Catching Killers Forensic Clues Mouseover clues on the crimes scene to uncover special bonus content. Watch Video Watch the Sneak Peak See how ruthless murderers are brought down by revolutionary forensic techniques. Watch Preview Where do Fingerprints Come From? Serious Games Sciences Home Page Hello World! BrainCake is now CanTEENgirl! Awesome news! We have updated our site and shifted from BrainCake to! Never fear, CanTEEN is filled with awesome resources for girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) too! Things to see: Tour Your Future - Join us for a first-hand look at what it is like to work in a STEM career! Careers A-Z -Explore STEM careers! Livin’ It! Challenges- Try your hand at some sweet DIY STEM activities! Play the Game! Thank you for your support and interest in the Girls, Math and Science Partnership’s site. CanTEEN is a project of Carnegie Science Center’s Chevron Center for STEM Education and Career Development. Got questions?
Mars Exploration Program: Interactive: Billion-Pixel View of Mars from Curiosity Rover Rana - Monde virtuel dédié aux sciences et technologies sur SCIENCE EN JEU - Accueil Il y a quelques décennies, une étrange colonie de grenouilles, menacée par la pollution, le réchauffement climatique et la destruction des milieux naturels, est partie à la recherche d’un endroit pour échapper à l’extinction qui les menace. Les grenouilles sont sensibles aux modifications de l’environnement. Leur fine peau perméable les rend très vulnérables aux agents polluants. À la course! Es-tu déjà monté à bord d’un véhicule utilisant un biocarburant? Attention! Clique ici pour consulter le palmarès! Évacuation imminente? Une explosion dans l’usine d’habits d’homme-grenouille des Bufos sans scrupules a entraîné la rupture d'un réservoir d’ammoniac de 80 000 litres. Un impressionnant nuage toxique s’échappe maintenant du réservoir. Hyla, ministre de l’environnement de Rana, a besoin de ton aide. C’est du propre! On a tous du talent. Parlant de quêtes… Il y a une nouvelle quête sur Rana ! Si tes amis n’ont pas essayé SCIENCE EN JEU , c’est un très bon moment pour les inviter.
Instructions for making a putt putt boat Mr Slater Harrison, My name is Jordan and I'm from Greece. I'm 14 years old and I must say that I'm not very good at physics! But, I wanted to make something like a wooden construction so I serched on youtube and I came up with your video about putt-putt boat! I thought that it was excactly what I wanted to do! Then, I saw all the videos of this boat. Yours sincirelly, Jordan In this new page I am listing smart innovations that people have developed to make pop pops better/easier. Part 1 Introduction to pop pop (aka putt putt) boats. Part 2 continues the introduction. Part 3 goes through all the materials you will need, including an aluminum can for the engine, flexible plastic drinking straws for the jets, and epoxy glue to hold everything together and make a pressure-tight seal. Part 4 is Step 1 of the actual building instructions. Part 5 is Step 2, cutting and trimming the middle part of the can so you have a sheet of aluminum to build the engine with.
Astronomy Picture of the Day's Educational Links What follows is a list of resources that excel in astronomy education. Each resource is distinctly different - they have been chosen to highlight a wide range of interests. We believe the list is topologically complete in that there are no publicly advertised astronomy resources on the WWW that cannot be found by following the internal links of these resources. The list is in alphabetical order, and is subject to change as the WWW, and our knowledge of it, matures. APOD in the Classroom How Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) is being used as a learning tool by teachers and students. Astronomy 101 Online for Free See all the video lectures and Powerpoint slides for a real Introductory Astronomy Course taught at Michigan Technological University. Astronomy with a Stick Elementary school astronomy activities that can be done with only a stick. Astronomy Picture of the Day Subject Sorted Archive This archive contains Astronomy Pictures of the Day (TM) sorted by subject and is updated monthly. - Live Flight Tracker! The Physics Classroom
Testé ponctuellement (les ressources éducatives avec des élèves et le niveau rookie en tant que prof). Va être utilisée dans le cadre d'une séquence en MPS. La partie labo est bien expliquée, l'animation est sympa et le test de connaissance au sortir de chaque labo intéressant. En anglais. by profsdocs_lensdistrict Sep 8