Doit-on avoir peur des nouvelles maladies ? Accueil Alcool : le point sur votre consommation ? Le 05.01.2022 # Santé & bien-êtreQuel buveur ou quelle buveuse êtes-vous ? Pour le savoir, mesurez votre consommation d'alcool avec l'alcoomètre... En prenant des repères sur vos pratiques, vous protégez... Novembre: arrêter de fumer avec #MoisSansTabac Le 14.11.2021 # Santé & bien-êtreL'opération #MoisSansTabac accompagne jour après jour les femmes et les hommes qui souhaitent arrêter de fumer. Infarctus des femmes : Brut. filme les Bus du Cœur Le 07.11.2021 # Santé & bien-êtreLe Bus du cœur, une initiative soutenue par AXA prévention, a repris sa tournée le 9 mars 2022.
Reinventing business research | The Mandelbrot Set Understanding Mathematics by Peter Alfeld, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah The Mandelbrot Set. Note: All of the Mandelbrot pictures on this page were generated with the applet on this page! You can click on any of them to see a large version, and you can use the applet to generate those very same pictures, or similar pictures all your own! The first picture ( No1 ) shows a small part of the Mandelbrot set (which is rendered in red). List of Contents What's so special about the Mandelbrot set? What is the Mandelbrot set? z(0) = z, z(n+1) = z(n)*z(n) + z, n=0,1,2, remains bounded. You may ask, what's so special about the particular iteration (1), and why do we use complex numbers instead of real ones. Much of the fascination of the Mandelbrot set stems from the fact that an extremely simple formula like (1) gives rise to an object of such great complexity. Consider this picture ( Title ). Now, I know you already clicked on that applet! This is what you should see. Max.
Lovely Charts 10 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2010 Data visualization and all things related continued its ascent this year with projects popping up all over the place. Some were good, and a lot were not so good. More than anything, I noticed a huge wave of big infographics this year. It was amusing at first, but then it kind of got out of hand when online education and insurance sites started to game the system. That's what stuck out in my mind initially as I thought about the top projects of the year. One of the major themes for 2010 was using data not just for analysis or business intelligence, but for telling stories. So here are the top 10 visualization projects of the year, listed from bottom to top. 10. Scott Manley of the Armagh Observatory visualized 30 years of asteroid discoveries. 9. Hannah Fairfield, former editor for The New York Times, and now graphics director for The Washington Post, had a look at gas prices versus miles driven per capita. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Fischer also had a fine series on race and ethnicity.
Penser l'espace | Le XXIe siècle est celui de la géographie 15 modèles de graphiques pour Powerpoint et Excel Pour convaincre un client ou des collègues, rien de mieux qu’un bon rapport ou une présentation solide. Pour cela, il faut souvent en passer par des graphiques percutants, qui font rapidement et simplement passer vos idées ou démonstrations. Powerpoint et Excel sont deux bons outils qui permettent de réaliser ce genre de graphiques. Sauf que pour le néophyte, ou l’utilisateur occasionnel, créer un graphique avec ces logiciels n’est pas la chose la plus aisée. Surtout si l’on souhaite réaliser des choses un peu complexes. Le site JuiceAnalytics, bien connu pour ses solutions autour de Google Analytics, propose 15 modèles de très bonne qualité pour Powerpoint et Excel. Pour chaque type de graphe, vous pouvez télécharger un fichier .XLS et .PPT avec des données tests à l’intérieur. Ainsi, vous n’aurez plus qu’à remplacer les données par les votre pour obtenir un très beau graphique avec de belles couleurs. Une bonne aide pour les webworkers qui n’ont pas de temps à perdre.
Data visualization Data visualization or data visualisation is viewed by many disciplines as a modern equivalent of visual communication. It is not owned by any one field, but rather finds interpretation across many (e.g. it is viewed as a modern branch of descriptive statistics by some, but also as a grounded theory development tool by others). It involves the creation and study of the visual representation of data, meaning "information that has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information".[1] A primary goal of data visualization is to communicate information clearly and efficiently to users via the information graphics selected, such as tables and charts. Effective visualization helps users in analyzing and reasoning about data and evidence. Data visualization is both an art and a science. Overview[edit] Data visualization is one of the steps in analyzing data and presenting it to users. Indeed, Fernanda Viegas and Martin M. Graphics reveal data.