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When SHTF - The Modern Day Survival Forum

When SHTF - The Modern Day Survival Forum

Howstuffworks "10 Ways to Survive a Snowstorm" There's no truer statement than the old adage "you can't control the weather." You can't­ even predict it with complete certainty. As advanced as our meteorological forecasting techniques are these days, weather systems are changeable forces of nature. They can come on quickly, switch direction without notice and build in intensity in a short period of time. The Nation­al Snow and Ice Data Center defines a blizzard as a "violent winter storm, lasting at least 3 hours, which combines below freezing temperatures and very strong wind laden with blowing snow that reduces visibility to less than 1 km." If a blizzard is bad enough, snow plows and salt trucks won't even brave the elements.

The Survival Monkey Wilderness survival skills Never Talk to the Police | Quick Hitts By Dave Hitt on Mar 31, 2010 in Featured, Police State What’s the best response when a cop asks you something? Silence, or a short, polite non-answer. Shut up. Just. You should be polite and calm whenever dealing with any armed person. These videos made the rounds about a year ago. In the first part of the first video a fast talking law professor gives you detailed reasons why you should never talk to the police. This is part two, where a former police officer fills in the details. Here are some practical examples of how to legally preserve your rights in an encounter with police: Ok, after all that heavy duty stuff, we need a breather.

Survival Station - Emergency, Survival and Self Defense Supplies and Information Wildwood Survival 100 Items to Disappear First 100 Items to Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Water Filters/Purifiers 3. From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks. 1.

Bug Out Bag – The 7 Types of Gear You Must Have to Survive Bug Out Bag For someone new to being a Survivalist building your first Bug Out Bag can seem like a big task. Everybody you read about has been tweaking theirs for months or even years and has a pile of gear built up. A Bug Out Bag, also called a BOB, I.N.C.H Bag (I’m Never Coming Home Bag),Get Out of Dodge Bag (GOOD Bag), or 72 Hour Bag is usually designed to get you out of an emergency situation and allow you to survive self-contained for up to 3 days. Here are the 7 basic types of gear you will need for your Bug Out Bag: 1. It should go without saying that water is a survival basic for any situation. 1 Liter per day per person is really the bare minimum. To expand your capability or survive longer than a couple of days you will need a water purification system. 2. Backpack Meals For a 3 Day Bug Out Bag Backpack Meals and Energy Bars can be sufficient. 3. Your Bug Out Bag clothes should be similar to what you would pack for a weekend backpacking trip. 4. They Don’t have a ground tarp… 5.
