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Pen and Ink Drawings

Pen and Ink Drawings
Des illustrations très impressionnantes par l’artiste Sagaki Keita basé et vivant à Tokyo. Ces oeuvres sont composés de milliers de personnages et de dessins en tout genre, formant alors une image principale. L’ensemble de ses travaux sont à découvrir dans la suite. Related:  Art

She Wears the Night (5 pics) I've been a fan of Amy Sol's whimsical, sweet art for quite some time now, she's one of those artists who continuously amazes me with her talent. This new piece, called She Wears the Night, is a small graphite and gouache illustration she made for the Japanese street fashion themed "Sweet Streets 2" show going on now at Nucleus gallery. I just love how the girl in her illustration has the moon on her dress and what looks like an owl on her shoulder. Ethereal and gorgeous. Catch this piece and more at Nucleus Gallery from now until October 4, 2010. Amy Sol

The Real Banksy This was my Easter special, got very little awareness really. It’s a shame because I was particularly pleased with the way the layers came out. What do you lot think? You're obviously not banksy, banksy wouldn't do it. Anonymous Well that just, like, your opinion, man. What is the meaning behind all your works, in general? What do you want them to mean? If you are the real Banksy, how do you feel about all the merchants in Camden selling merchandise with your artwork plastered acrost it? I used to get annoyed about it, but to be honest those guys are not that well off, they come from the same place that I did, and I’d rather they made money off it than rich art dealers and bandwagon-jumping celebrities. The Onion do make me laugh, I don’t know how I’ve never seen this before. For the record, I’m male and I don’t have any grandchildren… yet. Someone sent this to me - someone got a tattoo of some of my work! Has anyone else out there got a Banksy tattoo?

Dirty Water A l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l’Eau, voici cette campagne pour Solidarités International afin de sensibiliser au fléau de l’eau insalubre. Imaginé par l’agence BDDP Unlimited, ce film a été produit par Hush et réalisé par Clément Beauvais avec uniquement de l’eau et de l’encre. 2010 - 2009 : Nimit Malavia 905 483 1631 HomeBLOG All images © Nimit Malavia. 50 Mind Blowing Sketches | Penny's Daybook | Critic, “I’m an artist myself and” Argument from authority – always a logical fallacy, but even worse when it’s in a subjective field where there arguably can’t be any authorities. “I hate it when people who aren’t artists assume anything someone puts out there is ‘mind-blowing’.” – incredibly condescending, don’t you think? And besides, “assumes” that it is mind-blowing? If the person who posted these pieces had his mind figuratively blown by them, then how can they not be mind-blowing? Who are you to say that they are not, in the face of reality and facts? “There were only a select few that were actually interesting and most of them were considerably unskilled-looking.” “Just because someone draws lines in a girls hair or shows the boobs doesn’t make it amazing.” “No, I am not bias towards any creative expression whatsoever but I don’t agree with just how ‘inspiring’ these are supposed to be.”

The Engine Institute, Inc. | Art, Science, Technology and Genius Parkour Showreel Une bande demo / showreel 2011 sur la discipline du Parkour : une pratique physique consistant à transformer des éléments du milieu urbain en obstacles à franchir par des sauts et des escalades. Une courte compilation par le photographe Scott Bass, basé à Cambridge. Galerie + Portfolio Scott Bass. Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама
