After Effects region of interest After Effects CC 2015 (13.5) is now available. For details about what’s new and changed in After Effects CC 2015 (13.5), see this page. IMPORTANT: Before installing the new version of After Effects, please read this page about the default behavior of the updater, which is to remove all previous versions of the application, and this page about why you might not want to do that. The biggest piece of work for After Effects CC 2015 (13.5) has been a complete re-architecture of how rendering occurs, specifically regarding separating the main render thread from the thread that controls the user interface. Please, check with the vendors of your third-party plug-ins for updates that are compatible with After Effects CC 2015 (13.5). I said that most are ready. As usual, Toolfarm is doing an excellent job of tracking which plug-ins have updates, and where to get them. Trapcode Sound Keys (Red Giant) This bug is our fault, not the fault of Trapcode or Red Giant. other Red Giant plug-ins Boris FX
TOTAL PHOTOSHOP (tut. video immagine ecc.) Up&Up è il nuovo, spettacolare, video dei Coldplay Il gruppo britannico ha pubblicato sui propri canali ufficiali il video del nuovo singolo Up&Up ottenendo, subito, moltissime visualizzazioni. Posto che i Coldplay possono piacere o non piacere, siamo qui per suggerirvi di dare un’occhiata (ed anche più di una) alla clip. Si tratta infatti di un video ricco di effetti speciali, una delle nostre grandi passioni, e di contenuti e rimandi all’attualità davvero sconvolgenti. Up&Up – Due parole sui registi Non ce ne voglia chi non è appassionato del settore e chi è abituato a spegnere la televisione quando compaiono i titoli di coda, ma non possiamo non dedicare almeno due parole a chi ha realizzato questo capolavoro. Up&Up – Messaggi subliminali Come già accennato, questo video porta con sè una serie di immagini che richiamano ad argomenti di attualità, vediamone qualche esempio. Un muro collocato in una splendida spiaggia blocca l’accesso al mare. Up&Up – Come hanno fatto? Up&Up – Il video
Home - Healthy Spaces & Places Download: for all practitioners and decision makers who are working within the built and natural environment, who can help tackle some of Australia’s major preventable health issues by – walking, cycling and using public transport – every day. But it’s also for everyone who can make a difference to the overall health and wellbeing of Australians – design professionals, health professionals, the property development industry, governments and the community. Healthy Spaces and Places supports and complements planning and design initiatives throughout Australia. It is a single source of easy-to-find, practical information from experts in health, planning, urban design, community safety and transport planning. This website includes:
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