Take Note: Five Lessons for Note Taking Fun If recent surveys are any indicator, cheating and plagiarism are on the rise. As teachers, however, we might be able to reverse that trend by teaching our students to take good notes. Included: Five fun lessons that teach needed note-taking skills. Home Page August 7, 2012 To all my educator colleagues: As you all know, I retired in June of 2011 from my school district job as Director of Technology. Home Page August 7, 2012 To all my educator colleagues: As you all know, I retired in June of 2011 from my school district job as Director of Technology. I retired to spend more time learning new things to support you as you embed technology into teaching and learning in a meaningful way. I now have the time to visit districts and help with their technology-related initiatives, teach online graduate courses for the Wilkes/Discovery Masters program, and host several webinar series.
Sign up for your Reading Eggs Free Trial Reading Eggs Will Teach Your Child To Read, In Just Weeks. Register For Your FREE Trial Now. Reading Eggs makes learning to read easy and fun by combining books with online reading games and activities. 100 Excellent Online Lectures for Educators Posted on Monday July 5, 2010 by Staff Writers By Lauren Bailey As an educator, you know how important it is to continue to learn throughout your life. With this collection of videos, you can learn all about teaching, learning, and the policies of schools.
NEWSPAPER BLACKOUT POEMS by Austin Kleon In some ways, I’m probably the worst person to teach blackout poetry. I’ve done it for so long, I don’t even really think about it any more. Making art and teaching art are two different skill sets, and a quick Google search for “blackout poetry lesson plans” shows that there’s a small army of English teachers already doing it better than me, anyways. That’s not to say I don’t like teaching, it’s just that I’m never sure I’m any good at it. I’ve done some workshops with a lot of instruction and timed activities, but those always seem just a little bit off.
Top 20 Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps Used By Real Teachers in the Classroom - iPhone app article - Shara Karasic With the advent of the 2011/2012 school year, teachers who have access to mobile technology are scrambling to find the best education apps for the iPod Touch, iPad and iPhone. Educators use apps for everything from communicating with students to inspiring creativity to dissecting virtual frogs. Luckily, we have lots of educators (including Apple Distinguished Educators) on Appolicious who share their lists of the best education apps for elementary, middle school, junior high, and high school. These are the education apps most listed by educators on Appolicious.
Behavior Home Page, Kentucky Welcome The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at UK (SERC) collaborated on this Web page on student behavior for many years. The purpose is to provide a format that allows school personnel, parents, and other professionals to gain access to information, to share effective practices, and to receive ongoing consultation and technical assistance concerning the full range of behavior problems and challenges displayed by children and youth in school and community settings, as well as other behavioral issues that may affect their success in school. Education Place® for Students Students Home Find your textbook! Choose your state.
21st Century Curriculum and Assessment Framework Updated February 2013 Adopted by the NCTE Executive Committee November 19, 2008 Context for NCTE’s 21st Century Literacies Framework In the 1990s, the National Council of Teachers of English and the International Reading Association established national standards for English language arts learners that anticipated the more sophisticated literacy skills and abilities required for full participation in a global, 21st century community. The selected standards, listed in the appendix, served as a clarion call for changes underway today in literacy education. Quick List: iPad Resources For The Classroom One question that comes into my inbox or on Twitter a lot lately is one dealing with iPads in the Classroom. Many schools a all over are investing in iPads in the Classroom and educators want to know how to use them effectively, apps to consider and more. In keeping with the "My Favorite Resources" theme (last week I listed my favorite resources for talking about Twitter) here are my go-to resources when people ask me about iPads in the Classroom.
4Teachers est une page qui regroupe des tonnes de sites web permetant au professeurs de mieux intégrer les TIC à leurs cours. by samuelturcotte Apr 15