot minskad fattigdom slår FN fast i sin årliga rapport över utvecklingen i världen. FN:s Human development index, HDI, mäter inte fattigdom enbart i ekonomiska termer utan tar även in utbildningsnivå och medellivslängd. Jordens befolkning har fått det bättre, visar indexet. De senaste 30 åren har utvecklingstakten i de länder som ligger längst ned på FN:s ranking varit dubbelt så snabb som genomsnittet globalt. – Om vi tittar på hälsa, utbildning och inkomst har många av de riktigt fattiga länderna gjort betydande framsteg, men det är också de här länderna som klimatförändringarna slår hårdast mot, säger Veerle Vandeweerd, chef för FN-organet UNDP:s miljö- och energiarbete. Risken är stor att de senaste årens framsteg snabbt sveps bort av torka och översvämningar, säger hon. I botten på listan finns krigshärjade länder i Afrika söder om Sahara. Dela med dina vänner

The Windows Firewall Service Fails to start – Registry Permissions - Microsoft Enterprise Networking Team As discussed in my previous posts in this series, there can be several causes that will prevent the Windows Firewall from starting. In this installment, part 3 of 5, I will cover specifics of checking registry permissions. Checking Registry Permissions You can verify the permissions in Registry Editor by right-clicking each of the following registry keys and choosing Permissions. Depending on the operating system version, either NT Service\MpsSvc or NT Service\BFE needs permissions for the following keys as described below (note that HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE has been shortened to HKLM): HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BFE\Parameters\Policy Windows Vista: NT Service\BFE - Query Value, Set Value, Create Subkey, Enumerate Sub Keys, Notify, Read Control Windows 7: NT Service\BFE - Query Value, Set Value, Create Subkey, Enumerate Sub Keys, Notify, Read Control HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Defaults\FirewallPolicy HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ShareAccess\Epoch
