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40 Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Photo Manipulation

40 Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Photo Manipulation
Since our last Photoshop tutorial, Photoshop Tutorials: Compilation of some stunning text effects, we got so much positive feedback that we decided to put together another collection of tutorials concentrating on photo manipulation. In this post, you’ll find everything from Pencil Sketching Effect to Creating A Slow Motion Bullet Shot Effect in Photoshop. Now the hard part will be deciding which of these amazing tutorials you will use in your next creations. Hope you enjoy! Creating an Abstract Watercolor Wallpaper There are plenty of ways to create a Watercolor Effect in Photoshop. How to Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces Applying texture to a flat surface, or flatly applying a texture across a whole image (as a means to age it or degrade it) is simple stuff. How to Turn Humdrum Photos into Cinematic Portraits ... if you work on a project that requires a stunning shot without the stunning photography, you'll be able to cobble something together using your mad skillz! AHHHHH! Related:  Tutorial Archives

27 Sufficient Photoshop Video Tutorials to Learn to Use Photoshop Completely | How to use Photoshop - Free Course 27 Sufficient Photoshop Video Tutorials to Learn to Use Photoshop Completely As compared to written tutorials, video tutorials are quick to grasp and easy to understand! So here in this post I have collected only 27 Photoshop Tutorials which are most sufficient to learn to use Photoshop. So get the advantage of these Photoshop Tutorials to understand Photoshop. I have categorized all tutorials so first consider categories and then go along them. Main Aspects of Photoshop: Digital Painting Video Tutorials Matte Painting Video Tutorials Photoshop Effects Video Tutorials Photoshop CS5 Video Tutorials 1. Basic Level : You will learn to draw basic ball drawing. Intermediate Level: It’s also ball drawing tutorial as above but in this you will to bring depth in an impressive manner as well you will learn to create shadow around ball. Advanced Level: In this tutorial you will learn to basic coloring to your image. Expert Level: This is somewhat challenging tutorial because, now you are in Expert Level!

Abertura de Jonny Quest em Stop-Motion. Quem aqui estiver na casa dos 30 com certeza se lembrará do desenho animado chamado Jonny Quest, uma série da Hanna-Barbera mostrava as aventuras de Jonny e seu pai acompanhados de Hadji, Dr. Benton e o cachorro Bandit, acontece que a dupla Roger D. Evans e McAlister Brandi resolveram recriar a abertura do desenho em Stop-Motion, ficou sensacional. Participe deixando seu comentário, dúvida, sugestão, ideias, exemplos ou simplesmente dizendo um "Olá!" Caso não queira ficar de fora das atualizações diárias do blog você tem 3 opções bem práticas: Siga-me no Twitter.Cadastre-se e receba por e-mail o resumo diário do que foi postado aqui no blog.Cadastre nosso endereço RSS para receber as atualizações via leitor de Feeds. Obrigado por ter votado no ::Tutoriais Photoshop:: para o iBest e Peixe Grande 2008 e 2009! Até a próxima!! Por André Sugai em 6.9.11

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Hey welcome to my tutorial page! Below are whole lot of tutorials (mostly Photoshop ). I hope you find these tutorials helpful. If you have any questions regarding any of these tutorials please contact me via my contact page… Vector Art with Photoshop Learn how to use Photoshop to create OUTSTANDING vector art. Pop-Art в стиле Роя Лихтенштайна Мелисса Клифтон – Поп-арт в стиле Роя Лихтенштайна с помощью Photoshop Create a Fashionable Dress Shoe in Illustrator In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a dress shoe with the help of gradient meshes. We will also explore how to create custom vector textures as well. Tutorial Assets You can find this tutorial's reference photo, as well as other fashionable dress shoe reference photo on Thinkstock. Step 1 Start by opening up your image in Photoshop. Step 2 Copy and Paste the new image into Illustrator (I've flipped it for preference). Step 3 Next, create a new layer called "Colors" (This is where we will store the initial colors sampled from the shoe). Step 4 With the "Colors" layer active, use the Eyedropper Tool (I) to sample a dominant color from the shoe and switch to the Blob Brush (Shift + B) to paint a swatch on your artboard (notice that the color is the original color from the shoe and not the screened color as it appears on the layer). Step 5 Continue to select the major colors from the shoe. Step 6 Here, all the color groups have been added. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13

GRATUIT PHOTOSHOP, Formation gratuite Photoshop sur Tuto Nous vous proposons ici une sélection de tuto Photoshop gratuits, en vidéo, qui vous permettront à la fois de découvrir le fonctionnement du site mais surtout de vous former à Photoshop sans dépenser le moindre centime. Les tuto Photoshop gratuits proposés ici vous permettront de découvrir des techniques de retouche, l'application d'effets, la découverte des bases de Photoshop, avant de passer sur des formations Photoshop plus complètes et pointues. Même si ces tutoriels sont gratuits, il n'en demeure pas moins qu'ils sont le reflet des cours payants que vous trouverez sur le site. Ces tuto gratuits sont également une bonne occasion de découvrir les formateurs Photoshop qui postent régulièrement des cours sur le site.

30 Useful Abstract Photoshop Design Tutorials - Noupe Design Blog Jun 11 2010 By Janos Racz Abstract works have many uses in design: they can serve as a vibrant desktop background, a mysterious webdesign header or they can be beautiful art pieces by themselves. What’s more, abstract design has many forms, and not too many limitations. But once you have an idea, it’s always good to know how to actually implement those to get the desired results. Useful Abstract Photoshop Tutorials Chroma WallpapersThe article shows how to make a great abstract composition combining a 3D-looking base with some additional effects. Create a Wavy Blackberry Style Wallpaper DesignThis wavy abstract design is brought to you buy Fabio Sasso, featured on PSDTuts. How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks in PhotoshopVarious lightning effects are important parts of almost every absract design. Windows Vista Aurora Effect Photoshop TutorialTutorials on re-creating certain popular and commonly used effects are always popular.

30 nouveaux Tutoriels de qualité gratuits pour Photoshop Grâce à cette nouvelle sélection de tutoriels de qualité, vous n’avez plus d’excuse pour ne pas progresser sur Photoshop ! Que ce soit dans le domaine de la photomanipulation, pour des effets de texte ou encore pour maîtriser les dernier outils de Photoshop ou les derniers effets tendances, tout y est ! Je vous invite à parcourir la liste et à vous attarder sur les tutoriels susceptibles de vous intéresser. Pour information, certains tutoriels n’ont peut-être pas de résultat final spectaculaires (comme par exemple « Comment créer une photomanipulation en pleine nature » ou encore « Très bon tutoriel pour intégrer un rendu 3D dans une photographie pour un résultat photoréaliste ») mais ils sont incroyablement propres et intéressants. Si vous souhaitez donc progresser, prenez le temps de vous plonger dedans ! Et dites quels sont vos tutoriels favoris parmi cette sélection ! Photomanipulation et matte painting Superbe tutoriel de photomanipulation Effets de texte Effet de texte en ampoule Divers

70 Of The Best Photoshop Actions For Enhancing Photos | Creative The compilation consist of 70 of the best Photoshop actions collected from all around the web from photo effects to actions for even creating photo borders, An essential design resource for all designers weather your an expert or an beginner. Photoshop actions consist of a series of menu commands such as i.e. filters, image adjustments etc which can be recorded and played back this process is called a Photoshop action. Photoshop actions are perfect for novices to Photoshop simply because it allows you to apply multiple different photo effects to an image within a few seconds without having knowledge about the ins and outs of Photoshop. Photo Effect Actions 1) Double sketch effect action for Photoshop This action offers a “double” sketch effect, just like if you painted the sketch twice, once from left to right, and once from right to left. 2) Photoshop Action – Bright Eyes A Photoshop action to enhance the appearance of the eye but only works with blue eyes. 3) Pencil Draw Photoshop Action
