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When SHTF - The Modern Day Survival Forum

When SHTF - The Modern Day Survival Forum The Apartment Prepper's Blog | Family Preparedness in an Apartment Setting by Bernie Carr Howstuffworks "10 Ways to Survive a Snowstorm" There's no truer statement than the old adage "you can't control the weather." You can't­ even predict it with complete certainty. As advanced as our meteorological forecasting techniques are these days, weather systems are changeable forces of nature. They can come on quickly, switch direction without notice and build in intensity in a short period of time. The Nation­al Snow and Ice Data Center defines a blizzard as a "violent winter storm, lasting at least 3 hours, which combines below freezing temperatures and very strong wind laden with blowing snow that reduces visibility to less than 1 km." If a blizzard is bad enough, snow plows and salt trucks won't even brave the elements.

The One-Stop Survival Preparedness Guide - For Your Physical and Financial Survival Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family CD3WD Archives the Information Necessary to Rebuild Society @Eric Geller: It reminds me of the OLPC project, straight from the ivory tower of MIT. It lacks a sense of priority... where the industrialized Western world thinks that so called 'third world' countries will do ok if tech is thrown at them. Imo it's an arrogant attitude, and an attitude that says that if we give them tech first, then everything else will follow. "So you're infrastructure is down and disorder is everywhere and there's no food or fuel.... No problem! Just draw upon that knowledge that you downloaded when you still had internet! @Eric Geller: More like a monetary problem. I don't know about that. Technology can be used as a multiplier to better utilize the resources that already exist. Think of this as the lifehacker for the rest of the world.

Survival Top 50 The Survival, Prepping, Emergency Preparedness and Self Reliance Blog
