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Meta-Search Engines-The Library

Meta-Search Engines-The Library
"Smarter" meta-searcher technology includes clustering and linguistic analysis that attempts to show you themes within results, and some fancy textual analysis and display that can help you dig deeply into a set of results. However, neither of these technologies is any better than the quality of the search engine databases they obtain results from. Few meta-searchers allow you to delve into the largest, most useful search engine databases. They tend to return results from smaller and/or free search engines and miscellaneous free directories, often small and highly commercial. Although we respect the potential of textual analysis and clustering technologies, we recommend directly searching individual search engines to get the most precise results, and using meta-searchers if you want to explore more broadly. The meta-search tools listed here are "use at your own risk." Better Meta-Searchers Meta-Search Engines for SERIOUS Deep Digging CSEs: Make Your Own Meta-Search Engine Cinq moteurs de recherche 3D - Journal du Net Lassés des interfaces classiques, certains moteurs ajoutent une dimension supplémentaire à la restitution de leurs résultats. Quelques résultats en image et en 3 dimensions. Searchcube est très certainement aujourd'hui le moteur le plus abouti dans sa présentation en trois dimensions des résultats de ses recherches. A la manière d'un Rubik's Cube, les parois du cube affichent les pages issues de la requête. Searchcube utilise l'API Google Ajax Search, kit de développement permettant d'interroger directement la base de données de Google. Le site : Searchcube

SEO - Search Engine Optimization To learn more about SEO, also see our What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization? page. Apr 9, 2014 at 9:10am ET by Derek Edmond While B2B SEOs understand the value in content marketing initiatives, we sometimes fail to understand the level of content commitment required to demonstrate success. In the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council's recent study, "The Content Connection to Vendor Selection," researchers uncovered six distinct personas that all consume different types of content and share that content with other levels within the company. According to the report, these various buyers consume a spectrum of content marketing assets in an effort to keep current on new technologies, glean insight and shape purc [...] Related Topics: B2B Search Marketing Column | Channel: SEO | SEO - Search Engine Optimization | SEO: Writing & Body Copy Apr 7, 2014 at 10:22am ET by Greg Sterling RetailMeNot is having remarkable SEO success. Apr 4, 2014 at 9:20am ET by Mitul Gandhi

KartOO visual meta search engine World Wide Web Research Tools World Wide Web Research ToolsRobert Harris + February 17, 2014 Yes, I know that Google is the search tool of choice preferred by many people as their go-to guy when they want to know something or find a photo. But you ought to use a variety of search tools when you need to do an in-depth look for something. Besides, just because you have a really good pair of needle nose pliers in your toolbox, you wouldn't say you don't need a pair of lineman's pliers, too, would you? Or to change metaphors, just because you already have a really good pair of shoes in your closet, you wouldn't say you don't need any more shoes, would you? So, anyway, moving right along. E n g i n e s Custom Search D i r e c t o r i e s R e f e r e n c e a n d D a t a b a s e s G r a p h i c s S p e c i a l t y P e r i o d i c a l s G o v e r n m e n t B o o k s M e d i a N e w s Search Tips | Evaluating Research | Information Biases | Search Engine WatchSearch Engine Showdown | Citing Web Pages MLA Style | APA Citation Style

Wikia Search s'arr 01net. le 01/04/09 à 18h48 Début 2008, peut-être grisé par le succès de Wikipedia, le cofondateur de l'encyclopédie collaborative, Jimmy Wales, venait chatouiller Google sur son terrain en lançant le moteur de recherche Wikia Search. Il vient de remiser le défi dans ses placards en annonçant sur son blog la fin du projet. « S'il y a une chose que j'ai apprise dans ma carrière, écrit-il sur son blog, c'est qu'il faut se focaliser sur ce qui marche et laisser de côté ce qui ne marche pas ». Jimmy Wales affirme que si la situation économique et financière mondiale n'avait pas été celle qu'elle est aujourd'hui, il aurait continué à investir dans Wikia Search malgré tout. Dix mille utilisateurs par mois Wikia Search réunissait 10 000 utilisateurs tous les mois ces six derniers mois, selon Cnet. Mais il a aussi souffert d'une concurrence subite de...

Cuil's Seval Oz Ozveren: Creating the Next Generation of Internet Search As use of the Internet grows and changes, so has the ability of users to search for specific content or stories, photos and videos that relate to certain topics of interest. One of the companies trying to harness and expand the power of search is Cuil, which is developing Cpedia — an engine that promises less repetition, an encyclopedia-style summary for each search, results that integrate related topics, and input and recommendations from users’ social networks. Cuil vice president of business development and finance Seval Oz Ozveren talked about the company’s mission, the evolution of search and the creation of Cpedia — which is still in the “alpha” testing phase — with Knowledge@Wharton during the recent Future of Publishing conference in New York City. An edited transcript of the conversation appears below. Knowledge@Wharton: Tell me a little bit about Cuil, its mission, some of your current services and maybe some that are under development? Ozveren: Exactly.

vous Patrice Lamothe ? Devenez é Il y a énormément de choses sur le Web... En l'espace d'une quinzaine d'année, tout le savoir humain ou presque s'est retrouvé publié sur ce média... Mais rechercher quelque chose est long et fastidieux. Certes, il y a les moteurs de recherche comme Google et autres, certes il a les bookmarks et les "social bookmarking" comme Delicious... Encore mieux : vous pourriez aussi savoir s'il y a des recoupements avec les livres réalisés par d'autres... Patrice nous explique la mécanique. Intéressant me semble-t-il. Pour contacter Patrice Lamothe : patrice((point))lamothe(arobase)pearltrees(point)com Le site de PearlTrees : ici © Une production du Billautshow - the video for the rest of us -

125 Social Bookmarking Sites : Importance of User Generated Tags, Votes and Links Editor’s Note: This post was updated in October of 2016. Is social bookmarking still relevant in 2016? Read this updated post by Anna Crowe to learn more. The positive effects of social bookmarking for publishers of news sites, blogs, and other websites are outstanding. Social bookmarking can introduce sites to others with relevant tastes and drive traffic and valuable backlinks to your site. Some social bookmark sites pass on link juice, while some use the NoFollow attribute. The Benefits of Social Bookmarking The external metadata compiled via user-generated descriptions, tags, titles and categorization is incredibly valuable to search engines, as in the same philosophy as anchored backlinks, descriptive content about a web site defined by the users of that site who are not associated with the marketing or coding of that site, can be extremely powerful in gauging the importance and relevance of the content and tags which are used on that site. Image Credits: Featured Image: Deposit Photos

How SEJ Tools Handle all Your Keyword Research Process Raven Toolset is designed the way that you would never need any other SEO tool. This post shows you how it guides you through the whole keyword research process: 1. Get Keyword Suggestions Research words with Wordtracker: Wordtracker is yet another tool you can gain access to via Raven tools dashboard. The Related match returns related keyword matches based on popularity.The Embedded match returns embedded keyword matches based on popularity.And the Exact match returns exact keyword matches based on popularity. Research words with Google Adwords tool: Google Adwords tool is another handy third-party utility that can be accessed from within Raven tools dashboard. Provide up to 10 words;Specify match type (Broad, phrase, exact).Choose language (click “Tailor results to languages and countries” to access the option) 2. (Useful for researching phrases your competitor tends to focus on) 3. 4. 5. 6. Can you think of any other keyword-research-related task Raven tools can’t do?
