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Educationalwikis - Examples of educational wikis

Educationalwikis - Examples of educational wikis
The educational wikis on this page are listed in alphabetical order. They are awesome and we invite you to add your educational wiki to our list! You may also add the name of your country and a mini flag. Thank you! You may view visitor statistics here.Wiki: 21st Century Skills for TeachersTeacher: Dr. Debby Brady, Teachers K-12.Country: U.S.A.School: North Middlesex Regional School DistrictDescription: The course will continue for a year, and the wiki is under construction. Wiki:21st Century Learning Teacher:Hamish McLean, Year 5/6 (Grades 5/6)Country: New Zealand School: Katikati Primary School, Katikati, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.Description: The first page is my eLearning Blog. School: Totino-Grace High School, Fridley, MN, U.S.A.Description: The information station for our US History, World Cultures, US Government and Constitutional/Criminal Law courses. Wiki: 278 math wiki Teacher: Lillian Rivera Location: NY, USA Description: Wiki: 2nd Grade Class Wiki Teacher: D. Teacher:S.

je publie sur le wiki de mon école 1. Mise en projet: choix et définition du ou des textes à produire par les élèves en vue d'une publication sur le wiki de l'école (projet d'école, de classe ou d'élèves). 2. Production du texte: selon les nécéssités du choix (en collectif ou en individuel) , écriture d'un brouillon sur papier. 3 Pressing Questions Facing the Future of Social Media Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, which brings together staff from Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga along with Zen teachers and others to explore living with awareness and wisdom in our modern age. He is SorenG on Twitter. The conversation about social media in our society is shifting significantly. We're no longer asking questions like, “Will people use social media?” or “Are sites like Facebook and Twitter simply trends that will soon lose steam?” After billions of tweets and 600 million people on Facebook, it’s settled: People want to share online.

L'Agence nationale des Usages des TICE - Diaporama sonore autour de la poésie Michel Pribyl est professeur des écoles à l’école de Scorbé-Clairvaux (86). Il nous présente une activité au cours de laquelle ses élèves de CM2 illustrent une poésie par un diaporama sonorisé. Le projet Dans le cadre d’activités rituelles en ateliers « décloisonnés » du vendredi après-midi, ayant lieu dans toute l’école, chaque enseignant accueille des enfants de tous les niveaux (du CP au CM2) pendant six séances d’une heure. Il s’agissait donc ici de réaliser un diaporama sonore autour de poésies, pouvant éventuellement inclure des animations, en utilisant les TICE. Les enfants se sont répartis par groupe d’affinité (maximum quatre élèves par groupe), se sont déterminés sur le choix de la poésie, puis se sont mis d’accord sur son découpage en écrivant en face de chaque section comment ils allaient l’illustrer : dessin ou animation image par image.

Welcome to Wikispaces - Free Wikis for Everyone Scratch Programming Resources and Videos This lesson plan has been fully revised in September 2009 and is being used to help structure classes in several primary schools in Sussex in the south of England. Originally we devised written notes for teachers and parents but have now moved to providing video lessons for direct communication with the adult or child learning Scratch. Scratch is designed for 8-12 year olds to learn a particular style of programming suited to creating interactive applications with multimedia content. Scratch is often used informally within a school computer club with pupils encouraged to work in pairs on projects that interest them. In our opinion, a successful lesson plan needs to introduce programming concepts, without overwhelming the pupils, and stimulate their interest so that they have the desire to put their skills to use in creating their own projects. You can view the following pages and associated videos or download a document you can print to help you structure your own lessons.

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