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6 Storytelling Apps That Get English Language Learners Talking

6 Storytelling Apps That Get English Language Learners Talking
For English language learners (ELLs) in the classroom, speaking English in front of others — particularly native speakers — can cause tremendous anxiety. In fact, the dread of speaking can actually interfere with students’ ability to learn. Even with the most well-planned, immersive, real-world learning opportunities, the brains of students with high anxiety won’t be receptive to learning, according to Stephen Krashen’s “Affective Filter Hypothesis” (and the brain research that supports it). So how can we design speaking activities that don’t make our students’ hearts race and palms sweat? Digital storytelling can be an effective way for ELLs to practice speaking English without the stress of being “on stage.” Here are a few digital storytelling tools to help get your ELLs talking. Kid in Story Book Maker(Elementary)Kids use green screen-like technology to put photos of themselves (or others) into a story template, then add text and voice recording. Related:  Apps IIApps

8 Useful Apps for Visually Impaired Students August 30, 2015 We received a few requests in the past from teachers inquiring about apps for the visually impaired. Below are some of the popular apps we would recommend for teachers. We have also included a list of some useful resources where you can access a wide variety of other apps to use with the blind and the visually impaired. Check them out at the end of this post. 1- ViA- By Braille Institute ‘Braille Institute is proud to introduce ViA (Visually Impaired Apps), a fully accessible app for iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. 2- Be My Eyes- Helping Blind See ‘Be the eyes for a blind person in need of help remotely through a live video connection if you are sighted or be assisted by the network of sighted users if you are blind. 3- TapTapSee - Blind & Visually Impaired Camera 4- Talking Calculator ‘A comprehensively featured calculator that has become a favorite among adults and primary schools around the world. 5- SayText ‘SayText reads out loud the text in the image. 6- AccessNote

Les apps preferides de Puigdemont, Núria Picas, Màrius Serra, Agnès Marquès, Roger Coma, Marta Rojals… És gairebé impossible de calcular quantes aplicacions de mòbil hi ha, entre els sistemes d’iPhone i Android. Cada dia se’n creen desenes. L’oferta és inabastable. Cadascú en selecciona unes quantes: algunes d’útils, que serveixen per a la feina, algunes altres per a informar-se o simplement per a entretenir-se. Carles Puigdemont (president de la Generalitat de Catalunya) El president de la Generalitat explica que per a ell és imprescindible de portar diverses aplicacions de ràdio. Pau Garcia-Milà (empresari informàtic) UberEATS. Alto’s Adventure. Agnès Marquès (periodista) Rain Alarm. Jordi Calvís (il·lustrador) Slack. VectorSNAP. Quim Morales (periodista) TheRichest. Voice Plus. Marta Rovira (política) Pages. Marta Rojals (escriptora) MSQRD. Meme Generator. Màrius Serra (escriptor i periodista) DIEC2. ApparkB. Gina Tost (experta en comunicació sobre tecnologia i ‘gaming’) Zenly. Triller. Quimi Portet (músic) Guitar Toolkit. Núria Picas (esportista) Shazam. Goles Messenger. Office Lens. S Health.

Can We Talk About Sustained Silent Reading? By Amber Rain Chandler I have this theory. One day I’ll write a dissertation about it, but for now, humor me. I think there’s a direct relationship between making middle school students write about their independent reading and the sudden onset of groans when they are then given time to read books of their choice. Think about it. My own daughter read the entire Harry Potter series over the course of a school term. So, am I somehow committing malpractice? Given this background, you might understand my mixed feelings as I continue to weigh the pros and cons of implementing Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) this year with my 8th graders. Theoretically, I can rationalize this uninterrupted time, but in practice, I guess I’m like the other naysayers of SSR, like Mark Pennington, a Massachusetts reading specialist, whose article “Why Sustained Silent Reading Doesn’t Work” is spot on in most ways. Then I remembered my resolution: Reading is the thing. So, I listened to what others are saying

Five Ideas for Using Padlet in the Classroom Padlet is a web tool that works like a collaborative piece of virtual paper, and each paper is called a Padlet Wall. Users can add text, photos, videos, links, or even documents from their devices if they simply have the link to Padlet Wall. With the addition of an ios app this month, Padlet can be accessed on virtually any device. By default, Padlet Walls are public, but the owner of a Padlet Wall can restrict access to invited collaborators only, add a password to a wall, or simply make it public yet hidden from public searches. For added security in the classroom, Padlet users can turn on the moderation option to require approval for posts before they are added. With all of these security features and no login required, Padlet is a wonderful tool for the classroom with so many possibilities! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How have you used Padlet in the classroom?

5 Apps to Transform Teaching and Personalize Learning Transformation requires a journey for teachers toward great educational rewards for students. Knowing how to craft learning experiences that meld technology with the curriculum is key to crafting digital-age lessons. As digital tools are integrated seamlessly with sound pedagogical practice, a new classroom culture emerges. This is a culture focused on student-centered, personalized learning and shifting away from traditional teacher-centered classrooms. The digitally-rich lesson format below has evolved as technology has been infused into these lesson components: Whole-group instruction Guided practice Independent practice Reflection 1. Whole-group instruction has traditionally been delivered in lecture format: the teacher stands in front of the class and presents the same lesson to everyone at the same time. Nearpod is a free presentation tool available for all computers, tablets, and phones. 2. Research shows that timely and immediate feedback has a significant impact on learning. 3.

online • Visual Dictionary, Visual Thesaurus Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary — Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. Enter words into the search box to look them up or double-click a node to expand the tree. It's a dictionary! Visuwords™ uses Princeton University’s WordNet, an opensource database built by University students and language researchers. The Visuwords™ Interface To use the applet you only need to type a word into the search query at the top of the page and press 'Enter'. You can zoom the model in and out by rolling the wheel on your mouse. Understanding the links between Synsets "is a kind of" — hyponym/hypernym pair With regards to "wheat" and "grain", we see a cyan link from "wheat" pointing towards "grain" we can understand this to mean that wheat "is a kind of" grain.

How to get started with the Writing Reviser Add-on for Google Docs - Pathfinders The Writing Reviser add-on in Google Docs. I’m sure most students would agree that writing well—especially writing well for a variety of purposes—is not easy. On any given school day, a student might be asked to analyze a poem by Emily Dickinson, to construct a lab report following a science experiment, or to explain the historical importance of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Here’s the good news: SAS Curriculum Pathways now offers a free add-on that Google Docs users can install to help them revise and edit their writing. There’s more good news: it’s easy to use. If you have not already done so, install the SAS Writing Reviser add-on from Google Docs. Of course, the SAS Writing Reviser add-on will not analyze the poem for the student, and it certainly won’t conduct the science experiment or evaluate Lincoln’s speech.

DnA - Resources | Howjsay Howjsay is a talking dictionary of English pronunciation. It allows you to easily check how words sound without learning any phonemic symbols. It uses audio of real speakers! Key Features Over 150,000 entries with approximately 250,000 spoken pronunciations One-click access to fast, clear sounds All pronunciations are carefully researched before inclusion British English pronunciation with World English alternatives British and American spellings History feature allows you to browse previous entries All sounds are authentic - no synthetic sounds are used Same database as the world's leading English pronunciation website,, with regular updates and addition of new topical words Many foreign words, names of places, foods, people, etc. How to Use It Online version (free) Enter the word on the website. (The page also shows links to google definitions and translation, using a new pop up window.) Browser plugins for IE9, Chrome, Firefox (free) Why I Love Howjsay Quick Tip

How can film help you teach or learn English? What can film and video add to the learning experience? Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council’s TeachingEnglish blog award tells us why film is such a good resource and recommends some useful websites, in one of our top five articles of all time, illustrated by artist Jamie Johnson. Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable Motivation is one of the most important factors in determining successful second-language acquisition. Film provides authentic and varied language Another benefit of using film is that it provides a source of authentic and varied language. Film gives a visual context The visuality of film makes it an invaluable language teaching tool, enabling learners to understand more by interpreting the language in a full visual context. Variety and flexibility Lesson plans Allat C Lessonstream Viral ELT Film English
