Temperate Coniferous Forest | Biomes Temperate evergreen forests are found predominantly in areas with warm summers and cool winters, and vary enormously in their kinds of plant life. In some, needleleaf trees dominate, while others are home primarily to broadleaf evergreen trees or a mix of both tree types. Temperate evergreen forests are common in the coastal areas of regions that have mild winters and heavy rainfall, or inland in drier climates or montane areas. The understory also contains a wide variety of herbaceous and shrub species. Structurally, these forests are rather simple, consisting of 2 layers generally: an overstory and understory. Temperate rain forests only occur in 7 regions around the world - the Pacific Northwest, the Validivian forests of southwestern South America, the rain forests of New Zealand and Tasmania, the Northeastern Atlantic (small, isolated pockets in Ireland, Scotland, and Iceland), southwestern Japan, and those of the eastern Black Sea.
Sustainable drainage Drainage systems can contribute to sustainable development and improve the places and spaces where we live, work and play by balancing the different opportunities and challenges that influence urban design and the development of communities. Approaches to manage surface water that take account of water quantity (flooding), water quality (pollution) biodiversity (wildlife and plants) and amenity are collectively referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). SuDS mimic nature and typically manage rainfall close to where it falls. SuDS can be designed to transport (convey) surface water, slow runoff down (attenuate) before it enters watercourses, they provide areas to store water in natural contours and can be used to allow water to soak (infiltrate) into the ground or evaporated from surface water and lost or transpired from vegetation (known as evapotranspiration). SuDS are more sustainable than traditional drainage methods because they: Read more on:
Glossaire | Forêt Investissement Abroutissement(s) Dégâts sur les plantations, liés à la consommation des pousses d’arbres par le bétail ou le gibier. Accompagnement (ou bourrage) Végétation ligneuse introduite ou laissée autour d'une tige avec l’objectif de gainer celle-ci. Accroissement Augmentation des dimensions et du volume des arbres. Accroissement courant en volume : Différence de volume entre deux années successives.Accroissement moyen du volume : Moyenne réalisée sur plusieurs années Accru naturel Peuplement forestier obtenu par la colonisation naturelle d’un terrain dont l’utilisation précédente a été abandonnée (déprise des terres agricoles). Affranchi Se dit d’un rejet de taillis ou d’un drageon qui, en grossissant, s’est suffisamment enraciné pour prendre son indépendance vis-à-vis de la souche-mère. Agroforesterie Système de production qui associe sur une même parcelle la culture des arbres et l’élevage ou une autre culture Amélioration (coupe d’amélioration) Aménagement forestier Amendement Andainage Arbre Assiette Cône
Home - World Urban Parks Association Glossaire de terminologie foresti re Débardeur: Engin forestier automoteur à châssis articulé, utilisé pour les opérations de débardage. Skidder Index Déboisement : Défricher un terrain forestier pour l'utilisation à long-terme (autre que la foresterie). Index Dendrologie (forestière) : Étude et identification des arbres. Dérivé/composés phénoliques : Substances organiques très complexes qui se trouvent dans toutes les plantes en concentration, dosage et rapport divers. Désertification : Transformation de régions arides ou semi-arides autrefois productives en déserts par suite d’une sécheresse prolongée ou d’un mauvais aménagement à long terme des ressources aquatiques et terrestres. Développement durable des forêts : Développement des forêts en fonction des besoins actuels sans nuire à leur productivité future, à leur diversité écologique ou à leur capacité de régénération. Dioxide de carbone :(CO2 ) Gaz incolore, inodore et incom-bustible. Domaine vital : Exigences d'espace vital d'une espèce donnée.
Urban Path | PH Design As the needs of the inhabitants evolve beyond modern day Beijing, there is a clear disconnect between the people and their city. The Urban Path is an adaptive hybrid infrastructure that directly responds to the expanding demands of its citizens, while providing connectivity throughout the newly defined super city. As the region transforms, the path is manipulated by those who occupy it to serve their own growing demands. Architect: Anthony Harrington Team Members: Matthew Radune, Nimet Anwar At the urban scale, it is a linear form which adapts its branching according to need, function, and efficiency. Elements within the structure act as filtering mechanisms to remediate the ongoing issue of air pollution in the region. Serving as an alternative model to current urban sprawl patterns, housing is deployed throughout the structure producing dense, but adaptable living for varying publics.
How tall can a tree grow? - Valentin Hammoudi As explained in this lesson, at the base of the tree the phloem sap has delivered most of its sugar and is therefore quite watery. Just next to it, the xylem sap is rich in minerals, which were mostly absorbed by the roots. This unbalanced rate of water between phloem and xylem leads to water movement from the first one to the latter one, due to a phenomenon called osmosis. Unsurprisingly, a mirrored water exchange takes place at the top of the tree. As water gets evaporated at the leaves, the pressure inside the xylem rises which creates the so-called follicular aspiration making the xylem sap move upwards. One of the additional characteristic of this circulatory system is its extreme low energy cost.
Ekologická dílna Brno | Projekty Projekty Meandr Ohře v Karlových Varech – přírodní park Zadavatel: Statutární město Karlovy VaryRozsah prací: studie přírodního parku, technický podklad, projektová dokumentace pro stavební povolení a zadání stavby Revitalizace meandru by měla rozvíjet přírodní potenciál nivní krajiny v aluviu řeky Ohře s dramatickou scenérii říčního údolí. Současně však musí být respektovány přírodní kvality nadregionálního biokoridoru Ohře s vloženým lokálním biocentrem a všechny zákonné podmínky speciální ochrany přírody a krajiny. Návrh studie přírodního parku „Meandr Ohře“ se snaží efektivně využít vše, co řeka a prostor v jejím bezprostřední blízkosti nabízí a zároveň limity daného území dovolují. Náplň přírodního parku poskytuje návštěvníkům všestranné vyžití od herních a sportovních aktivit až po odpočinek a rekreaci v blízkosti řeky, dále nabízí naučný program, vysvětlující všem srozumitelnou formou vlastnosti a děje, které lze na území meandru pozorovat. Fotogalerie Přehled autorizovaných prací
Forest certification: a small step towards sustainability It can be hard to know whether the forest products you buy have been produced sustainably. Forestry certifications were established to give a bit more certainty, but what do they really mean? When you buy a certified product, are you necessarily helping the environment? A short history of certification The two international forestry certifications - Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certifications (PEFC) - have had an interesting history over the past 20 years. According to environmental NGOs, governments failed to agree on how to address rapid deforestation, mostly in the tropics. Yet another account is that the economically poor but forest-rich tropical nations refused to bow to western NGO pressure, forcing them to take up a forestry standard that could be used as some form of trade barrier. Scholars question the role and effectiveness of international forest certifications. FSC, PEFC: what’s the difference? So how does Australia stack up?