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Nuclear Power Plant Simulator Game

Nuclear Power Plant Simulator Game

Nuclear reactor and power plant simulation Introduction This is not a lesson like the others in Radioactivity and Atomic Physics Explained but it fits in well with the lesson on nuclear power. It is a very sophisticated simulation of a pressurised water reactor (PWR), which is the most common type of nuclear power reactor in the US but not in Europe, though the principles are very similar. Using the tour There is a comprehensive tour which goes through the workings of the reactor, starting from a consumer of electrical energy and working backwards to the reactor core itself. You can restart the tour at any time using the button at the top left of the screen. Hint numbers Each part of the simulation has a hint number that you can click to see a description of its function. The skill test Once you're familiar with how to use the reactor you can see whether you can control the reactor so that the power output matches the demand from the city. Back to Summary of Radioactivity and Atomic Physics Explained

Uranium appauvri NE PAS HESITER A ALLER VOIR LES COMMENTAIRES (qui rectifient quelques petites erreur u_U') SOURCES_ la carte est tirée du terrible site Awkward familly, site de photos de famille atroces._ La centrale dessinée par Youki est une centrale REP (réacteur à eau sous pression--> joli schéma qui bouge), qui comporte de grosses "cheminées" par où sortent la vapeur d'eau du circuit secondaire.Le modèle de Mac Gyver (et de Fukushima) est une REB (réacteur à eau bouillante), et il n'y a pas de "cheminée" de refroidissement car l'eau chauffée retourne au réacteur (si j'ai bien tout compris)._En parlant de cheminées de refroidissements, en voilà deux qui explosent. Physics Flash Animations We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content. This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest. The animations will appear in a separate window. The animations are sorted by category, and the file size of each animation is included in the listing. Also included is the minimum version of the Flash player that is required; the player is available free from The categories are: In addition, I have prepared a small tutorial in using Flash to do Physics animations. LInks to versions of these animations in other languages, other links, and license information appear towards the bottom of this page. The Animations There are 99 animations listed below. Other Languages and Links These animations have been translated into Catalan, Spanish and Basque: En aquest enllaç podeu trobar la versió al català de les animacions Flash de Física.

Connecte²d Teaching | An Interactive Earthquake Engineering Resource for Middle Grade Students Student at computer This Web site was developed to provide middle school teachers with a comprehensive, single source education tool. Connecte²d Teaching presents a unique real-life scenario in earthquake engineering design, offering students the opportunity to increase their understanding while motivating them to learn more, and to explore the fascinating world of STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The site is divided into several interrelated sections covering a wide range of materials, with each area providing distinctive learning objectives. The Lesson Plans section contains materials that will engage students in authentic, disaster-related projects.

Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky Sortir du nucléaire, cela veut dire quoi exactement ? Documentation > Tout ce qui est radioactif > Tout ce qui est radioactif > Sortir du nucléaire, cela veut dire quoi exactement ? Quelques réflexions sur une sortie du nucléaire Première mouture : 1er avril 2011 (sans blague !) - dernière modification : Juillet 2012 - paru sous forme papier dans la revue Le Débat de mars 2012 site de l'auteur : - contacter l'auteur : L'une des réactions au double séisme qui a frappé le Japon en mars 2011 a été, sans grande surprise, une montée en puissance des demandes d'arrêt des centrales nucléaires un peu partout dans le monde. Combien de nucléaire... et de charbon ? En 2009, le nucléaire mondial a produit un peu moins de 3.000 TWh (un TWh signifie un térawattheure, soit un milliard de kWh) sur une production électrique mondiale d'un peu moins de 20.000 TWh. Par quoi remplacer le nucléaire ? Si nous "sortons du nucléaire", il y a en théorie plusieurs manières de le remplacer, qui peuvent du reste se combiner :

PHYSICS 102 - ΦΥΣΙΚΗ II - Virtual Lab |Διαλέξεις | Φροντιστήρια | Υλη | Email List | Βιβλιογραφία || Ιστοσελιδα 2000 | Ιστοσελιδα 2001 | Εικονικο Εργαστηριο Φυσικης ΙΙ Στη σελιδα αυτη θα βρητε συνδεσμους σε applets που προσομοιωνουν πειραματα σχετικα με την υλη του μαθηματος. Μπορειτε να βρητε και αλλα applets στη φυσικη στη σελιδα του physics web Institute of Physics Η σελίδα είναι υπο κατασκευή και θα ανανεώνεται συνεχώς. Αν βρητε σπασμενους συνδεσμους η εχετε να συνεισφερετε ιδεες η προγραμματα επικοινωνηστε με τον διδασκοντα. Συστολη Μηκους

EPE "Basic Soldering Guide" Types of Iron? The Art of Soldering "Cold Soldering" - better than a traditional iron? Read our full review. Gas Soldering Iron review (legacy product) How to De-solder Desoldering Photo Gallery & Black Museum of Bad Soldering Electronics Soldering Guide Photo Gallery Gas Soldering Iron Review: Read how typical gas soldering irons work and see our full online view with photographs. "Cold Soldering" - a review of the Coldheat Classic Iron (legacy product), tested on a commercial electronic kit. This written guide will help beginners and novices to obtain effective results when soldering electronic components. Everyday Practical Electronics magazine contains the widest variety of interesting projects and information for beginners, trainees, hobbyists and professionals in electronics. Please refer to the Copyright Notice appearing at the end. Soldering irons Topics in this section include: Voltage Wattage Temperature Control Soldering Stations Anti Static Protection Bits (Tips) Spare Parts Time

The Transistor Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates The Transistor Play the Transistor Recycler Game About the game A transistor is made of a solid piece of a semiconductor material and either used as switches, to turn electronic signals on or off – or, as amplifiers. Read More » The Nobel Prize The 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the invention of the transistor. Readings Learn about how a transistor functions and try build a replica The Transistor in a Century of Electronics Share this: Share on facebook Share on google_plusone_share Share on twitter More Sharing Services7 Share on email To cite this pageMLA style: "The Transistor". Recommended: The Legacy of Alfred Nobel On 27 November 1895 Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris. Play the Blood Typing Game Try to save some patients and learn about human blood types! Unlocking the Secrets of Our Cells Discover the 2012 awarded research on stem cells and cell signalling. Contact E-mail us Press Sitemap A-Z Index Frequently Asked Questions Terms Follow Facebook

Global Nuclear Generation Capacity Falls Due to increasing costs of production, a slowed demand for electricity, and fresh memories of disaster in Japan, production of nuclear power fell in 2011, according to the latest Vital Signs Online (VSO) report from the Worldwatch Institute. Despite reaching record levels the previous year, global installed nuclear capacity—the potential power generation from all existing plants—declined to 366.5 gigawatts (GW) in 2011, from 375.5 GW at the end of 2010. Not surprisingly, this drop in installed capacity corresponds with a decline in global consumption of nuclear energy. Nuclear’s share of world commercial primary energy usage fell to around 5 percent in 2010, having peaked at about 6 percent in 2001 and 2002. Only four countries—the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom—increased their share of nuclear power by over 1 percentage point between 2009 and 2010. Much of the decline in installed capacity is the result of halted reactor construction around the world.

OSP Simulations Overview » home » Simulations » Overview Overview Search for OSP Simulations or browse by topic Applications There are three ways to distribute and run Java programs. Java Applications Java Web Start Java Applets Each distribution method is slightly different and has its advantages and disadvantages. Other websites or curriculum developers may adopt a different distribution mechanism and additional pages in this section show how Open Source Physics programs can be distributed as applets and using Web Start. A classical-physics model of helium consisting of two electrons in a 1/r potential well and interacting through a 1/r potential. Example: Download the classical helium simulation and run the mech_helium.jar file. Jar Files Ready to run OSP models are packaged in a Java archive (jar) file such as osp_demo.jar of osp_guide.jar. Users may also execute a jar file from within a console (terminal) although it is unlikely that students will want to deal with the complexities of command-line syntax.

Conductive Polymers Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates Conductive Polymers Play the Conductive Valley Game About the game Find out what you can use conductive polymers for in the future by furnishing a house! The Nobel Prize The 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery that plastic can, after certain modifications, be made electrically conductive. Share this: Share on facebook Share on google_plusone_share Share on twitter More Sharing Services9 Share on email To cite this pageMLA style: "Conductive Polymers". Recommended: The Legacy of Alfred Nobel On 27 November 1895 Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris. Play the Blood Typing Game Try to save some patients and learn about human blood types! Unlocking the Secrets of Our Cells Discover the 2012 awarded research on stem cells and cell signalling. Contact E-mail us Press Sitemap A-Z Index Frequently Asked Questions Terms Follow Contact | Press | Sitemap | FAQ | Terms Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2014 Follow us: Follow us: Facebook Google+ Twitter YouTube

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