Registration Districts in England and Wales These pages show composition of the civil registration districts in England since 1837 to the present, and in Wales between 1837 and 1996. The same districts were also used to compile the decennial census for the years 1851 to 1911. The following information is given for each district: Name of the district Registration county (many districts crossed county boundaries, but were classed wholly in one county for registration and census purposes). Date of creation Date of abolition Names of the sub districts. There is also an Alphabetical List of Districts and an Index of Place Names (1837–1974) for the whole of England and Wales. Please note that information covering the period after 1974 is not yet complete, and the current listings may be subject to change at any time. Any comments or queries regarding these listings should be sent to the address at the bottom of this page. England (1837-present) Wales (1837-1996) © Copyright and Database Right 1996–2013 Brett Langston
PhpGedView News - Online genealogy at its best Access Genealogy: A Free Genealogy Resource Internet Guides | Free Genealogy Resources Tracing back your family tree is rewarding, but can often be pretty challenging! Learn about new ways to make your genealogy research easier. Whether you are just beginning your genealogy research, or have been doing it for over 20 years, you may find these articles of help when it comes to discovering new genealogical resources, organizing yourself, and making the most of the research technology available! Find Genealogy Records When it gets difficult to find a particular genealogy record, this is the resource you can turn to. There are various reasons why you might be having a difficult time locating genealogy records. Online Search Tips for Researching Your Past Unsuccessful in searching for someone using a name, address and state of residence? Genealogy Research Tutorials Don't know what genealogy is? World Genealogy If you are conducting genealogy research outside of the United States, this is the resource for you. Search For Genealogists Online Genealogy Free Library Genealogy Resources
Price & Associates: Expert Links: English Family History and Genealogy England Many sets of records were kept for England and Wales together, so that the problems of locating them and using them are very similar in the two countries. For convenience such records are described here, rather than on the British Isles pages. Counties N.B. GENUKI is organised on the basis of historic counties. Information Related to all of England Archives and Libraries England - Archives and Libraries - links and information. Bibliography G.E. Biography The Books We Own - England pages list books relating to England which volunteers are willing to search on request. Business and Commerce Records Registration of Companies and Businesses, Domestic Records Information Leaflet 40 in the Research Guides from The National Archives has useful background information. Cemeteries For details of the graves of the rich and famous, together with biographical information, look at the Find-a-Grave (England) page. Census England - Census - links and information. Chronology Church History Church Records Gazetteers
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FreeREG History of Faversham, in Swale and Kent | Map and description Faversham.-- mun. bor., market town, and par., river-port, and corporate member of the Cinque Port of Dover, E. Kent, on Faversham Creek (a branch of the Swale), 8 miles NW. of Canterbury and 52 miles SE. of London--par., 2292 ac., pop. 9484; town, 538 ac., pop. 8743; bor. and corporate member, 536 ac., pop. 8616; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks, 1 newspaper.Market-days, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Faversham is a very ancient place; its name occurs in 812. In 1147 King Stephen and Queen Maud founded at Faversham a Cluniac abbey, within the walls of which they were buried. ... Faversham Creek is navigable up to the town for vessels of 200 tons.