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The Sumerians were one of the earliest urban societies to emerge in the world, in Southern Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. They developed a writing system whose wedge-shaped strokes would influence the style of scripts in the same geographical area for the next 3000 years. Eventually, all of these diverse writing systems, which encompass both logophonetic, consonantal alphabetic, and syllabic systems, became known as cuneiform. It is actually possible to trace the long road of the invention of the Sumerian writing system. For 5000 years before the appearance of writing in Mesopotamia, there were small clay objects in abstract shapes, called clay tokens, that were apparently used for counting agricultural and manufactured goods. Subsequently, the ancient Mesopotamians stopped using clay tokens altogether, and simply impressed the symbol of the clay tokens on wet clay surfaces. You can read more about the previous example at Related Links Sumerian Language Page. Related:  RESERVE

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Земля до потопа: исчезнувшие континенты и цивилизации What Jews Believe: Prooftext #10: Isaiah Ch. 53 To missionary Christians, Isaiah 53 is the perfect description of the life and death of Jesus. Because it is so perfect a description, they feel that Jesus must have been the Messiah because he seems to have fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 53. Some of these Fundamentalist Christians are told that this is so perfect a description of Jesus that the Jews are forbidden to read it! Furthermore, they are told that the Jews read from the Prophets every week in their religious services, but the 53rd chapter of Isaiah was intentionally left out of those readings because it is so obviously a description of Jesus. No part of the Jewish Bible was ever censored by the Jewish people; at no time were Jews forbidden by Jewish authorities to read certain parts of the Bible. Had the Jews wanted to censor any part of the TaNaCH (the Hebrew Bible), they simply would have removed it from the TaNaCH to begin with, or not included it in the Canon. And see also Isaiah 43:10; 44:1; 48:20, 49:7

Предсказания Эдгара Кейси Самый необычный экстрасенс за всю историю человечества - Эдгар Кейс Желание заглянуть в будущее - это одна из присущих людям черт. Вот почему всевозможные предсказания и слова "прорицателей" пользовались неизменной популярностью. КЕЙСИ ***10.500.000 лет до нашей эры: Появление обезьяноподобных людей, живущих в пещерах и делящихся на семьи. современного человечества. КЕЙСИ *** 200.000 лет до нашей эры: Прибытие на Земной план внеземных духовных сущностей, сформировавших Атлантиду. КЕЙСИ *** 100.000 лет до нашей эры: Амилиус, существующая в то время духовная сущность, замечает надвигающийся кризис. КЕЙСИ *** 75.000 лет до нашей эры: Мыслеформенные сущности "уплотняются или появляются в форме нынешнего человеческого тела". КЕЙСИ *** 50.000 лет до нашей эры: В результате сдвига полюсов гибнет первая крупная человеческая технологическая цивилизация на Земле. КЕЙСИ *** 25.000 лет до нашей эры: Второе крупное наводнение в Атлантиде. Пророк Эдгар Кейс в начале XX века предсказал две мировые войны

Living In Truth: Archaeology and the Patriarchs by: Charles N. Pope Parallel between the Hebrew record (Bible) and evidence from Egyptology Copyright ©1999-2004 by Charles Pope United States Library of Congress. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Part I - Early Egyptian History Chapter 1 "Sons of a Greater Goddess" (Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel) Chapter 2 "The Fair Daughters of Godly Men" (Patriarch Enoch) Chapter 3 "In Love and War" (Patriarchs Irad, Mehujael, Mehushael and Lamech) Chapter 4 "Deadly Drought, Fatal Flood" (Noah to Nimrod) Chapter 5 "Biblical Dark Ages" (From Nimrod to Sargon) Chapter 6 "God is One God" (Origins of Biblical Jehovah in the Egyptian Religion of Amen) Chapter 7 "A Sceptre Shall Rise" (The Genesis of Israel) Chapter 8 "The Fullness of Time" (The Dual Identities of Joseph, Moses and Joshua) Chapter 9 "Right in Their Own Eyes" (Perspectives on the United Kingdom of David and Solomon Overview of Chapters 10 through 15) Chapter 10 "Contending with the Almighty" Chapter 11 "All My Will"

Scientists Discover Forbidden Ancient Text That Teaches Superhuman Abilities Do you believe in magic? The Ars Notoria, the oldest known portion of the Lemegeton a.k.a the Lesser Key Of Solomon, is a rare ancient text that is said to grant supernatural abilities to the one using it’s secrets spells! The Lesser Key Of Solomon, is an ancient grimoire – spell book – on demonology that was compiled in the mid-17th century. Divided into five books, the last part, the Ars Notoria contains a series of prayers that is said to grant eidetic memory and instantaneous leaning to the magician who’s using it. “…The Notory Art revealed by the Most High Creator to Solomon. Derived from on of the most well-known Christian demonology book, believers of the Ars Notoria, affirm that these texts provide knowledge and give the super natural ability to access ideas and rituals of people who had died long ago! Sponsored Links Related Article: 10-mind-boggling-images-of-that-prove-ancient-man-had-advanced-technology Among other things, the ancient text teaches fascinating spell tricks.

90,000 Secret CIA Files on Telepathy, Clairvoyance and MK-ULTRA Public Tens of thousands of secret CIA files were made public after years of wrangling. These include more than 12,000 documents about the Stargate program, a research into remote viewing, which the intelligence service secretly conducted. In the early seventies, the CIA supported a program to examine a form of extrasensory perception called remote viewing utility could be useful for intelligence gathering. US military intelligence service DIA labeled this program the Stargate. Clairvoyance Clearly Demonstrated The Psychics were educated on remote viewing, precognition (seeing the future) and telepathy. Para Psychologist and Professor Jessica Utts of the University of California – Irvine concluded after her review of the project that clairvoyance was clearly demonstrated. The study suggested according to her clairvoyance works just like our other five senses, namely by observing change. There are also many thousands of documents released on MK-ULTRA. Burned See Stargate Documents

Are Your Past Lives Stored in Your DNA? | The Oldest Soul What if a simple blood test could reveal the number of lives your soul has lived? Would you want to know? What would happen to the world as we know it if reincarnation was proven real? Scientifically. That’s the mind-bending premise of a breakout debut novel called Animus that fearlessly goes there, and it’s sparking intrigue and controversy and igniting imaginations around the globe since its recent release. This compelling, lightning-fast read isn’t set in some future dystopia either, it takes our present day world and flips it on its head with the discovery of Animus, the holy grail of human existence, that reveals the number of lifetimes a soul has lived, as unexplained apocalyptic events begin to “coincidentally” occur. But what Roman doesn’t mention is that the new genetic test called Animus will soon expose what she is to the whole world and that he’s being tasked with the impossible; steering her, into the open arms of another, a boy named Jude. There are nine soul types.

Музей Кунсткамера выложил 56 тысяч оцифрованных экспонатов в сеть: philologist Музей Гетти (Лос-Анджелес) выложил 10 тысяч оцифрованных экспонатов в сеть Вопреки своей короткой истории, с 1974 года художественный музей Гетти успел стать самым большим на западном побережье США. Благодаря капиталам… Выставка "Шаманы Севера", 8-30 июля 2016 г. (анонс) Музей музыки и фольклора народов Якутии с 8 июля 2016 г. приглашает на выставку «ШАМАНЫ СЕВЕРА». Как феномен мировой цивилизации,… Музей Соломона Гуггенхайма (Нью-Йорк) выложил 1700 оцифрованных экспонатов в сеть В постоянной коллекции «Гуггенхайма» насчитывается более 7 тысяч произведений. Около 1 700 из них оцифрованы. Музей истории искусств в Вене выложил 10 тысяч оцифрованных экспонатов в сеть Знаменитая сокровищница династии Габсбургов, венский Музей истории искусств в нынешнем году празднует юбилей — 125 лет со дня открытия, и…
