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TMB Panyee FC short film

TMB Panyee FC short film

rd_matematicas_t2_ 9 Adobe Connect requires Flash Player 10.3 or above. Adobe Connect requires the Flash Player plugin, version 10.3 or above. Please download and install the Flash Player to continue. Copyright © 2001 - 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved. BADyG: BATERÍA DE APTITUDES DIFERENCIALES Y GENERALES La Batería de Aptitudes Diferenciales y Generales (BADyG) se compone de varios tests. Los que van destinados a la etapa de Infantil y Primaria son los siguientes: BADyG-I (BADIG-I) El BADyG-I está destinado a la etapa de Infantil, aunque también es aplicable a 1º de Educación Primaria. Los factores evaluados por el BADyG-I son los siguientes: - Inteligencia General - CI - Inteligencia Verbal - Inteligencia No-Verbal La Inteligencia verbal se mide a través de estas pruebas: - Conceptos Cuantitativo-Numéricos: Evalúa la correcta asimilación de una serie de conceptos cuantitativos elementales, necesarios para apoyar el desarrollo del Factor Numérico. - Información: Mide la asimilación de datos relacionados con el medio ambiente del niño. - Vocabulario Gráfico: Evalúa el vocabulario básico del niño a partir de dibujos., el nivel de conocimiento de conceptos verbales, como sinónimos, relaciones analógicas entre palabras. BADyG-E1 - BADIG-E1 BADyG-E2 - BADIG-E2 BADyG-E3 - BADIG-E3 Otros Tests:

Pakistan Airlines Ad from 1979 Driving the world into the modern age - History (9) Transcript 00:00:00:00Onscreen text reads 'Viewer advice - This media resource contains content that shows images of war. This media resource contains content that may be considered inappropriate for young viewers.'00:00:00:00Re-enactment footage of Japanese men sitting around fires and under rough shelters, at night, talking and laughing. Onscreen text reads 'Moments In Time'.00:00:11:10NARRATOR:Japan, September 1877. The samurai were about to make their last stand.00:00:21:19Re-enactment footage of men drilling with swords near a defensive earthwork of sharpened stakes.00:00:21:19NARRATOR:For generations, this ancient order of warriors had dominated Japan.00:00:28:07An armoured samurai makes a speech in Japanese, as other samurai stand and listen.00:00:32:05NARRATOR:But the old world of tradition and respect was disappearing. They now faced an enemy they could never defeat.

teachingwithted / FrontPage Orientacion 2.0 - Sueños No seríamos nosotros mismos sin nuestros sueños. Cada vez creo que es más importante focalizar las metas de los estudiantes hacia la consecución de sus sueños, a no renunciar a ellos, a no dejarse llevar por la corriente y ser deterministas. Los vídeos y algunas actividades ayudan a proyectar esos sueños, así como la elaboración de los itinerarios formativos. Youtube es un afuente inagotable, pero existen otros servicios como o Vimeo. Los propios vídeos realizados por los alumnos contando sus sueños tienen un alto valor testimonial. En mi centro realizo una actividad para narrar un día cualquiera en el futuro, Les pido que piensen e imaginen. Imagen Licencia CC Antes de escribir, tómate unos minutos y sueña, sueña con ese día de(poner la fecha aquí) antes de escribir cómo será ese día cualquiera.

Tiny Bubbles Explain Puzzle about Light from Sound Sonoluminescencethe physical phenomenon by which sound turns into lightis as mystifying as a magic trick. Despite 70 years of trying, scientists still cannot fully explain how a bubble of air in water focuses acoustic energy a trillionfold to spit out picosecond bursts of ultraviolet radiation. Initially physicists attributed the flashes to friction. In the late 1980s, though, they came to see that bubbles in a sound wave's path expanded and rapidly collapsedheating the gas inside them to temperatures hotter than the sun's surface. This collapse and heat, they determined, created a glowing plasma. In this week's issue of Physical Review Letters, Gary A. Although they don't know why, the researchers say that bubble size alone seems to predict the OH line and suggest that, compared with smaller single bubbles that collapse symmetrically (top right), larger bubbles in multibubble systems are unstable (bottom right).

What’s your future? - Crinkling News By Ian Walker The future is full of possibilities. But how do I choose? Illustration: Christopher Downes FLYING planes and steering ships from an office, online “body-guarding” and helping protect against devastating disasters. Machines and robots are already building cars, driving trucks and even making pizzas, so the days where a human hand is always needed are gone. Out with the old … Australia’s peak scientific research organisation, the CSIRO, says 44 per cent of today’s jobs will be automated, computerised and robotised by 2030. Mark McCrindle is a futurist, someone who researches lives and society to imagine what the future will look like, and he says machines and robots now drive vehicles, make things in some factories and pick some crops. … and in with the new “But we are using technology to create new jobs,” says Xanthe Smith, an analyst with Deloitte Access Economics which gives advice about money and public policy. More babies create new jobs Generation Z: * Born 1995-2009

Seesmic Five places that mark Australia's extreme geological past - Science News - ABC News Australia is often thought of as an ancient and quiescent continent — the sleeping giant in a world where landscapes dramatically change in front of our very eyes. Earthquakes have shattered New Zealand and Italy, tsunamis have inundated Japan and Indonesia, and volcanic eruptions have blasted Iceland and Russia, to name a few. In Australia, meanwhile, our activity seems to be limited to a steady northward drift at a rate of centimetres per year. But Australia's past is far from sleepy. Here are five places where evidence of our extreme history is written in stone. Central Australia: World's biggest gravity warp Driving along the Stuart Highway from Adelaide to Darwin can seem like an uneventful journey, with miles and miles of flat country only occasionally interrupted by low hills and dry creeks. But hidden beneath the red earth are some of the biggest subsurface anomalies you've never seen. The mantle is much denser than typical continental crust. Supplied: Geoscience Australia

10 sitios de vídeos para profesores Ahora que estoy trabajando junto con la Fundación Wikisaber creando contenido para ayudar a profesores, padres y alumnos a usar las tecnologías de forma eficiente y productiva en el mundo académico, me llaman especialmente la atención los recursos creados para este tipo de público. Os dejo hoy con diez sitios de vídeos creados para y por profesores, con material que pueden ayudar mucho en su día a día (sobre todo si ponen subtítulos antes de mostrarlos en las clases). Vídeos creados por profesores mostrando diferentes experiencias. Podéis enviar el vuestro y ayudar a hacer de teachertube el “youtube del mundo académico”. Con más de 5000 vídeos en su base de datos, en un buen sitio para encontrar material que puede ser utilizado en las clases. Patrocinado por George Lucas, incluye vídeos con lecciones y consejos para mejorar la educación pública en los estados Unidos. youtube Edu Disponible en varios idiomas y con vídeos de diversas categorías.

Je ne l'avais pas vue arriver celle là... Mignon tout plein. by bil Apr 18
