La cartographie des citadins mécontents (et constructifs)
Il y a quelques jours Microtokyo vous présentait le détournement aussi original qu’iconoclaste de la cartographie opéré par les collectifs Bijari (Brésil) et Los Iconoclasistas (Argentine) dans leur travail de sensibilisation contre les projets de gentrification de deux quartiers populaires de grandes métropoles : La Barceloneta à Barcelone et Pinheiros à São Paulo. What’s up ? Eh bien, de telles interventions à la frontière de la et du politique sont plus que jamais nécessaires. Notamment ici, au pays du camembert, frappé d’un déficit durable de démocratie urbaine : faiblesse de la participation des populations concernées par les projets urbains, réticence des acteurs de la gouvernance urbaine à déléguer quelques rênes du pouvoir – oui à la démocratie participative et à la concertation, tant qu’elles se limitent à des effets d’annonce, terrain favorable aux requins de l’immobilier… Propos exagérés ? Esthétique et politique de la carte Le contre-pouvoir du citadin MAPit
Home | Institute On Governance
The IOG uses a series of Leadership Boot Camps to raise awareness and re-position skills of public servants about to take on greater responsibilities. Boot Camps prepare participants for leadership across various communities: science, communications, policy, human resources and information technology. A second, but equally important series, Modernizing Government, starts off with the premise that the challenges of restraint in the post-DRAP world require an understanding of transformation. IOG’s Modernizing Government sessions, both open enrollment and intact teams, take participants through the transformation process so that they will be able to lead or participate more effectively in transformations in their respective areas. The Institute also offers coaching to executives and officers at all levels of government, the private and the not-for-profit sectors in the development of their leadership skills.
Red Gobierno Abierto
Datos de usuarios – Informe de transparencia de Google
Like other technology and communications companies, Google regularly receives requests from governments and courts around the world to hand over user data. In this report, we disclose the number of requests we receive from each government in six-month periods with certain limitations. Usage of our services have increased every year, and so have the user data request numbers. We continue to look for new ways to organize information and provide more detail. For example, starting with the July–December 2010 reporting period, we began to disclose the percentages of user data requests we comply with in whole or in part. Our FAQ about legal process provides information about how we aim to put users first when we receive user data requests. Requests by Reporting Period Percentage of Requests Where Some Data Produced User data requests We did not start providing information about users/accounts specified in data requests until the January–June 2011 reporting period.