Ellie Crystal's Biography
Ellie Crystal's Biography Reflections in Time View from Ellie's apartment in New York City Other images of the Verrazano Bridge A Biographical Portrait By Ian Christopher - Filmmaker and Producer
Samkhya, also Sankhya, Sāṃkhya, or Sāṅkhya (Sanskrit: सांख्य, IAST: sāṃkhya), is one of the six (astika) schools of Hindu philosophy and classical Indian philosophy. Sage Kapila is traditionally credited as a founder of the Samkhya school. It is regarded as one of the oldest philosophical systems in India.[1] Sāṃkhya denies the final cause of Ishvara (God).[5] Samkhya does not describe what happens after moksha and does not mention anything about Ishwara or God, because after liberation there is no essential distinction of individual and universal puruṣa. Historical development[edit] Origins[edit]
Blocking Unwanted Connections with a Hosts File
What it does ... You can use a modified HOSTS file to block ads, banners, 3rd party Cookies, 3rd party page counters, web bugs, and even most hijackers and possibly unwanted programs. This is accomplished by blocking the connection(s) that supplies these little gems. The Hosts file is loaded into memory (cache) at startup, so there is no need to turn on, adjust or change any settings with the exception of the DNS Client service (see below).
Search Engine & Alphabetical Directory
Ellie's World Blogs 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Archived Stories and Articles, Healing and Awareness, More Ellie's Biography Ellie's World Daily Blog Ezine: Crystalinks Daily Blog Crystalinks' Mission Statement 11:11 - Encoded Digital Messages 12 Around 1 Geometry of Creation12 Days of Magic12 Fibonacci Goddesses12 Pyramids of Thoth12 Strand DNA 12 Tablets - Lunar Journey The Lost Tablets 2000 - Ellie's Trip to Egypt2001 A Space Odyssey - This Spake Zarathustra2012 - Mayan Calendar Prophecy3, 2, 1, Countdown, Sequential Digital Triggers36 Around 1414440444 555666 Mark of the Beast90 Degrees of Separation9/11 Aboriginal PeopleAcupressureAcupunctureADD & ADHDAffirmations - Thinking PositivelyAgartha - Hollow EarthAgeismAgingAgricultureAjanta Caves Akashic RecordsAkhenatenAkkadia Alchemy Index Ancient and Lost CivilizationsAncient Alien Theory - Ancient AstronautsAncient Flying Vehicles, VimanasAncient MedicineAncients
A hexagram (Greek) or sexagram (Latin) is a six-pointed geometric star figure with Schläfli symbol {6|2}, 2{3}, or {{3}}. It is the compound of two equilateral triangles . The intersection is a regular hexagon . It is used in historical, religious and cultural contexts, for example in Jewish identity , Hinduism , Occultism and Islam . Group theory [ edit ] In mathematics , the root system for the simple Lie group G 2 is in the form of a hexagram.
10 More Enigmas That Defy Explanation
Mysteries What is it about the bizarre and mysterious that piques our curiosity? It entertains our sense of wonder and excites our imagination, for sure. Luckily for us, history is marked with strange, logic-defying occurrences to amuse us.
Science Big Bang Theory Cosmology Evolution Large Hadron Collider Out of Africa Paleontology Panspermia and Exogenesis Physical Sciences Precession of the Equinoxes Primordial Soup Theory Mathematics 12 Around 1 Geometry Sacred Geometry Fibonacci Numbers Tube Torus Flower of Life Golden Ratio, Golden Mean, Divine Proportion, Phi Metatron's Cube Vesica Piscis Fractals Chaos Theories Reality as a Consciousness Hologram Consciousness Ellie's Theories Holographic Universe Reality
Serpent (symbolism)
The serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. The word is derived from Latin serpens, a crawling animal or snake. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind[1] and represent dual expression[2] of good and evil.[3]
List of common misconceptions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This incomplete list is not intended to be exhaustive. This list corrects erroneous beliefs that are currently widely held about notable topics. Each misconception and the corresponding facts have been discussed in published literature.
Etymology[edit] Etymologically, the word is a combination of the Sanskrit words bodhi and citta. Bodhi means "awakening" or "enlightenment". Citta derives from the Sanskrit root cit, and means "that which is conscious" (i.e., mind or consciousness).
85 Windows 7 tips, tricks and secrets
Whether you've just bought a second-hand PC running Windows 7 or you've been using it for a while, there are bound to be things you didn't know you could do. Whether it's tweaks to get the desktop the way you want it, tips for troubleshooting or ways to squeeze more performance from Windows 7, we've got it covered. Windows 7: the complete guide We've updated our popular Windows 7 tips article with a load of new ones, including how to recover and reset your system, how to tweak your screen resolution and the legibility of text, play music on a network of PCs, and more. Read on for over 90 tips to help you get the best from Windows 7.
How Lock Picking Works"
Most people carry five to 10 keys with them whenever they go out. On your key ring you might have several keys for the house, one or two more for the car and a few for the office or a friend's house. Your key ring is a clear demonstration of just how ubiquitous lock technology is: You probably interact with locks dozens of times every week. The main reason we use locks everywhere is that they provide us with a sense of security. But in movies and on television, spies, detectives and burglars can open a lock very easily, sometimes using only a couple of paper clips. This is a sobering thought, to say the least: Is it really possible for someone to open a lock so easily?
Massive open online course
Poster, entitled "MOOC, every letter is negotiable", exploring the meaning of the words "Massive Open Online Course" A massive open online course (MOOC /muːk/) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.[1] In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education which were first introduced in 2006 and emerged as a popular mode of learning in 2012.[2][3] Early MOOCs often emphasized open-access features, such as open licensing of content, structure and learning goals, to promote the reuse and remixing of resources. Some later MOOCs use closed licenses for their course materials while maintaining free access for students.[4][5][6][7] History[edit]
HITLER WAS EVEN SICKER THAN YOU THOUGHT | November 7th 2007 The Nazi leader wanted to control the world, but he couldn't even control his own digestion, and nor could his half-baked doctor, writes Tony Perrottet, adding perhaps a touch more detail than you might think appropriate ... From THE SMART SET It may sound like a Woody Allen scenario, but medical historians are unanimous that Adolf was the victim of uncontrollable flatulence. Spasmodic stomach cramps, constipation and diarrhea, possibly the result of nervous tension, had been Hitler's curse since childhood and only grew more severe as he aged.