Secret Worlds: The Universe Within - Interactive Java Tutorial Secret Worlds: The Universe Within View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons. Once the tutorial has completely downloaded, a set of the arrows will appear that allow the user to increase or decrease the view magnitude in Manual mode. Notice how each picture is actually an image of something that is 10 times bigger or smaller than the one preceding or following it. Earth = 12.76 x 10+6 = 12,760,000 meters wide (12.76 million meters) Plant Cell = 12.76 x 10-6 = 0.00001276 meters wide (12.76 millionths of a meter) Contributing Authors David A.
How to Create a Comic Strip in 7 Easy Steps Does your child love to draw or tell stories? Do you want to share your kids’ masterpieces with the world (or at least with Grandma)? In this article, I’ll make you a hero by empowering your kids to write, draw and publish your very own comic. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s lots of fun. Why Make a Comic Strip? All children are artists. They draw, play and use their incredible imaginations to create fantasy worlds and characters that are funny or powerful or really, really silly. A comic strip is a new way to channel their creativity—to capture it in pictures and words. No doubt you have a refrigerator covered with various works by your child at this very moment. Does your refrigerator look like mine—covered with your kids’ art? It’s only as we get older we convince ourselves that our art is “bad.” When you teach your kids to make a comic strip, a medium where it’s ok for your art to look silly or imperfect or childish, you’ll nurture their creativity and imagination before it gets stamped out.
Pencil - a traditional 2D animation software Algebra MakeBeliefsComix: Create Your Own Comics Manual de Etiqueta Sustentável Lançado em novembro de 2007, com 33 dicas, o Manual de Etiqueta Sustentável registrou a maior tiragem da Editora Abril - 2,5 milhões. Dois anos depois, a segunda edição da cartilha impressa ganhou 87 ideias, uma versão on line em forma de teste e traduções em inglês e espanhol. Agora, o Manual de Etiqueta vira aplicativo para iPhone e lança nova cartilha com mais 65 dicas, também disponíveis para download. Nesta página, você acessa tudo - sua história e versões – para tornar sua rotina ainda mais sustentável. Use e espalhe! Faça download do novo Manual O novo Manual de Etiqueta Sustentável do Planeta Sustentável tem 65 dicas para você baixar já, no seu computador Aplicativo para iPhone Em breve, as dicas do Manual de Etiqueta disponíveis em seu celular.
Algebra Worksheet Generator Select number of each type of equations: One-step Equations: (e.g.. x-4=10) Two-step Equations: (e.g.. 2x+6=16) Combining Like Terms X's on both sides Distributive Property Systems - solve for x and y solve by adding solve by subtracting a mix of the above two require one multiplication step general system solve by substitution Quadratics - ax2+bx+c=0 simple factorable difficult factorable (a not equal 1) general - require quadratic formula imaginary solutions, general Note: There will be no ads on the worksheet. Options: Create Answer Sheet also Include Header No Negatives Percent of coefficients that are fractions Printing tips - For best printed results. Permissions - Can you photocopy these worksheets? Answer sheet pops up in separate window.