The Best Websites For English Language Learner Students In 2013 – So Far This list focuses on sites that ELL students would use directly. Of course, many other sites on my other lists can also be used effectively with ELL’s. You might also be interested in: The Best Websites For English Language Learner Students In 2012 — Part Two Anchorage - Michelle Shocked - Song exercise for Past simple A short song exercise for elementary to pre-intermediate learners to practise basic Past simple forms. Michelle Shocked is an American singer-songwriter, who was born in Dallas, Texas in 1962. Her first US success came with her 1988 debut album Short Sharp Shocked, which this song comes from. English Grammar Resource Grammar Slammer! Welcome to Grammar Slammer, the help file that goes beyond a grammar checker. Use it as you would any help file. For more on how to use Grammar Slammer Deluxe and Grammar Slammer, click the "How To" on the contents below. How to Use Grammar Slammer
Grammar Welcome to EnglishClub Grammar for English learners. Many of these grammar lessons also have quizzes to check your understanding. If you still don't understand something, feel free to ask a question at the Grammar Help Desk. Grammar Handbook « Writers Workshop: Writer Resources « The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois Thank you for using the Grammar Handbook at the Writers' Workshop, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This Handbook explains and illustrates the basic grammatical rules concerning parts of speech, phrases, clauses, sentences and sentence elements, and common problems of usage. While we have done our best to be comprehensive and accurate, we do not claim to be the final authority on grammatical issues. We appreciate constructive emails with questions, suggestions, or corrections, but please understand we may be unable to respond to all of them.
Formal Letter Writing Tips - Articles How to Write Formal Letters Help with formal and business letter writing. A summary of writing rules including outlines for cover letters and letters of enquiry, and abbreviations used in letters. Jump to: English Language Centre Study Zone: Welcome! About the Study Zone The Study Zone is for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria. ELC teachers create the English language lessons and practice exercises.
English The Easy Way - English For Everyone!!! Common Errors in English Usage Use the search form below to find words and phrases on this site. About this Search Engine E e.g. / i.e. each early adapter earmarks / hallmark earth, moon easedrop ecology / environment economic / economical ecstatic ect. -ed / -t edge on eek / eke efforting ei / ie either / or, neither / nor either are / either is eighteen hundreds / nineteenth century electrocute elegy / eulogy elicit / illicit ellipses email embaress emergent / emergency emigrate / immigrate eminent / imminent / immanent empathy / sympathy emphasize on emulate / imitate end result enamored by endemic / epidemic engine / motor English / British enjoy to enormity / enormousness enquire / inquire ensuite ensure / insure enthuse entomology / etymology envelop / envelope envious / jealous enviroment epic / epoch epicenter epigram / epigraph / epitaph / epithet epitomy eponymous equally as equivocate / equal -er / -est error / err -es espouse / expound / expand et al.
OWL Writing Exercises Welcome to the updated OWL exercise pages. For the past year and a half, we have been working on updating the OWL page design and OWL navigation based on our OWL Usability Project findings. As part of this process, we have also been working on correcting and updating our exercises. To navigate the OWL exercises, please use the navigation bar on the left. You may also print the exercises and the exercise answers by using the Full Resource for Printing button at the bottom of the exercise pages.
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