Open Culture Emile Cohl e l'animazione astratta - Giannalberto Bendazzi di Alessandro Castellano Emile Cohl è noto a tutti come il papà del disegno animato. E se vi dicessi che è anche, con ben 12 anni di anticipo, il precursore del cinema d’animazione astratto? A svelare l’arcano è stato Giannalberto Bendazzi, custode dei mille segreti della storia dell’animazione, con la sua relazione “Emile Cohl, pioniere del cinema d’animazione astratto” presentata durante la 29esima conferenza annuale della Society for Animation Studies (SAS) tenutasi a Padova dal 3 al 7 luglio 2017. Ma veniamo al dunque. “Fantasmagorie”, film del 1908 di Emile Cohl, viene ricordato come il primo film a disegni animati ad avere una proiezione pubblica, e quindi indiscutibilmente opera prima del cinema a passo uno. Il cortometraggio è costruito secondo gli schemi dello spettacolo di vaudeville: una serie di scenette, situazioni, gag rese ancora più surreali dalle possibilità metamorfiche del cartoon. Walter Ruttmann - Lichtspiel: Opus I (1921) from Avant-Garde Cinema on Vimeo.
Examples of how to Calculate Different SQL Server Dates Every now and then, you need to take the current date and calculate some other date. For instance, you might have an application that needs to determine what date is the first day of the month, or need to know the last day of the month. Now most of you probably already know how to separate the date into its piece (year, month, day, etc.) and use those pieces along with a number of functions to calculate a date that you might need. In this article, I will be showing how to use just the DATEADD and DATEDIFF function to calculate a number of different dates you might need to use in your applications. In order to understand these examples, let's first review the DATEDIFF and DATEADD functions. The DATEDIFF function calculates the amount of time between two dates, where the time part is based on an interval of time, such as hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc. First Day of Month For the first example, let me show you how to get the first day of the month from the current date. Conclusion
Find documents, lecture notes and papers on any topic | wePapers sign up Login Paper Key Courses Members Papers Navigate Most popular Newest Most liked Papers Type All Abstract Article Assignment Book Cheatsheet Exam Lecture Notes Presentation Research Terms Textbook Solutions Go by language All Languages English Español Deutsch Français Italiano Nederlands 日本語 עברית Polski Português Русский 中文 Other | All Institutes View Results from my Institute only | Finding The Right Beans For A Great Cup Of Coffee By Thijmen Sloth , On October 6, 2012 Views: 219 Main Category: Education Tags: Get Better With These Self Help Proposals By Sheldon Houmann , On October 6, 2012 Views: 180 Main Category: Agriculture and Related Sciences Fill Your Mug With Something Tasty Today Views: 167 Tags: cat civet coffee kopi luwak poop Alternative Emergency Care By Henderson Lindgren , On October 6, 2012 Views: 203 Emergency Dentist and Urgent Care Dental Facilities Views: 163 Tags: care Charlotte City Creek dentist emergency hickory Medical memphis Missouri NC treatment tx urgent Tips And Hints On Combating A Bad Hair Day Views: 252
What Mimicking One's Language Style May Mean About the Relationship Oct. 4, 2010 AUSTIN, Texas — People match each other's language styles more during happier periods of their relationship than at other times, according to new research from psychologists at The University of Texas at Austin. "When two people start a conversation, they usually begin talking alike within a matter of seconds," says James Pennebaker, psychology professor and co-author of the study. "This also happens when people read a book or watch a movie. As soon as the credits roll, they find themselves talking like the author or the central characters." This tendency is called language style matching or LSM. "Because style matching is automatic," says Ireland, a psychology graduate student, "it serves as an unobtrusive window into people's close relationships with others." Ireland and Pennebaker tracked the language used by almost 2,000 college students as they responded to class assignments written in very different language styles.
Elogio dell’ombra I dipinti presentati alla Galerie de l’Univers di Losanna raccolgono il lavoro svolto da Arduino Cantàfora dal 2011, data della seconda mostra personale presso la stessa galleria, dopo quella del 2007. In apertura: Arduino Cantàfora, Le Venezie possibili, olio su tavola, 80 x 120 cm, 2014. Sopra: Arduino Cantàfora, Capriccio veneziano. Il palazzo di Ludovico il Moro, olio su tavola, 80 x 120 cm, 2014 La mostra si apre con un dipinto emblematico intitolato Le Venezie possibili. Vi si riconoscono alcune delle architetture di affezione delle molte esplorazioni compiute da Cantàfora negli universi urbani, a partire da quella eseguita nel 1973 alla XV Triennale di Milano. Ma il dipinto mostra anche una presenza inattesa: il Capriccio Palladiano conservato presso la Galleria Nazionale di Parma, nel quale Aldo Rossi scorse l’indizio da cui nacque la città analoga, vi è rappresentato di scorcio. Arduino Cantàfora, Berlin quatre ans avant la chute du mur I , olio su tavola, 70 x 50 cm, 2015
Elogio della tristezza «Inside Out», il nuovo cartone animato della Pixar ambientato dentro il cervello di una ragazzina di undici anni, è un’opera geniale e coraggiosa. Ci vuole genio per trasformare le emozioni umane nei personaggi di una storia. E ci vuole coraggio per rivendicare, tra queste emozioni, il ruolo fondamentale della tristezza, raffigurata come una bambina occhialuta, goffa e blu: il colore dello spirito. Per buona parte del film la tristezza si accompagna alla gioia come un intralcio, una ganascia conficcata nelle ruote dell’ottimismo e della felicità. Ma alla fine la sua importanza verrà riconosciuta. Non così nella vita vera, dove la tristezza è stata espulsa da qualsiasi discorso pubblico e privato. Per il pensiero dominante la tristezza non consuma e non comunica, si nutre di astinenze e di silenzi, è antieconomica e dannosa.
Eight Questions To Ask Before You Start A Business Are you thinking of starting a web business? Starting a PPC Management agency? Setting up your own site and selling things, or building a web publishing empire? Before you start, ask yourself the following eight questions. The advantage of this Q&A is that you can quickly see if the idea you’re going to throw your money and soul into is likely to work. 1 . Define what service the business provides. Try to focus. McDonalds could, no doubt, provide up-market meals, but they focus on selling quick, cheap food. That is what they do. 2. Who are your customers? Create a mental image of your typical customer. 3. What is your unique selling proposition? If your customers can buy the same services for less elsewhere, or more easily, they will. There is a tendency to model yourself on others. This is not to say doing something wildly new or different is any guarantee of success. 4. This point is so important, it really should be number one. Businesses may have great ideas. Then the bank manager calls.
12.08.2009 - Social scientists build case for 'survival of the kindest' By Yasmin Anwar, Media Relations | 08 December 2009 BERKELEY — Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are challenging long-held beliefs that human beings are wired to be selfish. In a wide range of studies, social scientists are amassing a growing body of evidence to show we are evolving to become more compassionate and collaborative in our quest to survive and thrive. (Photo illustration by Jonathan Payne) In contrast to "every man for himself" interpretations of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, Dacher Keltner, a UC Berkeley psychologist and author of "Born to be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life," and his fellow social scientists are building the case that humans are successful as a species precisely because of our nurturing, altruistic and compassionate traits. They call it "survival of the kindest." Empathy in our genes "The tendency to be more empathetic may be influenced by a single gene,” Rodrigues said. Cultivating the greater good
Eloge de l'oisiveté Dans un essai revigorant, “L'Art d'être oisif”, le journaliste fondateur de la revue britannique “The Idler” plaide pour que l'indolence gagne le monde. Nous avons rencontré ce maître à penser de la procrastination. Comment êtes-vous devenu paresseux ? Tom Hodgkinson - J’ai toujours eu une inclination naturelle à la paresse. Mais j’étais aussi assez ambitieux. J’ai donc appris à travailler de manière efficace, rapide, pour avoir plus de temps pour aller au pub. Comment définiriez-vous l’oisiveté ? Johnson disait que toute personne est, ou aspire à être oisive. >> A lire aussi : La playlist idéale pour glandouiller La paresse n’est pas un comportement que les gens revendiquent facilement. La querelle entre les paresseux et les zélés du travail est très ancienne, archaïque même. Mais je pense que la meilleure époque pour être paresseux était le Moyen Âge. Oui, et comme le dit David Graeber, cela s’explique par le fait que l’élite dirigeante a besoin d’être entourée d’une cour, comme le roi.