The ABC’s of Competency-Based Learning Although classrooms offline have been delivering competency-based training for decades, the eLearning industry has only just woken up to the merits of this form of learning. However, competency-based training is yet to become a trend in online education simply because most designers and training managers are not sure what it means and how they can implement the concept in practice. So in this post we’ll be decoding the jargon. For starters, here’s an infographic that outlines the whys and the wherefores of competency-based learning. Read on, if you want to learn more. What is a Competence? To put it simply, competence means a skill. Competency is: Measurable. What is Competency-based Learning? Remember how you learned mathematics in school? Competency-based learning lets learners move through a course at their own pace. What are the Benefits of Competency-Based Learning? 1) Relevance to the Real World: Tip: Do not create instructional modules that just state the mere facts. 4) Self-Paced
10 URLs to Find Out What Google Knows About You Google is much more than just a search giant. It is also home to many of your favorite products: Gmail, YouTube, and Chrome, just to name a few. Apart from that, it also offers many products to help you keep track of your data. We’ve compiled a list of important Google URLs of some hidden tools that carry information of what you did with Google, mostly from the searches that you have made on their many products, the voice searches and typed out Google searches that you have made. 1. Google Dashboard offers transparency and control over the personal data stored with your Google Account. It summarizes data for each product you use and allows setting preferences for personal account products. 2. Saved Passwords is the tool to view the usernames and passwords (stored with Google Smart Lock) that you have ever typed and saved in Google Chrome and Android for signing into various websites. These stockpiled credentials are synced and accessible across your numerous devices. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The Difference Between Pedagogy, Andragogy, And Heutagogy The Difference Between Pedagogy, Andragogy, And Heutagogy by Terry Heick Jackie Gerstein’s passionate thinking about learning is some of my favorite to read. She is rarely pulled down by trend or fad, but is unquestionably progressive and forward-thinking in her approaches to learning and thinking about learning. She and I also share a passion: self-directed learning. I’m embarrassingly interested in any kind of learning at all–formal or informal, self-directed or teacher-centered, authentic or academic. Gerstein’s presentation, “Education 3.0 and the Pedagogy of Mobile Learning” uses the concept of mobile learning as a spearhead into a broader discussion of how people learn–different approaches, different domains, and different technologies.
8 Classroom Management Apps for Tech Savvy Teachers For teachers, the calling to make a difference in a student’s life is strong. But for many, the workload and burden overwhelms their ability to deliver a strong impact. Fortunately, education technology is here to lend a hand. In this post we will be looking at 8 apps tech savvy teachers can use to better manage their classrooms. Most (not all) of these apps are available for free, and most (again, not all) are available as mobile apps (for Android, iOS and beyond). 1. Class DOJO is a very helpful tool for teachers to gather and generate data on the behavior of students. By using this tool, a teacher has a number of predefined behavior options under the categories of positive and negative behaviors. The app also provides a secure communication method for teachers to send feedback about a student to their parents, similar to a continuous progress report on how the children are doing. 2. Google Classroom for anyone with a Google Apps for Education account. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
5 Characteristics Of Project-Based Learning That Works - Schedule a TeachThought Professional Development PBL Workshop For Your School > 5 Characteristics Of Project-Based Learning That Works by Drew Perkins, Director of TeachThought Professional Development Interested in learning more about how to leverage great thinking and learning using authentic project-based learning? Check our PBL Workshop Services. As I’ve written before (What PBL Can Do For Your School…And What It Won’t) project-based learning can be an amazing tool for student, teacher, and school growth but only if you’re getting great thinking and learning as a result. Quality PBL takes advantage of built-in and designed levers of quality that helps the teacher as facilitator align the thinking and learning we’re after in our students. Aligned Thinking and Learning The project is intentionally designed to solicit thinking around desired standards, content, & skills students need to know. When planning for project design what thinking and learning do we want our teaching to align with?
Gender neutral parenting doomed to fail Sex therapist and psychologist Bettina Arndt says gender-neutral parenting is impossible and that women expect too much from husbands and fathers. Arndt has served on a number of committees advising government policy, including the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group and the Child Support Review Reference Group and says women are taking over all the parenting, even going as far as raising them to be more like women. "As we discovered, back in the 70s there were a lot of women who, feminists, women in the women’s movement who decided they were going to try to do that sort of thing, a lot of us have realized we are really up against it because, I think there is no question there is something biological," she said. "I think it’s doomed to failure." She says women need to be more realistic about what they expect from men as partners and fathers. Video Are we raising our boys wrong? Video Are we raising our boys wrong?
Is 2016 The Year That Progressive Education Returns? - Is 2016 The Year That Progressive Education Returns? by Robert Sun The 1920’s were a high point in the Progressive Education movement. Developed in response to the rigid pedagogy of 19th Century industrial society—methods that stressed uniform learning largely defined by social class—Progressive Education sought to break the mold with a more enlightened approach to public schooling. While Progressive Education had many elements, it essentially followed three teaching strategies. First was an emergent curriculum that responded to children’s enthusiasms, recognizing that students are most motivated to learn something they are already interested in. Despite its promise and a number of early successes, Progressive Education eventually lost momentum in the United States. As America comes to grips with the 21st Century world, however, the precepts of Progressive Education are once again finding favor. Finland has been a leader in the neo-progressive movement.
Toimijuutta Rantakylässä | #opus2015 TÄNÄÄN 15.10. webinaari klo 15:30 Rantakylän yhtenäiskoulussa toimijuus näkyy ja tuntuu työskentelykulttuurissa. Toimijuus on noussut kasvatustieteen sanastoon viimeisen 10 vuoden aikana. ”Toimijuus (engl. human agency) tarkoittaa yhteisöllisessä toiminnassa syntyvää yksilön identiteettiin ja kulttuurisiin malleihin perustuvaa toimintavalmiutta. Rantakylässä Marja-Leena Bilund on luotsannut lukuisia eri teemoihin keskittyneitä työskentelyjaksoja, joissa toimijuus on aidosti oppijoiden omaa aktiivisuutta. Katso webinaariin osallistumisen tarkemmat ohjeet tämän blogin Webinaarit-sivulta. Tuokiokuva työskentelystä Rantakylässä, katso lisää blogista. Tykkää tästä: Tykkää Lataa... 4 Elements to Effective Adult Learning, According to Neuroscience Adult Learning or Andragogy highlights that adult learners are fundamentally different in their methods of learning in comparison with children. As an L&D professional, you need to understand these differences and figure out the best methods that can be employed to meet the adult learning needs. With adult learners, you will encounter different types of expectations, demands, and challenges. While there are multiple methodologies to make this happen, there is a model proposed by Lila Davachi, Associate Professor of Psychology at New York University that is known to be very effective. 1) Attention "Learning that happens while multitasking cannot be generalized— and does not result in understanding or the ability to recall when needed." The first and foremost step in any learning is to gain the attention of the learner. In fact, Edward Hallowell, MD, Director of the Hallowell Center for Cognitive and Emotional Health has reiterated that true multitasking is only but a myth. 2) Generation
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