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The Hood Internet

Album Reviews: Egyptrixx: Bible Eyes The reputation of David Psutka's Egyptrixx among beat music cognoscenti was quickly cemented last year by tracks like "Battle for North America" and "The Only Way Up", the latter being one of the brightest cuts to come out of a packed-with-hits Night Slugs camp. His willingness to take the basis of UK funky into techier, more austere turf meant he could stake a potential claim as a progressive-minded genre-tweaker. Still, all through his previous peaks, you could hear his music stretching, testing itself, reaching for something ahead even as it planted a couple solid feet directly in the midst of a spotlit movement. Bible Eyes is what those earlier singles were reaching for, and as a full-length debut it's a bit of a shock-- the familiarization process of a compelling new artist sped up into a rapid succession of surprising revelations. Earlier singles hinted at clean minimalism and deep rhythmic space, but that sound is significantly starker here.

Movies: Cdn. crowned Sundance's breakout star KEVIN WILLIAMSON, QMI Agency , Last Updated: 11:06 AM ET PARK CITY, Utah - Canada's Tatiana Maslany is Sundance's breakout movie star. The 24-year-old picked up a special jury prize Saturday night for her portrayal of a sexually-charged adolescent in Adriana Maggs' Grown Up Movie Star. Maslany, who hails from Regina and now lives in Toronto, was recognized in the world cinema category. In advance of the festival, Sundance director John Cooper compared her to Ellen Page and Carey Mulligan, both of whom were launched to out-of-nowhere stardom after sensational Sundance debuts. To date, Maslany's highest-profile roles have been on CBC's Heartland and Being Erica. She wasn't alone in celebrating. For a rundown of all the winners, go to

Witch house (music genre) Witch house is an occult-themed dark electronic music genre and visual aesthetic that emerged in the late 2000s. The music is heavily influenced by chopped and screwed hip-hop, dark ambient soundscapes, industrial and noise experimentation, and features use of synthesizers, drum machines, obscure samples, droning repetition and heavily altered, ethereal, indiscernible vocals. The witch house visual aesthetic includes occult, witchcraft, shamanism and horror-inspired artworks, collages and photographs as well as significant use of typographic elements such as Unicode symbols.[1][2] Many works by witch house visual artists incorporate themes from 60s, 70s and 80s cult and obscure horror movies,[3] the television series Twin Peaks,[4] and mainstream pop culture celebrities. Many artists in the genre have released slowed-down remixes of pop and rap songs,[17] or long mixes of different songs that have been slowed down significantly. Egedy described witch house as follows: It’s a joke.

Chinese artist Li Wei’s Optical Illusions | Mighty Optical Illus I really have no idea how Li Wei managed to capture these photos of himself. The closest thing that comes to my mind is Johan Lorbeer.Dangling horizontally out of a skyscraper, his hovering figure looks set to fall to his doom, but this artist ‘jumper’ hasn’t just lost it all on a game of chance – this is performance art with a difference. Li Wei has previously produced series of self-portraits involving faces reflected in mirrors, and photographs of himself crashing into walls and sidewalks. His current work is a mixture of performance art and photography that creates illusions of a sometimes dangerous reality.

January 2008 Boubacar Traoré is songwriter and guitarist from Mali. I don't know much about African music (though I will say that this is an incredible recording), so here is some info from Wikipedia: "Traoré first came to prominence in the early 1960s. He had taught himself to play guitar and developed a unique style that blended American Blues music, Arab music, and pentatonic structures found in West Africa's Mande cultural region. He was a superstar in Mali and a symbol of the newly independent country (see History of Mali). His songs were immensely popular and he enjoyed regular radio play. During the 1970s Traoré's popularity faded, until a surprise television appearance in 1987. Try it - 128kbps, .mp3, mediafireBuy it! Think These Are Photoshopped? Guess again - Chill Out Point - Fu I understand if you feel like it is hard to be amazed by anything you see on the internet these days, when you know for a fact that any teenager with a computer and a copy of Adobe Photoshop or other photo manipulation software can put together a fake photograph in a couple of minutes. The modern technology, computers and gadgets have brought such endless possibilities to modern society that anything is possible with the right equipment and the pinch of photography skills, technology know-how and creativeness. Which would make you completely right to believe that these photographs have been tempered with! You need to be broad minded and always mind that real life is, sometimes, stranger than Photoshopped imagery and some of the most amazing, jaw-dropping of those photographs are, in fact, real.

Teams vs Star Slinger – Punch Drunk Love If someone was to tell me that I am the new J Dilla, I would probably make them my friend for the rest of my life. Then, in some gross, vain music ritual, I'd have them repeat it to me every day. This, surely, is what Star Slinger must feel. Well, no. Naturally, Indie Shuffle got involved early on: you can find a review of his Volume 1 here and a review by a bloke from my old school here (where you will find that his taste, naturally, for a "bedroom" DJ/producer is broad and excellent). I shall leave you with this blitzkrieg of a track: Punch Drunk Love.

These Koosh Ball Bullets Make Getting Shot Look Friendly - Koosh Through>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>> Grapevine Jet Set Siempre Articles: New Vocabulary Throughout a class of genres and micro-genres, there seems to be a new musical vocabulary emerging, one centered around the way vocals are being manipulated to create moods and atmospheres defined by their amorphous, often spectral nature. Ghost voices. It's something like what happened in the film Inception, the way music could be heard through layers of dreams. That effect-- as though sound were floating through several walls of consciousness, its outlines blurred to be almost unidentifiable-- has something to do with the fact that we've heard a lot of these vocals before in their original form; they're often samples that have been resurrected and re-articulated to express a sort of new slang. You can hear it in dance music and hypnagogic pop, in witch house, drone, and art rock, the various presentations just as disparate as they are interconnected. Burial"Ghost Hardware" "Ghost Hardware" is built with the same fogged-up parts that comprise much of Untrue. Mount Kimbie "Maybes"

Kingdom- That Mystic EP Yo! Grab Kingdom's 'That Mystic' EP, released on L-vis and Bok Bok's Night Slugs and digitally on A-Trak and Nick Catchdub's Fool's Gold Records, labels that continue to produce some of the freshest artists around. Kingdom is a dj/remixer/producer originally from right outside of Boston, where he grew up as a punk rock kid, then experimented in electronic bands and listened to jungle and house in his high school years. Bonus: Pang- Kingdom (mediafire download) For more info on Kingdom, including live events, follow his website here
